What I've learned from the left this election cycle

Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?
You could probably add "you didn't build that" and "you didn't earn that".

From the GOP, for some perspective, we've learned:

1 Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
2. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
3. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie, and
4. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie.

Would you prefer being called Satan and ISIS and Hitler? To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse.

Somehow I think you have it better.

Rightwingers have claimed many times before on this board that Democrats celebrate terrorist attacks by ISIS, that Hitler was a leftwinger, and that liberal policies were evil. AND they're commies.

Meanwhile in Washington.....

Did you hear that everyone? Hitler like Hillary.....or Hitler likes Hitlery, depending on your partisan politics.

They must think us all fools.

They be right.

The average voter is a brain dead retard. Show actual video of Trump contradicting himself at every turn and it won't matter. The voter response will be, "But WE ANGRY!"
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?

Missing anything? That's funny, as a member in good standing of the Crazy Right Wing much of what you post is mean spirited silly, ridiculous and insipid hackery. Your posts generally (I'm being kind) are fatuous and lack profundity. The good news being you're not alone, see the works of Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, Rabbi(t), M14, 2aguy - I could go on but most will get the message.

I'm proving a point here.

You call me mean spirited just because I post the mean spirited and insane ramblings from the left?

"The left"? Trump is hated by mainstream Republicans (now called "The Establishment". A new iteration of RINO?); Cruz is hated by the Republican Caucus in the Senate and "Jesus is ISIS" is insipid hackery. The GOP is (it seems) suicidal and has circled the wagons with all guns pointed inward. And I find that both good and bad.

The Bad: The Republican Party has moved too far to the right, it has become an Authoritarian, anti-intellectual hodgepodge of biddable iconoclasts. And yet the demagogues and charlatans who seek to lead claim to support freedom and liberty when the mic is on, and power and control when the mic is off.

The good is there are adults still operating behind the curtain working to return sanity to the party. Can their appeal to reason succeed is the question, to be answered months or years from now.
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?
You could probably add "you didn't build that" and "you didn't earn that".

From the GOP, for some perspective, we've learned:

1 Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
2. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
3. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie, and
4. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie.

Would you prefer being called Satan and ISIS and Hitler? To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse.

Somehow I think you have it better.

Rightwingers have claimed many times before on this board that Democrats celebrate terrorist attacks by ISIS, that Hitler was a leftwinger, and that liberal policies were evil. AND they're commies.

Meanwhile in Washington.....

Did you hear that everyone? Hitler like Hillary.....or Hitler likes Hitlery, depending on your partisan politics.

They must think us all fools.

They be right.

Hitler and Hillary have similarities.
  1. They both hate Jews
  2. They both believe in taking away our guns
  3. They're both Socialists
  4. They're both fascists
  5. They both feel that their political opponents are their most hated enemies
  6. They both had loveless marriages
  7. They both hid serious health issues
  8. They both murdered millions of people directly or indirectly through their policies
  9. They both had better relations with Muslim countries than with most European countries
  10. They both supported an Arab Freedom Movement
  11. They both supported Arab control of Jerusalem
  12. They both support The Muslim Brotherhood
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?

Missing anything? That's funny, as a member in good standing of the Crazy Right Wing much of what you post is mean spirited silly, ridiculous and insipid hackery. Your posts generally (I'm being kind) are fatuous and lack profundity. The good news being you're not alone, see the works of Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, Rabbi(t), M14, 2aguy - I could go on but most will get the message.

I'm proving a point here.

You call me mean spirited just because I post the mean spirited and insane ramblings from the left?

"The left"? Trump is hated by mainstream Republicans (now called "The Establishment". A new iteration of RINO?); Cruz is hated by the Republican Caucus in the Senate and "Jesus is ISIS" is insipid hackery. The GOP is (it seems) suicidal and has circled the wagons with all guns pointed inward. And I find that both good and bad.

The Bad: The Republican Party has moved too far to the right, it has become an Authoritarian, anti-intellectual hodgepodge of biddable iconoclasts. And yet the demagogues and charlatans who seek to lead claim to support freedom and liberty when the mic is on, and power and control when the mic is off.

