Zone1 What Jesus endured, we also must endure or we won't make it to Heaven


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Life is full of crosses and we all have to carry them, like it or not. The only alternative is to kill yourself, but that is when your troubles will REALLY begin, according to the ancient Christian Church (which is Catholic, the only one that goes back to the FIRST century [again, not speaking of the Vatican sect which is no longer Catholic]).

The True Catholic Faith teaches it's a mortal sin to kill yourself and you will (very likely) go straight to Hell. I say Very likely reluctantly because it would seem anyone who does this goes to Hell, but only God knows who goes to Hell or not. However, I say, Why take a chance?

So anyhow, if Christians feel crucified a lot -- because people don't agree w/ them on this and that.. because others don't like them mentioning Jesus "all the time" and etc... well, as the Original Church also taught, we are all called to be alter cristus (I believe that is the correct term), which means being another Christ.

Jesus said that whatever is done to the least of His people is done to Him. (Mt 25:31) so Doesn't that mean that He lives in us and therefore suffers with us through all that we go through?

Why this is so is a great mystery... seeing as how God could, if He wanted to.. remove all suffering from the Earth. Instead, we suffer along with Christ (who lives in us).

We don't like it..

But it is what it is...
Life is full of crosses and we all have to carry them, like it or not. The only alternative is to kill yourself, but that is when your troubles will REALLY begin, according to the ancient Christian Church (which is Catholic, the only one that goes back to the FIRST century [again, not speaking of the Vatican sect which is no longer Catholic]).
And again, despite multiple people pointing out multiple times that the Orthodox and Coptic churches were started by the Apostles themselves in African and Asia long before Rome ever got involved, you return once again to your rancid spew about the Catholic church being somehow special.
We don't need to be nailed to the cross and die like Jesus did to be saved.
The next time life throws you a curve ball and it smacks you in the face, maybe you will remember this thread

Here are some curve balls some people experience:

cancer of a loved one
heart attack
lose a job
hate your job
high car repairs
can't afford a house (or sometimes just a meal) because dims are in the WH and control the Senate and love spending--- --money that is not theirs
the Invasion
Even then, I wouldn't want to be nailed to a cross.
Well, I didn't say we'd go through EXACTLY what he went through.

Being Catholic (a real one,that is) is full of suffering.. esp circa 2024 (and continuing) But we either suffer now or suffer forever in Hell because we refused the Way of Christ..
Well, I didn't say we'd go through EXACTLY what he went through.

Being Catholic (a real one,that is) is full of suffering.. esp circa 2024 (and continuing) But we either suffer now or suffer forever in Hell because we refused the Way of Christ..
Just going to a Catholic school in the 50's and 60's took care of a lot of suffering.
Just going to a Catholic school in the 50's and 60's took care of a lot of suffering.
If you live long enough, you see that suffering never ends. You suffer when your car has to have a huge, expensive repair. You get it fixed, only to find out your boss is demoting you. You work things out w/ your boss and then your spouse tells you "I'm outa here" or whatever.. The candidate you voted for got inflation up sky high so you can't afford your house payment unless you give up one meal a day.. or until Trump returns. :)

I mean, the sufferings never end.. I don't have some of those sufferings I listed, I just listed what was off the top of my head.. but you get my drift.

And if you tell me you never have any sufferings, I will call you a liar.
If you live long enough, you see that suffering never ends. You suffer when your car has to have a huge, expensive repair. You get it fixed, only to find out your boss is demoting you. You work things out w/ your boss and then your spouse tells you "I'm outa here" or whatever.. The candidate you voted for got inflation up sky high so you can't afford your house payment unless you give up one meal a day.. or until Trump returns. :)

I mean, the sufferings never end.. I don't have some of those sufferings I listed, I just listed what was off the top of my head.. but you get my drift.

And if you tell me you never have any sufferings, I will call you a liar.
Or, you look to Scripture:

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

This reveals a stereotypically Catholic mindset. "Have I done enough good deeds to be saved?" "Have I done enough sacraments to be saved?" "Have I called on the right saints to be saved?", and now, "Have I suffered enough to be saved?"

Wouldn't it be better to focus on the joy and peace that Jesus promised us instead of the momentary sufferings we all go through as part of being human in a fallen world?
The next time life throws you a curve ball and it smacks you in the face, maybe you will remember this thread

Here are some curve balls some people experience:

cancer of a loved one
heart attack
lose a job
hate your job
high car repairs
can't afford a house (or sometimes just a meal) because dims are in the WH and control the Senate and love spending--- --money that is not theirs
the Invasion
Those are not curve balls - it's called life. Most religious people have a difficult time dealing with the facts of life. So in order to live the good life, get rid of religion and do what comes naturally - sinning.
Those are not curve balls - it's called life. Most religious people have a difficult time dealing with the facts of life. So in order to live the good life, get rid of religion and do what comes naturally - sinning.
Get lost. Jesus cares for my soul and you don't care about anyone, including your own soul
The Bible has y'all believing that there is a way to escape death - that death is the wages of sin. But death is just a simple fact of life. Death has nothing to do with sins or Jesus.
Wouldn't it be better to focus on the joy and peace that Jesus promised us instead of the momentary sufferings we all go through as part of being human in a fallen world?
Jesus did BOTH. The problem with the Church today is it tells th people what they WANT to hear, not what they NEED to hear
The Bible has y'all believing that there is a way to escape death - that death is the wages of sin. But death is just a simple fact of life. Death has nothing to do with sins or Jesus.
That Bible says, "it is appointed unto all men, once to die."

The physical wasn't meant to be forever, but eternal life is God's goal for everyone. Only YOU can stand in the way of fulfilling God's purpose for you

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