What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

You're points are only a liars denial of the truth. I don't have to prove anything to you. You're the failure.

If my life is "failing", well, I'll take it. Three homes, a modest collection of cars and motorcycles, a really sweet boat, a smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend, two successful businesses.

Yeah, no failure here, dipshit.

God is a myth. There's zero evidence for his existence. That's why it's called "faith". After all, if there was evidence or proof that God existed, there'd be no need for faith. That's what you're apparently too stupid to realize.

What I find most interesting, though, is the fact that "non-believers"; people like me, have no real problem with those, like you, who do believe. Well, that is until you start with juvenile name-calling and insults because someone believes differently than you. That's how I know there's no God. If there was, he'd have struck your ass down long before now...
If my life is "failing", well, I'll take it. Three homes, a modest collection of cars and motorcycles, a really sweet boat, a smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend, two successful businesses.

Yeah, no failure here, dipshit.

God is a myth. There's zero evidence for his existence. That's why it's called "faith". After all, if there was evidence or proof that God existed, there'd be no need for faith. That's what you're apparently too stupid to realize.

What I find most interesting, though, is the fact that "non-believers"; people like me, have no real problem with those, like you, who do believe. Well, that is until you start with juvenile name-calling and insults because someone believes differently than you. That's how I know there's no God. If there was, he'd have struck your ass down long before now...
There’s zero evidence that God doesn’t exist.
But feel free to believe rocks and dirt become living creatures given enough time. It’s a free country.
There’s zero evidence that God doesn’t exist.
But feel free to believe rocks and dirt become living creatures given enough time. It’s a free country.

If I say "There's no evidence God exixts", a reasonable retort to that isn't "The zero evidence that he doesn't".

Show me the evidence that God exists. Show me something which you believe God is responsible for that can't be explained any other way. If you believe your God is the omnipotent being, then you know what he ALSO responsible for?

Child cancers
puppies hit by cars
babies born to addiction

See, for me, that's evidence that God most certainly does NOT exist.

But, to your point: If you say there's zero evidence that God doesn't exist, well, likewise there is zero evidence that extraterrestrials don't exist. In fact that's probably far more well a supported an opinion that "God exists".

And please show me where I've stated that rocks and dirt become living creatures. Do it or admit to being a lying scumbag

Those are the only two legitimate choices.

I know you're a chickenshit and won't do it, but give it a whirl...
If I say "There's no evidence God exixts", a reasonable retort to that isn't "The zero evidence that he doesn't".

Show me the evidence that God exists. Show me something which you believe God is responsible for that can't be explained any other way. If you believe your God is the omnipotent being, then you know what he ALSO responsible for?

Child cancers
puppies hit by cars
babies born to addiction

See, for me, that's evidence that God most certainly does NOT exist.

But, to your point: If you say there's zero evidence that God doesn't exist, well, likewise there is zero evidence that extraterrestrials don't exist. In fact that's probably far more well a supported an opinion that "God exists".

And please show me where I've stated that rocks and dirt become living creatures. Do it or admit to being a lying scumbag

Those are the only two legitimate choices.

I know you're a chickenshit and won't do it, but give it a whirl...
Obviously you’ve never studied the Christian faith. You’re not an atheist. You’re an ignoramus, no insult intended. I spent years studying all the faiths before I made the leap because I knew I was an ignoramus. I had seen something that I could not reconcile and I needed an answer.
So know the only important thing is that God only wants you to believe, that’s it. Nothing more. The rest of the Bible is commentary. Now go read the Book of Acts and begin to learn more.
Obviously you’ve never studied the Christian faith. You’re not an atheist. You’re an ignoramus, no insult intended. I spent years studying all the faiths before I made the leap because I knew I was an ignoramus. I had seen something that I could not reconcile and I needed an answer.
So know the only important thing is that God only wants you to believe, that’s it. Nothing more. The rest of the Bible is commentary. Now go read the Book of Acts and begin to learn more.

Do yourself a favor and stop pretending you know anything about me.

I grew up Roman Catholic. I spent 18 years in the Church. It's the Church which made me question, and then decide to step away from, my faith.

I do, however, agree that you're an ignoramus.

You've yet to provide any concrete evidence that the Christian God is real.

You can't do it...
Do yourself a favor and stop pretending you know anything about me.

I grew up Roman Catholic. I spent 18 years in the Church. It's the Church which made me question, and then decide to step away from, my faith.

I do, however, agree that you're an ignoramus.

You've yet to provide any concrete evidence that the Christian God is real.

You can't do it...

No more than you can prove He's not real.

These "debates" are pointless, nobody can prove it either way
Do yourself a favor and stop pretending you know anything about me.

I grew up Roman Catholic. I spent 18 years in the Church. It's the Church which made me question, and then decide to step away from, my faith.

I do, however, agree that you're an ignoramus.

You've yet to provide any concrete evidence that the Christian God is real.

You can't do it...
Well, there’s your problem. RNC has very little to do with the Christian faith.
Now go read the Book of Acts and then you can discuss.

Do yourself a favor and stop pretending you know anything about me.

I grew up Roman Catholic. I spent 18 years in the Church. It's the Church which made me question, and then decide to step away from, my faith.

I do, however, agree that you're an ignoramus.

You've yet to provide any concrete evidence that the Christian God is real.

You can't do it...
There's the problem, catholicism.
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

The full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology and CRT is a great indicator that, for the rest of us, this is the ground to fight on.
Every five year old should be taught what inappropriate touching is. And they should be taught to report it to their parents or a teacher immediately.

Why does this bother you?
Every five year old should be taught what inappropriate touching is. And they should be taught to report it to their parents or a teacher immediately.

Why does this bother you?
You know that’s not what’s being taught. Why spin?

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