What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

Your posts are there for everyone to read.
I know. I'm trusting they aren't as stupid as you.
You’re an enabler of pedophiles of this entire topic.
It's sad. You're so goddamned stupid. :(

If you read my post again (and try not to go into defensive Trumpster-twat mode), you'll see that I'm condemning the practice of using the schools for political indoctrination. I just think that your sick fixation on salacious sexual perversion isn't a compelling argument. It doesn't make a case against the indoctrination (which is much more broad than sexual issues). It only shows that you've got a sick fixation on sexual perversion.
Okay, so you're unable to provide any evidence. Honestly, I knew you wouldn't be able to. I'm not sure why you felt the need to call me an idiot. But, I guess if you lack the ability to support your position then all you have left is name calling...
I pointed you in the direction to look. The evidence is there. Deny God all you want, is won't end well.
I know. I'm trusting they aren't as stupid as you.

It's sad. You're so goddamned stupid. :(

If you read my post again (and try not to go into defensive Trumpster-twat mode), you'll see that I'm condemning the practice of using the schools for political indoctrination. I just think that your sick fixation on salacious sexual perversion isn't a compelling argument. It doesn't make a case against the indoctrination (which is much more broad than sexual issues). It only shows that you've got a sick fixation on sexual perversion.
How dare anyone bring up the fact the Left is attempting to normalize pedophillia!
And you’re right! I do have a problem with adults sexually mutilating children for their perverse sexual behavior.

Thd question is, why are you against the topic being pointed out by anyone.
How dare anyone bring up the fact the Left is attempting to normalize pedophillia!
And you’re right! I do have a problem with adults sexually mutilating children for their perverse sexual behavior.

Thd question is, why are you against the topic being pointed out by anyone.
Because it's counter-productive. Your frantic screeching about lizard-pedo-deep-state whatever just makes you easy to dismiss as a kook. What we need is sober discussion about the role of public education. But we'll never to get that because of fucking idiots like you.
What evidence do you have that "God" is real?

That's an honest question to which I hope you will give an honest answer...
It’s off topic but to claim a 100% sure denial is illogical and unscientific. The issue is evidence and either you see it or you deny it, it’s that simple. One can spend their life thinking that rocks and dirt can evolve into the life we have around us, or you can think God did it.
Because it's counter-productive. Your frantic screeching about lizard-pedo-deep-state whatever just makes you easy to dismiss as a kook. What we need to sober discussion about the role of public education. But we'll never to get that because of fucking idiots like you.
Sorry, no one can have a discussion of any meaning with adults who’s major goal in life is to talk about sexual perversions with children who are forced to sit and listen. There is no common ground possible.

Now the question is why do you treat pedophiles as normal people who can be reasoned with.
Sorry, no one can have a discussion of any meaning with adults who’s major goal in life is to talk about sexual perversions with children who are forced to sit and listen. There is no common ground possible.

Now the question is why do you treat pedophiles as normal people who can be reasoned with.
I'll let you get back to jerking off to your fantasies.
Says the loon who thinks adults who wish to talk to children about sexual deviancy have a legitimate platform that can be debated with.
Says the moron who can't understand English. But you do live in an alternate reality, so there's that.
You’re the one wishing to give pedophiles an open forum.
Nope. Exactly the opposite and you know it. But if you keep repeating a lie long enough - you win! It's the Trumpster way.

I suspect you secretly get off on this shit. Hell, you post something about pedos (or other sexual deviancies) every single day. Do you think about anything else?
Nope. Exactly the opposite and you know it. But if you keep repeating a lie long enough - you win! It's the Trumpster way.

I suspect you secretly get off on this shit. Hell, you post something about pedos (or other sexual deviancies) every single day. Do you think about anything else?
What we need is sober discussion about the role of public education.
And this topic is that discussion. Every adult desiring to talk to children about sexual perversions should not be allowed within a thousand feet of any school.
I know. I'm trusting they aren't as stupid as you.

It's sad. You're so goddamned stupid. :(

If you read my post again (and try not to go into defensive Trumpster-twat mode), you'll see that I'm condemning the practice of using the schools for political indoctrination. I just think that your sick fixation on salacious sexual perversion isn't a compelling argument. It doesn't make a case against the indoctrination (which is much more broad than sexual issues). It only shows that you've got a sick fixation on sexual perversion.
As sick as the people that want to teach pre schoolers all about their pee-pees when kids couldn't care
less at that stage of development and would much rather be doing anything else.

Who is stupid here? The person talking about self appointed "social engineers" while tossing out
absurd insults and provocative idiocy or everyone else?
Who is stupid here? The person talking about self appointed "social engineers" while tossing out
absurd insults and provocative idiocy or everyone else?
Did you understand that I was condemning "self-appointed social engineers"? I guess not.

It really is just reading comprehension. Keep trying.
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Because it's counter-productive. Your frantic screeching about lizard-pedo-deep-state whatever just makes you easy to dismiss as a kook. What we need is sober discussion about the role of public education. But we'll never to get that because of fucking idiots like you.
Best way to improve education is to keep pedo pervert supporting libscum out of it.
I pointed you in the direction to look. The evidence is there. Deny God all you want, is won't end well.

HAHAHA!! You're funny. You apparently believe that the existence of God is undeniable, yet you've proven to be monumentally inept at providing anything to back up your position.

That's actually a pretty common trait amongst thumpers...
It’s off topic but to claim a 100% sure denial is illogical and unscientific. The issue is evidence and either you see it or you deny it, it’s that simple. One can spend their life thinking that rocks and dirt can evolve into the life we have around us, or you can think God did it.

Science makes a whole lot more sense than the belief of some supreme being who created, well, everything in six days.

Where is your scientific evidence that "God" exists?
HAHAHA!! You're funny. You apparently believe that the existence of God is undeniable, yet you've proven to be monumentally inept at providing anything to back up your position.

That's actually a pretty common trait amongst thumpers...
My backup is the Word of God and my faith. You're condemnation is your denial. The existence of God is undeniable, that is the one unforgivable sin. Good luck.

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