What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?


The question is whether many, most, or all (depending on which Trumpster nut is yelling about it) teachers are pedophiles. Do you really think most teachers are pedophiles? Do you think that anyone objecting to the law in question is a pedophile? And just where to the lizard people enter into it?

Yes, I think anyone who is against a law that prevents grooming from occurring is a pedo. Don't you?
Do you think most teachers are pedophiles?

How often a day do you think about pedophilia?

I think there are too many teachers who are pedo's. There should be none. But we know that that is impossible. However any group that tries to legitimize grooming IS pedo. Thus, now that we know who they are we can get rid of them, at least for a while.

We don't think about pedophilia, other than should convicted pedos be incarcerated for life, or killed.
No. I think you're insane. But you're not the only one:

Really? How are we using it? Be specific. So far we have disney and the usual suspects lying about what the law actually does. I think it should be obvious to anyone that if your entire argument against a law is to lie, then you have no point.

Don't you?
No. I think you're insane. But you're not the only one:

Why does the left always value bullshit propaganda over facts?

There's one thing that lefties are better at than anyone else in the world, that's telling righties what they think and feel.
Looks like you're the one getting angry. :p

Weatherman is correct. Life as we know it resides within the Periodic Table.

Are you challenging that? Or are you just science-challenged?

Do you believe God devised the Periodic Table of Elements?

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