The good is there are adults still operating behind the curtain working to return sanity to the party. Can their appeal to reason succeed is the question, to be answered months or years from now.
The Republican Establishment is essentially the Democrat Party light.
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?

Personally, this election proves nothing about conservatives that we don't already know.

Missing from your list .. Republicans are fucking morons. :0) Just a bunch of braindead racist clowns that will post, say, and think the dumbest shit imaginable.

Hope that helps. :0)
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?
You could probably add "you didn't build that" and "you didn't earn that".

From the GOP, for some perspective, we've learned:

1 Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
2. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie
3. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie, and
4. Everyone to the Left of me is a commie.

Would you prefer being called Satan and ISIS and Hitler? To be honest, I'm not sure which is worse.

Somehow I think you have it better.

Rightwingers have claimed many times before on this board that Democrats celebrate terrorist attacks by ISIS, that Hitler was a leftwinger, and that liberal policies were evil. AND they're commies.

Meanwhile in Washington.....

Did you hear that everyone? Hitler like Hillary.....or Hitler likes Hitlery, depending on your partisan politics.

They must think us all fools.

They be right.

The average voter is a brain dead retard. Show actual video of Trump contradicting himself at every turn and it won't matter. The voter response will be, "But WE ANGRY!"

Voters typically vote with their wallets.

With Obama, it was such things as the free Obamaphone and less expensive health care. LOL.

With Trump it is "the deal maker" who will return jobs to the US and return sanity to the immigration problems in the US so that US citizens will stop losing their jobs to them and paying billions to educate them and treat them in hospitals while letting their sick veterans die because they are too expensive to treat.

I think both are full of shit.

With Hillary though, I'm not sure what the bait at the end of the hook is. Did she adopt the free college carrot Bernie was peddling? This may prove problematic for her. So instead of traveling to West Virginia to tell coal miners she will take their jobs away, maybe she can promise them something that is free like free rubbers for everyone.
Here is a list of what I've learned from the left this election cycle.

1. Trump is Hitler.

2. Cruz is Satan.

3. Jesus is ISIS

4. The GOP is the Taliban.

Am I missing anything else here?

Missing anything? That's funny, as a member in good standing of the Crazy Right Wing much of what you post is mean spirited silly, ridiculous and insipid hackery. Your posts generally (I'm being kind) are fatuous and lack profundity. The good news being you're not alone, see the works of Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, Rabbi(t), M14, 2aguy - I could go on but most will get the message.

I'm proving a point here.

You call me mean spirited just because I post the mean spirited and insane ramblings from the left?

"The left"? Trump is hated by mainstream Republicans (now called "The Establishment". A new iteration of RINO?); Cruz is hated by the Republican Caucus in the Senate and "Jesus is ISIS" is insipid hackery. The GOP is (it seems) suicidal and has circled the wagons with all guns pointed inward. And I find that both good and bad.

The Bad: The Republican Party has moved too far to the right, it has become an Authoritarian, anti-intellectual hodgepodge of biddable iconoclasts. And yet the demagogues and charlatans who seek to lead claim to support freedom and liberty when the mic is on, and power and control when the mic is off.

The good is there are adults still operating behind the curtain working to return sanity to the party. Can their appeal to reason succeed is the question, to be answered months or years from now.

The country turned to the GOP in 2010 in a historic election. At no other time in history did the GOP make such advances nationally in the polls, all in direct response to the train crash they saw with Obama. They promised to fight to repeal Obamacare they promised to not raise the debt ceiling etc., etc.

And what did they get in return? Promises broken and Ted Cruz standing alone reciting Green Eggs and Ham to the US Congress. So go on and blame the "far right" for their demise, but you would be a liar. After all, the only reason Ted Cruz did so well was because he did what he promised to do. If it were nor for the "outsider" Trump, he would have won the nomination.

Now the GOP is dead, or soon will be, once people realize that a vote for Trump was a vote for Hillary..

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