What it really means if Republicans scuttle the Iran deal:

Keep the sanctions in place, cripple their economy,let the UN continue enforcing resolutions.

#1 rule: NEVER negotiate with terrorists
You can't do that, no one will support you.

You've always negotiated with terrorists.
Encourage your representative to not ratify the treaty then.
Thats just a lib talking point .....am i right........
No, it's one possibility of refusing the treaty. Other possibilities are the US being isolated by the other treaty signatories, or Iran increasing its efforts to produce purer grades of fuel.
Oh its a possiblity.......not a desire.........war is always a possibility when dealing with thugs nations.......
Which the Republicans are trying desperately to turn the US into.
Republicans play politics. They are a desperate party. Willing to use this dangerous situation to score what they imagine are political points.

The Iran deal is with the US and six other nations. The current sanctions only work because the rest of the world participates. If Republicans mess up this deal after 5 other countries agreed to it, you can bet that will be the end of the sanctions. Which means Iran has plenty of oil to sell. Money will pour into Iran and they will do whatever they want. Including building nuclear weapons.

Republicans say they want a better deal. Republicans imagine they can get a better deal than the six countries Iran negotiated with. There is no better deal. It will only get worse. Republicans don't know how to negotiate and those people will not be intimidated by the US even though Republicans imagine they only need to be tough like Ronald Reagan and the Iranians will cower and do what we say. Such stupid ignorance when Iranians are willing to commit suicide. The Kamikaze's were the most dangerous during WWII for good reason.

The moratorium is for 15 years. No treaties are forever. 15 years is a long time. A lot can happen in that time. Look at the Middle East before Bush and the GOP. It was relatively stable. Now they have turned it into a violent quagmire pretty much without any more Christians. What happened to Iraq's Christians under Bush? And Bush did it in a few years, not 15.

So because this deal is scuttled, we are expected to go bomb them if they build a nuclear weapon? A country three times the size of Iraq with lots more oil? Are Republicans willing to send their kids off on another fiasco? What if people stop joining the military because of GOP foolish policies? Then what? And how will the rest of the world react. Will they put sanctions on us?

And as Obama pointed out, the hard right in Iran scream "Death to America" while the hard right here scream, "Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran". That means their hard right and our hard right are working together.

Would you buy a house or car agree to terms that include a side agreement with the lender and car dealer that makes demands THAT YOU will have to keep but that
you are NOT allowed to see? Would you sign such an agreement, i.e. there is a side deal between your lender and the car dealer that has TERMS you have to agree

So then why the need for the one sided Iran deal?
The "deal" we have now NOT ONE American has seen the deal struck between the IAEA and Iran?
"The side agreements, which probably lay out the terms by which the IAEA will actually perform its five-month investigation under the road map, aren't public. And they're so secret that the US secretary of state isn't able to read them.

Kerry told the Foreign Affairs Committee that he had been briefed on the documents but hadn't had a first-hand look at them.

"No, I haven't seen it," Kerry said, adding that "we don't have access to the actual agreement."

Kerry also clarified that national-security adviser Susan Rice had not seen them either.

Secret part of the Iran agreement - Business Insider
Obama knows nothing about negotiation. His first concession was taking the military option off the table which allowed the Iranians to negotiate with the USA as equals.....it's naive and incredibly stupid.

There is an excellent interview with Alan Dershowitz at the Observer - Dershowitz Obama Is an Abject Failure by His Own Standards Observer

Dershowitz is an Obama fan, and even he knows this deal is pure garbage......

It's really a shame too, because we had a chance to make a good deal and Obama and Kerry blew it. They're the JV team.
This "treaty" isn't designed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
It merely postpones it
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"

Okay Sherlock.... What should US do? Do you have an idea how to solve this Iran thing?
I defer to the gentlemen that are members of the foreign relations committee.

Keep the sanctions in place, cripple their economy,let the UN continue enforcing resolutions.

#1 rule: NEVER negotiate with terrorists

Still don't have an answer to what we get out of this wonderful deal?

