What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

How so? BOTH require faith. Neither of the two theories have the slightest bit of empirical data to support them.

See, the difference between me and you and your compadres is that I've made no claim as to where life originates. Christians, naturally, insist that God created life. That's perfectly fine, right up until they're asked for anything to help prove it.

When pressed on anything to support that, they fold like a three dollar suit. That's when they employ the idiot tactic of "Prove God didn't create life", as if the employment of such an ineffective debate tool might help prove their point.

You're right, both DO require faith. I was saying that pages ago. And I said that it's called "faith" because there is no proof. At least one little candy-ass got all ruffled over that. But the inarguable reality is that, once you have proof, there is no need for faith. Faith goes out the window. After all, if you had proof that God existed; real, tangible proof, what would you need to have faith in?

Yet there's not a Christian alive who would profess to not having "faith", which is simply another way of saying that have no proof...
See, the difference between me and you and your compadres is that I've made no claim as to where life originates. Christians, naturally, insist that God created life. That's perfectly fine, right up until they're asked for anything to help prove it.

When pressed on anything to support that, they fold like a three dollar suit. That's when they employ the idiot tactic of "Prove God didn't create life", as if the employment of such an ineffective debate tool might help prove their point.

You're right, both DO require faith. I was saying that pages ago. And I said that it's called "faith" because there is no proof. At least one little candy-ass got all ruffled over that. But the inarguable reality is that, once you have proof, there is no need for faith. Faith goes out the window. After all, if you had proof that God existed; real, tangible proof, what would you need to have faith in?

Yet there's not a Christian alive who would profess to not having "faith", which is simply another way of saying that have no proof...

How about adopting my way of dealing with religious people. I don't care what they believe. That is their business. Some obnoxious ones try and convert me to their belief system and I choose to not engage with those people. Just like I choose to not engage with militant atheists. For the same reason, they are sanctimonious assholes.

And there are FAR more militant atheists than the other.
Look, you can’t even articulate even a vague theory as to the origin of life if God didn’t do it.

I'm getting a kick out of this. You're making me laugh. You're like my own little clown. Make me laugh some more, clown.

Look, I get it, you believe God created... everything. I get it. I have no problem with that, that is until dipshits start insulting me for having a different belief...

You obviously have no clue about the Christian faith from what you’ve posted, and I won’t even get into Buddhism etc with you.

I was raised in the Catholic Church. I received my first Communion. I was confirmed. I've read the Bible, cover to cover., It was fascinating...

You don’t have even a 10 year old’s Sunday School knowledge of Christianity, you can’t even state a wild theory as to how life began without God, do you think that makes you informed?

You have no idea what I know. Pretending you do just makes you look like a bigger fucking idiot...
So no Big Bang?
No matter what you’ve only got the Periodic Table to work with.

Again, another one that can’t articulate even a vague theory how life began without a God.
Not sure what you're blathering about here, but there are more than the two possibilities you mentioned. You're just strawmanning.
I'm getting a kick out of this. You're making me laugh. You're like my own little clown. Make me laugh some more, clown.

Look, I get it, you believe God created... everything. I get it. I have no problem with that, that is until dipshits start insulting me for having a different belief...

I was raised in the Catholic Church. I received my first Communion. I was confirmed. I've read the Bible, cover to cover., It was fascinating...

You have no idea what I know. Pretending you do just makes you look like a bigger fucking idiot...
Yes, I do know what you know. You posted what you knew. And it’s zip. The only thing you’ve got right is the spelling.
?? So, denial of something is evidence??

So, if I ask if someone is a pedo and they say "Fuck no, I'm no pedo!", then that is proof that they are??

Does that really make sense to you?

Sure man. Pedos are everywhere. Lizard tongues and all. You live in a terrifying world!

Yeah, it does. If CRT wasn't being taught why rail against a law that prohibits it?

The same goes for grooming. Grooming is a well known tactic of pedophiles. It is against the law for people to engage in it.

So I find it amusing that a law that prevents it is lied about and the reason for it is also lied about.
Yeah, it does. If CRT wasn't being taught why rail against a law that prohibits it?
We were talking about your whacky premise that most teachers are pedophiles grooming students for abuse. You claimed: "No, the pedo thing is real. If it weren't there wouldn't be the outcry from the progressives claiming they aren't doing it."

That's nuts. Did you really mean that? Don't you recognize how idiotic that is? Hell, by your logic we don't need trials any more. Just ask the defendant if they did it. If they say "no", then we know they're guilty. Lock 'em up.
Yes, I do know what you know. You posted what you knew. And it’s zip. The only thing you’ve got right is the spelling.

You don't know a fucking thing.

I posted what I believe.

Deal with it or not, I don't care.

You want to believe that, if no one offers anything else, then God MUST have been responsible for life? Believe that all you want. That has no effect on me...
See, the difference between me and you and your compadres is that I've made no claim as to where life originates. Christians, naturally, insist that God created life. That's perfectly fine, right up until they're asked for anything to help prove it.

When pressed on anything to support that, they fold like a three dollar suit. That's when they employ the idiot tactic of "Prove God didn't create life", as if the employment of such an ineffective debate tool might help prove their point.

You're right, both DO require faith. I was saying that pages ago. And I said that it's called "faith" because there is no proof. At least one little candy-ass got all ruffled over that. But the inarguable reality is that, once you have proof, there is no need for faith. Faith goes out the window. After all, if you had proof that God existed; real, tangible proof, what would you need to have faith in?

Yet there's not a Christian alive who would profess to not having "faith", which is simply another way of saying that have no proof...
I bet you don’t even know what the Periodical Table is.
You don't know a fucking thing.

I posted what I believe.

Deal with it or not, I don't care.

You want to believe that, if no one offers anything else, then God MUST have been responsible for life? Believe that all you want. That has no effect on me...
Yes, you posted all we need to know that you have no clue what Christianity is.
We were talking about your whacky premise that most teachers are pedophiles grooming students for abuse. You claimed: "No, the pedo thing is real. If it weren't there wouldn't be the outcry from the progressives claiming they aren't doing it."

That's nuts. Did you really mean that? Don't you recognize how idiotic that is? Hell, by your logic we don't need trials any more. Just ask the defendant if they did it. If they say "no", then we know they're guilty. Lock 'em up.

If a teacher is trying to groom children they ARE pedo's. Full stop.
If a teacher is trying to groom children they ARE pedo's. Full stop.

The question is whether many, most, or all (depending on which Trumpster nut is yelling about it) teachers are pedophiles. Do you really think most teachers are pedophiles? Do you think that anyone objecting to the law in question is a pedophile? And just where to the lizard people enter into it?

The question is whether many, most, or all (depending on which Trumpster nut is yelling about it) teachers are pedophiles. Do you really think most teachers are pedophiles? Do you think that anyone objecting to the law in question is a pedophile? And just where to the lizard people enter into it?
What’s an acceptable number of pedos employed by schools in America?

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