What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

Please tell us what is being taught to 5 year olds in school that is so horrible.

What grade is a five year old in, dumbass?
Oh, and what is being taught, tard? How do you know kids aren't being taught to report sexual abuse?

My kids were taught at school to report it.
You really do need to stop being such an ignoramus.
If nothing is going on, why are you so worked up at being stopped from talking about sexual perversions to 5 year olds?
You really do need to stop being such an ignoramus.
If nothing is going on, why are you so worked up at being stopped from talking about sexual perversions to 5 year olds?
Who says anyone is talking about sexual perversions to 5 year olds? This seems to be an obsession with you. Are there some urges you are trying to suppress you would like to tell us about?
Who says anyone is talking about sexual perversions to 5 year olds? This seems to be an obsession with you. Are there some urges you are trying to suppress you would like to tell us about?
Boy, you’re really mad you can’t talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions in Florida.
We know why.
he full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology
Most parents don't know how to talk their kids about sex so they just hit a few of the high points or just ignore it all together, leaving it to the schools. Sex education should be progressive starting in kindergarten and ending in high school.
Boy, you’re really mad you can’t talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions in Florida.
We know why.
You always strike this same ridiculous pose. As though accusing someone of being a pedophile (and let's be clear, fuckface, that's exactly what you're doing) somehow validates your insane fantasies. Grow the fuck up.
Most parents don't know how to talk their kids about sex so they just hit a few of the high points or just ignore it all together, leaving it to the schools. Sex education should be progressive starting in kindergarten and ending in high school.
Of course you’re for government to force children to listen to sexual perversions.
You always strike this same ridiculous pose. As though accusing someone of being a pedophile (and let's be clear, fuckface, that's exactly what you're doing) somehow validates your insane fantasies. Grow the fuck up.
I strike a ridiculous pose says freak who’s pissed he can’t talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions.
I strike a ridiculous pose says freak who’s pissed he can’t talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions.
Says someone freakishly obsessed with sexual perversion. It's the classic projection of a moralist conservative - secretly turned on by all the things they condemn. It's why they condemn them so loudly.
Most parents don't know how to talk their kids about sex so they just hit a few of the high points or just ignore it all together, leaving it to the schools. Sex education should be progressive starting in kindergarten and ending in high school.
Most people figure sex out without being taught. That's because heterosexuality is natural.
Says someone freakishly obsessed with sexual perversion. It's the classic projection of a moralist conservative - secretly turned on by all the things they condemn. It's why they condemn them so loudly.
Being concerned about sexual perversion is not projection or a secret wish, it is about protecting young children from perverts.
Says someone freakishly obsessed with sexual perversion. It's the classic projection of a moralist conservative - secretly turned on by all the things they condemn. It's why they condemn them so loudly.
Like you got all pissed you can’t talk the nonexistent CRT you’re all pissed you can’t talk about sexual perversions to little kids.
No more than you can prove He's not real.

These "debates" are pointless, nobody can prove it either way

The difference, of course, is that you're the one who apparently has a vested interest in getting people to believe as you do.

I don't...
The difference, of course, is that you're the one who apparently has a vested interest in getting people to believe as you do.

I don't...
Religion may serve the purpose of regulating radical human beings. Belief is powerful and real.
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