The sanctions was in placed then. Did it stop Iran from building their nuclear ambitions? That is a big No. Look how far and now how close they are in building a nuclear bomb.
More sanctions that don't work? And let them keep building?
Republicans play politics. They are a desperate party. Willing to use this dangerous situation to score what they imagine are political points.
The Iran deal is with the US and six other nations. The current sanctions only work because the rest of the world participates. If Republicans mess up this deal after 5 other countries agreed to it, you can bet that will be the end of the sanctions.
This "treaty" isn't designed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
It merely postpones it
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"

Okay Sherlock.... What should US do? Do you have an idea how to solve this Iran thing?
I defer to the gentlemen that are members of the foreign relations committee.

Keep the sanctions in place, cripple their economy,let the UN continue enforcing resolutions.

#1 rule: NEVER negotiate with terrorists

Still don't have an answer to what we get out of this wonderful deal?

The sanctions was in placed then. Did it stop Iran from building their nuclear ambitions? That is a big No. Look how far and now how close they are in building a nuclear bomb.
More sanctions that don't work? And let them keep building?

If the sanctions weren't working why did Iran come to the table?
OR did Obama wanting some shred of legacy make an offer Iran couldn't refuse to come to the table...i.e. dropping sanctions?
Because Obama was concerned about his tattered legacy he sold the USA down the river by taking ANY deal and then agreeing to lifting the ONLY tool i.e. sanctions!
The 'Deal' should be studied and voted on by Congress. That's how the System should work. If they vote Nay on it, so be it. The System worked.
The Iranians will go back to building centrifugals with Russian engineers, enriching nuclear fuel all without oversight.

Will they make a bomb? Might as well since Israel is threatening to bomb their plants. A nuclear bomb test will shut the Israelis up just like the N. Korean test shut Bush up.
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"

Okay Sherlock.... What should US do? Do you have an idea how to solve this Iran thing?
I defer to the gentlemen that are members of the foreign relations committee.

Keep the sanctions in place, cripple their economy,let the UN continue enforcing resolutions.

#1 rule: NEVER negotiate with terrorists

Still don't have an answer to what we get out of this wonderful deal?

The sanctions was in placed then. Did it stop Iran from building their nuclear ambitions? That is a big No. Look how far and now how close they are in building a nuclear bomb.
More sanctions that don't work? And let them keep building?

If the sanctions weren't working why did Iran come to the table?

Exactly.. only a buffoon negotiates from a position of strength and gives away the farm. This administration is clueless... we had Iran on their knees and then gave them everything they wanted and then gave them the money & time needed to develop a nuke.

The stupidity of Obama and Kerry is mind boggling.
It should.
Because it's like 'a force for good'?

Because it's been doing such a good job of ensuring stability in the ME?

I don't quite see the good in turning the ME into a shitheap for decades as it pursues its interests.
Sorry Retardean, but the constitution subjects treaties to the "Advice and consent of the Senate". It's called "checks and balances".

The US Constitution- you should read it.


PS- You're a fag.

Why would the Senate vote the treaty down knowing that if they do we'd be weakened?

Do you guys really believe that crap...have you not one brain cell between you? There is no Iran deal........Iran is still working on their bomb, and will make the bomb on their own timetable....the only thing is how soon they will be given back their billions of dollars so they can fund more killing, and how soon they can openly build ballistic missiles..........

did any of you research Chamberlain...hitlerr....."Peace in our Time". anyone?

It is like explaining math to a dog...but I like dogs.....you guys...not so much...
So exactly what is the big deal if Iran obtains a nuclear device?

Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea supposedly have nuclear devices, nothing's happened except they haven't been invaded.

A lesson to any country I'd have thought.
So exactly what is the big deal if Iran obtains a nuclear device?

Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea supposedly have nuclear devices, nothing's happened except they haven't been invaded.

A lesson to any country I'd have thought.

Good point.

Here is a quick breakdown for you:
Make the deal- Iran gets a nuke in 10 yrs and $150 billion
Nix the deal- Iran gets a nuke in 10 years

So why give them $150 billion?

Nix the deal and keep the money and sanctions running.....

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