What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

They're not all I have. They're all that's warranted.

Are you of the opinion that God developed the Periodic Table of Elements?
Your question again validates you don’t even have a basic understanding of Christianity. Your spinning only validates you know the absurdity of your position.

But I’ll give you one last shot. Which combination do I need that will end up writing a concerto, stare silently at a sunset, paint a mural, write a love story?

All you have is dirt, gas and liquids to work with. Take your time, mix and match as you choose.

BTW - do you know what the atheist discoverer of the human genome said upon completion of his work?

God did it.

You see, life is too complex and perfect for an explosion of the universe to take those elements and assemble them in a way that even boggles his brilliant mind.
The Alphabet Pedo Agenda used to tell us they just wanted to be left alone in their bedrooms to do what they want.

Now they want to tell you what they are doing from the TV in your living room, from your child's classroom and in your child's locker rooms.

These are EVIL morally depraved degenerate child molesters. Every single one of them.
He was said, “Give them an inch and they will take a mile.”
Do you believe God devised the Periodic Table of Elements?
"Devised" is kind of a strange word.

I wouldn't look at it quite that way.

I would say, the Periodic Table is a "direct, logical, and inevitable consequence" of something God devised.

Do you really want to know about my religious beliefs? I'm not a Bible thumper, I don't push my religious beliefs into my politics. Religion, for me, is private and personal, just like sex is.

It's "belief", it's "faith", it only lives between my ears. As long as I remember that, I never have a problem with unwanted prozeletyzing or unwanted moralism.

Some conservative Christians have an issue with me because I'm not a literalist, when it comes to the Bible. Once in a while I have a little fun when a "Fundie" wants to moralize, but mostly I try to be respectful of other peoples' religious beliefs.

Does that answer your question, with sufficient context?

Here, I'll give you one more thing. The Buddha, when asked "does God exist", answered "that is an irrelevant question".

By which he meant, that it is largely irrelevant where the Periodic Table comes from, the fact is it exists, and we have to make use of it. He also meant, that whether you were created by God or by your parents or both or neither, is irrelevant. The reality is you're here and you have this life and it's all you have.

Buddhism and Christianity are very much compatible. They look at things from a slightly different angle, but at the end of the day they're looking at the same thing and they agree on what it's about.
But I’ll give you one last shot. Which combination do I need that will end up writing a concerto, stare silently at a sunset, paint a mural, write a love story?
You'll forgive me, but that's a poorly formed question.

Look um... I don't mean to be a pest. I'll shut up if you want me to. But... If you stick with me, you'll probably learn something valuable.

The reason your question is poorly formed, is because of a word called "scale".

The number of combinations of protons and electrons in the periodic table is pretty small, by the time you tally up all the isotopes and such, there are maybe a few hundred to a couple thousand, somewhere in that range -

The number of combinations of molecules in a human body, is ASTRONOMICAL, it's dozens of orders of magnitude beyond the number of stars or galaxies or planets in the universe.

The scales of those two concepts can not be compared

Now - for an introduction to the more meaningful "theory" around this (it's a part of mathematics called "measure theory"), I'll point you to this famous paper from Benoit Mandelbrot (he's the father of fractals, I'm sure you've heard of him), called "How Long Is The Coastline Of Britain?"

The answer is, it depends on the size of the ruler you use to measure it. Using two different size rulers, yields two different answers

The SCALE of the ruler, relative to the measurement, matters
Possibly asked and answered. Not reading 15 pages of this crap. Are the religion bashers ok with teachers talking about gender identity with other people’s 5-year-olds?
But his beliefs are HIS beliefs.

I'm not going around trying to get people to denounce their faith in God, am I? If you wanna' believe, man, more power to ya'; believe in God.

But insisting that I believe the same, just because he believes it's true, is an overt act of disrespect...
You mean kind of like the left trying to force kids into gender identity training and CRT training behind their parents backs …that kind of overt act of disrespect?
The Alphabet Pedo Agenda used to tell us they just wanted to be left alone in their bedrooms to do what they want.

Now they want to tell you what they are doing from the TV in your living room, from your child's classroom and in your child's locker rooms.

These are EVIL morally depraved degenerate child molesters. Every single one of them.

“Don't force your morality on me!”, they cried. I remember that. Now they force their immorality on everyone else.

I remember when that claimed that it was all about what “consenting adults” did in the privacy of their own homes. Then they forced society to corrupt it's most essential foundation, the institutions of marriage and family, to pander to them. And now they drag children into their depravity.

The entire history of the place that homosexuality and related perversions have been given in our society is one of being given inches, and taking miles; of those who predicted at each step where it would lead, being condemned as “bigots”, only to ultimately be proven to have been correct.
“Don't force your morality on me!”, they cried. I remember that. Now they force their immorality on everyone else.

I remember when that claimed that it was all about what “consenting adults” did in the privacy of their own homes. Then they forced society to corrupt it's most essential foundation, the institutions of marriage and family, to pander to them. And now they drag children into their depravity.

The entire history of the place that homosexuality and related perversions have been given in our society is one of being given inches, and taking miles; of those who predicted at each step where it would lead, being condemned as “bigots”, only to ultimately be proven to have been correct.
Why can't they keep what they do in the bedroom private like they promised theywould do?
What is their definition of a woman?
Why are they now refusing to define what an adult is?
Why do they feel the need to teach children about homosexual sex acts?
It is adults that are not currently getting enough Kiddie action -

There really can be no other answer.

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