What James Madison (1793 Founder of Republican Party and author of Constitution) said about how lib

Madison is not the founder of the Republican Party.

Republican Party founded - Mar 20, 1854 - HISTORY.com

So who founded Republican party in 1793??
What part of “the Republican Party was founded in 1854” do you not understand.

Remember when Lincoln became the second candidate of the Republican Party in 1797?

why so afraid to tell us what Party Jefferson founded in 1793??? What do we learn from your fear?
You mean the Democratic Republican Party? That existed until 1825.

What Party was President Lincoln the second Presidential candidate of?
What Party was President Lincoln the second Presidential candidate of?

a second Republican anti slavery party largely irrelevant today given that slavery is long over while main argument in human history is between freedom (Jefferson) and govt (Marx Obama Sanders, etc). Now do you understand?
What Party was President Lincoln the second Presidential candidate of?

a second Republican anti slavery party largely irrelevant today given that slavery is long over while main argument in human history is between freedom (Jefferson) and govt (Marx Obama Sanders, etc). Now do you understand?

President Lincoln was the second Presidential candidate of the modern Republican Party.

And the freedom issue between Jefferson- and Obama- is that Jefferson believed it was appropriate for white men to own black slaves.

That is the 'freedom' that Jefferson believed in.
, the Republican Party was founded in Ripon Wisconsin in 1854 --- decades after both Jefferson and Madison --- who were, all together now, Liberals --- were pushing up daisies.

Jefferson and Madison formed the Republican party in 1793 to oppose the big govt liberals or federalists led by Hamilton and Adams. What Party do you think Jefferson and Madison formed to oppose the big govt liberals or federalists?? Welcome to your first lesson in American History.

Actually I just gave you your 47,584,739th lesson in American history, which has been the same lesson every time, and for the 47,584,739th time it sailed over your deaf, blind, ignorant head.

And no child, Jefferson and Madison did not form a political party for the purpose of opposing themselves.
What Party was President Lincoln the second Presidential candidate of?

a second Republican anti slavery party largely irrelevant today given that slavery is long over while main argument in human history is between freedom (Jefferson) and govt (Marx Obama Sanders, etc). Now do you understand?

President Lincoln was the second Presidential candidate of the modern Republican Party.

And the freedom issue between Jefferson- and Obama- is that Jefferson believed it was appropriate for white men to own black slaves.

That is the 'freedom' that Jefferson believed in.

Modern Republican Party is for freedom from big liberal govt so is much closer to Jefferson's Republican Party which stood for same thing.

Yes Jefferson believed it was appropriate to own slaves having been born owning them but Jesus believed the same thing and yet the 2 men set in motion the process by which billions of human being were freed from slavery, the latest example being 1.4 billion Chinese being freed from libcommunism. Do you understand now?
Not in the least.

Jesus challenged the Jewish hierarchy.[not Roman govt]
a religious scholar too!!!!

Persecution of Christians in Rome. Christian martyrs in the Colosseum Under Roman rule, Christians were denied business opportunities and status in society, prohibited from worshiping, attacked by mobs, persecuted, tortured and killed in organized campaigns by the Romans government.
You already owe me several tens of thousands of these "bets". Are those checks still "in the mail"?
if you have 18th century primary source showing Democratic Republican Party I will pay you $10000. Bet??

still afraid to tell us what Party Jefferson and Madison formed in 1793??

Did that 95 posts ago in post 3, soon as I got here.

You whiffed on it.

Just like you did in all those other threads where you tried to tell this board that the corpse of Thomas Jefferson, after 28 years of decay, crawled out of his grave to found the Republican Party. Which was founded, for the 1854th time, IN 1854.

Now you're going to the Ignore list because you're littering my Notifications with insipid bullshit posts like the one directly above.

And get my check in the mail.

still afraid to tell us what Party Jefferson and Madison formed in 1793??

Did that 95 posts ago in post 3, soon as I got here.

You whiffed on it.

Just like you did in all those other threads where you tried to tell this board that the corpse of Thomas Jefferson, after 28 years of decay, crawled out of his grave to found the Republican Party. Which was founded, for the 1854th time, IN 1854.

Now you're going to the Ignore list because you're littering my Notifications with insipid bullshit posts like the one directly above.

And get my check in the mail.

for 12th time:still afraid to tell us what Party Jefferson and Madison formed in 1793??

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