What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

My backup is the Word of God and my faith. You're condemnation is your denial. The existence of God is undeniable, that is the one unforgivable sin. Good luck.

Of course it's deniable.

Tell me, how is it that a benevolent God would allow priests, who are, ostensibly, supposed to serve God, to fuck little boys? How is it that a benevolent God would allow helpless children to starve and die? I have countless examples of tragedy and heartache and pain that no loving God would allow.

See, your problem is that you think my not believing is condemnation. It's not, and that's pretty fucking stupid for you to even suggest.

Here's something to ponder: If there was evidence for the existence of God, your belief in him (or her) wouldn't be called "faith" wouldn't be called "faith", and that reality is inescapable. "Faith" is something you have when you have no proof.

I begrudge no one their beliefs, and I take great issue with those who begrudge me mine...
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Of course it's deniable.

Tell me, how is it that a benevolent God would allow priests, who are, ostensibly, supposed to serve God, to fuck little boys? How is it that a benevolent God would allow helpless children to starve and die? I have countless examples of tragedy and heartache and pain that no loving God would allow.

See, your problem is that you think my not believing is condemnation. It's not, and that's pretty fucking stupid for you to even suggest.

Here's something to ponder: If there was evidence for the existence of God, your belief in him (or her) wouldn't be called "faith" wouldn't be called "faith", and that reality is inescapable. "Faith" is something you have when you have no proof.

I begrudge no one their beliefs, and I take great issue with those who begrudge me mine...
You are so wrong. Read the Bible with an open mind. You're never going to believe me or anyone else. But know this, God is real.
Did you understand that I was condemning "self-appointed social engineers"? I guess not.

It really is just reading comprehension. Keep trying.
Do you agree that adults demanding to talk to other peoples kids about sex is something pedophiles do?

Yes or no.

Do you understand that school employees have let males into girls bathrooms who then raped and those school employees lied to keep the parents from learning about their daughters rape and those same school employees remain employed overseeing children?

Yes or no.
Of course it's deniable.

Tell me, how is it that a benevolent God would allow priests, who are, ostensibly, supposed to serve God, to fuck little boys? How is it that a benevolent God would allow helpless children to starve and die? I have countless examples of tragedy and heartache and pain that no loving God would allow.

See, your problem is that you think my not believing is condemnation. It's not, and that's pretty fucking stupid for you to even suggest.

Here's something to ponder: If there was evidence for the existence of God, your belief in him (or her) wouldn't be called "faith" wouldn't be called "faith", and that reality is inescapable. "Faith" is something you have when you have no proof.

I begrudge no one their beliefs, and I take great issue with those who begrudge me mine...
It’s off topic, take it to another thread if you desire a God that stops you from ever sinning, or go back in time and tell eve no fruit for lunch.
You drastically underestimate the American youngsters ability to read/see and comprehend
What they know as ATM doesn't require a credit card.
Milkman is optional.
Do you agree that adults demanding to talk to other peoples kids about sex is something pedophiles do?

Yes or no.
No. I've never heard of that. Pedos want to boink little kids. I don't think conversation is on their agenda. Regardless, you're going to have to pick up your reading comprehension game before we can have a conversation.
Do you understand that school employees have let males into girls bathrooms who then raped and those school employees lied to keep the parents from learning about their daughters rape and those same school employees remain employed overseeing children?
Sure. People do all kinds of fucked up shit. But let's get real, you're obsessed with this stuff. You get off on thinking about it, don't you?
No. I've never heard of that. Pedos want to boink little kids. I don't think conversation is on their agenda. Regardless, you're going to have to pick up your reading comprehension game before we can have a conversation.

Sure. People do all kinds of fucked up shit. But let's get real, you're obsessed with this stuff. You get off on thinking about it, don't you?
So you have no clue about how pedophiles groom children or even know what grooming is. And you think government pushing to indoctrinate sexual perversions on children is no big deal and a none issue.

Now we are clear on where you stand.

And yes, damn right I’m concerned about protecting children from people like you.
So you have no clue about how pedophiles groom children or even know what grooming is. And you think government pushing to indoctrinate sexual perversions on children is no big deal and a none issue.

Now we are clear on where you stand.
Nah. You're playing tedious troll games. You have no interest in understanding where anyone stands, not that you could if you tried.
Like I said, you’ve made it clear what you think is no big deal.
No, I didn't. You keep insisting that I did (because I was mean to Trump). But I said exactly the opposite. I just think the topic is broader and doesn't need to be tied to your sick obsession with sexual perversion. But that's too subtle for you to comprehend. Sorry.
Nah. You're playing tedious troll games. You have no interest in understanding where anyone stands, not that you could if you tried.
Says Dufus who says he doesn’t know what grooming is and thinks it’s no big deal for anyone to be pointing out government talking to 5 year olds about sexual perversions.
Says Dufus who says he doesn’t know what grooming is and thinks it’s no big deal for anyone to be pointing out government talking to 5 year olds about sexual perversions.
Says basement boy with 16 tabs open, all of them about pedophiles.
You are so wrong. Read the Bible with an open mind. You're never going to believe me or anyone else. But know this, God is real.

I would ask you to demonstrate how I'm wrong, but I think it's pretty clear, to both of us, that you're simply too intellectually inept to do that.

You're too chickenshit to even attempt to address the points I raised.

The Bible is a great read; I've already done it. It's the greatest work of fiction ever written...
It’s off topic, take it to another thread if you desire a God that stops you from ever sinning, or go back in time and tell eve no fruit for lunch.

Yeah, fuck that. I'll stay right here so I can watch the continuation of your monumental fail...
So you have no clue about how pedophiles groom children or even know what grooming is. And you think government pushing to indoctrinate sexual perversions on children is no big deal and a none issue.

Now we are clear on where you stand.

And yes, damn right I’m concerned about protecting children from people like you.
So this law will stop them from doing what is already a felony activity? Or is it you don't want them to hear about Da Gayz? And why are you afraid that they will hear about Da Gayz? You seem very scared of Da Gayz.
I would ask you to demonstrate how I'm wrong, but I think it's pretty clear, to both of us, that you're simply too intellectually inept to do that.

You're too chickenshit to even attempt to address the points I raised.

The Bible is a great read; I've already done it. It's the greatest work of fiction ever written...

Yeah, fuck that. I'll stay right here so I can watch the continuation of your monumental fail...
You're points are only a liars denial of the truth. I don't have to prove anything to you. You're the failure.
So this law will stop them from doing what is already a felony activity? Or is it you don't want them to hear about Da Gayz? And why are you afraid that they will hear about Da Gayz? You seem very scared of Da Gayz.
It’s a felony to talk to kids about sexual deviancy? Where?

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