What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

Fair enough. I'm confident that the vast majority of teachers aren't pedos. The pedo conspiracy crap is just a fad, a circle-jerk that the right is wanking to for political points. It's lurid and naughty and and makes for titillating headlines. It's Q-anon, dribbling off your chin. But like most of the shit Trumpsters come up with, it isn't real.

Yes. They're abusing their position as educators to indoctrinate our youth with their values. This is a real problem. But when you morons lead with your delusional screeching, everyone sane just ignores you.

No, the pedo thing is real. If it weren't there wouldn't be the outcry from the progressives claiming they aren't doing it. Just like CRT. How do we KNOW that CRT was being taught? Because the teachers unions went apeshit claiming that it wasn't and that those laws didn't need to be passed keeping the racist dogma out of our schools.

The same is happening with this pedo grooming shit.
Easy. Because life cannot be explained by science. There is something “supernatural” about its existence, at least in its creation.

Or maybe it was created by space cows. Who's to say it's either rocks & dirt or "God"?

How old do you believe the earth is?
Or maybe it was created by space cows. Who's to say it's either rocks & dirt or "God"?

How old do you believe the earth is?

Here's a question for you, according to the Christian faith "In the beginning, there was nothing, then there was light". According to cosmology, in the beginning, there was nothing...then the Big Bang happened and all the matter in the universe popped into existence from a Singularity the size of a positron.

If you ask me the two theories are describing the same thing.

Now how about you?
How old do you believe the earth is?
Science shows that Earth is 5 billion years old. The universe 13 billion, however science can’t explain a lot of things like why galaxies aren’t flying apart, hence they came up with terms like “dark matter” and “dark energy”, which is fancy talk for “we have no clue and our math makes no sense”.
Your belief that life came from dirt is faith as well, because you can’t prove it.

Put up or shut up time.

Now you're just being a scumbag liar. I never said life came from rocks & dirt. Where is it written that those are the only two possibilities?

All you're doing is proving that you're unable to back up your position. You were asked for evidence of God long before demanding (and stupidly so) that I provide proof that life came from rocks and dirt.

So, it's "put up or shut up time" for you, chucklehead.

Trying to insist that "God" is really is a fool's errand. You can't do it, which is why you've spent so much time deflecting...
Now you're just being a scumbag liar. I never said life came from rocks & dirt. Where is it written that those are the only two possibilities?

All you're doing is proving that you're unable to back up your position. You were asked for evidence of God long before demanding (and stupidly so) that I provide proof that life came from rocks and dirt.

So, it's "put up or shut up time" for you, chucklehead.

Trying to insist that "God" is really is a fool's errand. You can't do it, which is why you've spent so much time deflecting...
Then tell us where life originated from.
Science shows that Earth is 5 billion years old. The universe 13 billion, however science can’t explain a lot of things like why galaxies aren’t flying apart, hence they came up with terms like “dark matter” and “dark energy”, which is fancy talk for “we have no clue and our math makes no sense”.

Can you point to where in the Bible it says the earth was created 5 billion years ago?
Thank you for proving that you're completely inept at supporting your position.

I have no idea; never said I did, regardless of how many times you LIE and say I did...
So you have “no idea” yet attack others that do have an idea.
Here's a question for you, according to the Christian faith "In the beginning, there was nothing, then there was light". According to cosmology, in the beginning, there was nothing...then the Big Bang happened and all the matter in the universe popped into existence from a Singularity the size of a positron.

If you ask me the two theories are describing the same thing.

Now how about you?

They're not.

One is describing a scientific event. The other is a passage from a work of fiction...
They're not.

One is describing a scientific event. The other is a passage from a work of fiction...

How so? BOTH require faith. Neither of the two theories have the slightest bit of empirical data to support them.
No, the pedo thing is real. If it weren't there wouldn't be the outcry from the progressives claiming they aren't doing it.
?? So, denial of something is evidence??

So, if I ask if someone is a pedo and they say "Fuck no, I'm no pedo!", then that is proof that they are??

Does that really make sense to you?
The same is happening with this pedo grooming shit.
Sure man. Pedos are everywhere. Lizard tongues and all. You live in a terrifying world!
When we were all being programmed by our TV’s———

This is what was taking place :

Now look at your schools that allow Santanisim , kids have coloring books of the devil—
They are teaching children about sex at ages children don't think about sex or shouldn’t be.
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

The full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology and CRT is a great indicator that, for the rest of us, this is the ground to fight on.
Mommy what's a blow job ?
Again, I've not said dirt and rocks or aliens.

Is it "God"? Well, if you want me to believe that, then show me evidence of God. That's rhetorical, of course, because because the only "proof" you have that God exists is that you don't believe life could've come from anywhere else.

Well, that's not proof, that's faith.

When you try to insist that there is evidence that God exists, you begin to head down the road of failure, simply because you can produce nothing to support that...
Look, you can’t even articulate even a vague theory as to the origin of life if God didn’t do it.

You obviously have no clue about the Christian faith from what you’ve posted, and I won’t even get into Buddhism etc with you.

You don’t have even a 10 year old’s Sunday School knowledge of Christianity, you can’t even state a wild theory as to how life began without God, do you think that makes you informed?

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