What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

Sit your dumb ass down, wench.

I've tried to sway ANYONE to my way of thinking. Not a single person. So stop lying.

As for disproving God's existence, that's stupid, simply because it's impossible to provide proof for something that doesn't exist. Conversely, I'm being told that God exists, so I've simply asked for proof of that. Show me some evidence. I'm a reasonable guy. Show me some evidence and I could be swayed.

Of course, my asking for evidence ruffles your feathers, simply because you know that proof for the existence of God doesn't exist, either.

Now, shut your mouth and go make your man a sandwich...
Prove you have a brain.
Answer the question. How’d life come from rocks and dirt.
And why isn’t it still coming from rocks and dirt, why was it a one time event?

It's ignorant and stupid of you to continue insisting that I explain that when, in fact, I've never said any such thing.

Quit being stupid...
If life can be created without God, then show us how. Scientists cannot with all their knowledge. They cannot make lifeless atomic particles into a life form.
Meh... probably happen in our lifetimes.

When my mom was a little girl she had tonsils and they had to take her to the hospital in a horse and buggy, because no one had a car. That's only one generation!

And now look, I'm in Philly and my cell phone is in Burbank and the NSA has no idea where exactly I am. That was a lot less than one generation - from the invention of the cell phone, to its miniaturization, to everyone having one and some people using it for nefarious purposes, to the PTB becoming concerned and wiretapping them all, to people figuring out how to circumvent it. Total time there, probably 40 years.
Your choice of Words RIGHT THERE is an attempt to denigrate the opinions of others

So what?

That doesn't mean that God created life.

The believers here are so loathe to offer the proof of "God's" existence, for no other reason than they know that no proof exists...
It's ignorant and stupid of you to continue insisting that I explain that when, in fact, I've never said any such thing.

Quit being stupid...
Sorry, you can’t go half way, you’re in. If God didn’t create life give us ratios and environment that created life. Ball is in your court, here’s your choices.
And why isn’t it still coming from rocks and dirt, why was it a one time event?

It is.

And it wasn't.

Answer the question. How’d life come from rocks and dirt.

For that you have to pay me 4 years salary. In four years I could show you. That's how long it took me to get an answer, four years. Basically equivalent to an undergraduate science degree.

The short answer is, the prevailing model of life is inadequate. It's like Newton's concept of gravity, in an Einsteinian world (curved spacetime and all that). Life is a continuum. The distinction between rocks and human beings is artifactual.

Um... you've heard the expression "dumb as a rock"? Well, there you go. Rocks have brains. They're real stupid, but... Doorknobs have them too. (shrug)

Seriously, "life" is a basic physical property of the universe. What "we" call life is only limited by how far we can see. (Heisenberg's and etc)
Okay, then according to your own logic it's perfectly acceptable to assume there is a God. Dumb ass.

And we come full circle.

I've not suggested, not once, that a believer should believe, instead, as I do. Matters of faith and beliefs are deeply personal, so I don't go there. Believers, though, waste no time in being critical and insulting those who don't believe as they do. Your comment about wanting me to prove I have a brain is evidence of that. You can't prove that you're right, and that I'm wrong, so you start with insults. This isn't uncommon among thumpers like you.

If someone wants to believe in God, that's swell; just super. My Mom believes in God. My brother does. I don't. They have reasons why they believe as I do and I have reasons why I don't believe as they do, and their reasons are no more or less valid than mine.

If you want to assume that God exists, knock yourself out. To me, it makes as much sense as believing in the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. If you want to believe they exist, too, have at it...
It is.

And it wasn't.

For that you have to pay me 4 years salary. In four years I could show you. That's how long it took me to get an answer, four years. Basically equivalent to an undergraduate science degree.

The short answer is, the prevailing model of life is inadequate. It's like Newton's concept of gravity, in an Einsteinian world (curved spacetime and all that). Life is a continuum. The distinction between rocks and human beings is artifactual.

Um... you've heard the expression "dumb as a rock"? Well, there you go. Rocks have brains. They're real stupid, but... Doorknobs have them too. (shrug)

Seriously, "life" is a basic physical property of the universe. What "we" call life is only limited by how far we can see. (Heisenberg's and etc)
Okey Dokey…….

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