What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

And we come full circle.

I've not suggested, not once, that a believer should believe, instead, as I do. Matters of faith and beliefs are deeply personal, so I don't go there. Believers, though, waste no time in being critical and insulting those who don't believe as they do. Your comment about wanting me to prove I have a brain is evidence of that. You can't prove that you're right, and that I'm wrong, so you start with insults. This isn't uncommon among thumpers like you.

If someone wants to believe in God, that's swell; just super. My Mom believes in God. My brother does. I don't. They have reasons why they believe as I do and I have reasons why I don't believe as they do, and their reasons are no more or less valid than mine.

If you want to assume that God exists, knock yourself out. To me, it makes as much sense as believing in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. If you want to believe they exist, too, have at it...
No, you initiated the insults on believers. Are you drunk?
And we come full circle.

I've not suggested, not once, that a believer should believe, instead, as I do. Matters of faith and beliefs are deeply personal, so I don't go there. Believers, though, waste no time in being critical and insulting those who don't believe as they do. Your comment about wanting me to prove I have a brain is evidence of that. You can't prove that you're right, and that I'm wrong, so you start with insults. This isn't uncommon among thumpers like you.

If someone wants to believe in God, that's swell; just super. My Mom believes in God. My brother does. I don't. They have reasons why they believe as I do and I have reasons why I don't believe as they do, and their reasons are no more or less valid than mine.

If you want to assume that God exists, knock yourself out. To me, it makes as much sense as believing in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. If you want to believe they exist, too, have at it...
And then you end your post by once again insulting Christians while claiming you don't. Are you drunk?

It'll take about four years of intense study to get the light bulb moment.

After four years you'll be older and grayer but a lot wiser.

And what is your understanding of the premise?

That the teachers aren't pedos, but are merely trying to social engineer a change in thought by the children.

Whether their views are because of religion, or the social views of their parents it is your contention that the teachers are trying to break that line.
That the teachers aren't pedos, but are merely trying to social engineer a change in thought by the children.

Whether their views are because of religion, or the social views of their parents it is your contention that the teachers are trying to break that line.
All of that would be true if you had evidence their actions were outside the school curriculum. You don't.
That the teachers aren't pedos, but are merely trying to social engineer a change in thought by the children.
Fair enough. I'm confident that the vast majority of teachers aren't pedos. The pedo conspiracy crap is just a fad, a circle-jerk that the right is wanking to for political points. It's lurid and naughty and and makes for titillating headlines. It's Q-anon, dribbling off your chin. But like most of the shit Trumpsters come up with, it isn't real.
Whether their views are because of religion, or the social views of their parents it is your contention that the teachers are trying to break that line.
Yes. They're abusing their position as educators to indoctrinate our youth with their values. This is a real problem. But when you morons lead with your delusional screeching, everyone sane just ignores you.
Feel free to offer up an option C.
You can’t say aliens, because it still gets back to A or B with them too.

Again, I've not said dirt and rocks or aliens.

Is it "God"? Well, if you want me to believe that, then show me evidence of God. That's rhetorical, of course, because because the only "proof" you have that God exists is that you don't believe life could've come from anywhere else.

Well, that's not proof, that's faith.

When you try to insist that there is evidence that God exists, you begin to head down the road of failure, simply because you can produce nothing to support that...

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