What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

In this case, social engineers want to confuse our children as to their own born sex. They are pedophiles and I will always 'go with that' if it means protecting children from sickos.
Ok. Stick with the qanon looney bin crap.
They are pedophiles and sexual deviants with an eye on children. For you to claim otherwise simply helps their agenda.
The biggest opposition to the law is the fact is that it is vague and not specific on several issues. You pandering to the lowest form is nothing new considering the kind of person you are.
When I saw the question being asked in the name of this chat, all that I could do was think about kids that don't have parents to go to for any answers that they are looking for.

God bless you always!!!

Classmates, the internet, their teacher or preist.
I may become atomized.
Even so, your state will still exist, but in another form. The Law of Thermodynamics proves this.

Therefore there are still consequences for your choices. Some of them good and some of them bad depending on whether you abide by The Physical Laws of The Universe, or Ignore them and do something foolish.

God doesn't put anyone in Hell. People jump off of the metaphorical cliff themselves to go there because they don't believe Gravity is real.

God is Gravity. God is Real.

DESPITE THIS, People choose to separate themselves from God, because they love sin more than God. And they want to suspend reality so they can continue in such a sin loving path.

They reject God's laws, and reject God's gift of salvation because they are addicted to sin and refuse to give it up.

They even pretend God isn't real despite deep down inside knowing that He created The Physical Laws of The Universe and The Spiritual Laws of The Universe.
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The biggest opposition to the law is the fact is that it is vague and not specific on several issues. You pandering to the lowest form is nothing new considering the kind of person you are.

You need to control your compulsion to talk to other peoples' little kids about sex. It's disgusting.
Despite the lurid fantasies of Trumpsters, these people aren't predators trying to groom your children. They're self-appointed social engineers using their positions as educators to "mold young minds", to change attitudes, even if it's against the will of the parents Arguably, that's worse. But that doesn't make for scary headlines, so we have to listen to morons screeching about pedos instead. Meanwhile, the actual problem is ignored.
"The actual problem" is people like you and other "self appointed social engineers". Not something I made up. Something that you yourself have introduced here.
Stop and consider that!

People using their jobs as teachers as a license to supersede what parents want for their children in favor of the wishes of strangers with an inordinate interest in the sex-lives of children (the very definition of
pedophiles) they (self appointed social engineers) have claimed for themselves the right to "mold young minds". Whether you want that or not.

"Good evening, Mrs. Doyle. I'm so pleased to get to talk to you and your young daughter, Felicia,
about her vagina and what a wonderful thing it is. And if you want I would be happy to
photograph her so as to familiarize other young kids with their "private parts" too.
Though as you might tell, we don't believe in hiding ourselves away because shame and fear are not
what vaginas are about. We believe in sharing our gift with others all around us.

Should we begin?"

If a "social engineer" wanted to discuss with a young daughter her most private feelings and thoughts
in a classroom setting, how would you like that, parent or not?
Pedophiles and perverts are generally protected by liberal administrations. When the BSA won the decision to discriminate against hiring overt predatory homosexuals the liberals and the democrats and the media vowed to bankrupt the organization. Instead of siding with the BSA in their efforts to prevent predatory homosexuals from supervising young boys, the libs ignored their efforts and protected the perverts while they blamed the BSA. The Catholic Church scandal involves homosexual predator priests but the left ignores that side of the argument.
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

The full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology and CRT is a great indicator that, for the rest of us, this is the ground to fight on.
Sex? Or Gender?

But it's certainly a big thing that the Right doesn't want to teach young children about good touch/bad touch. After all, they voted gladly for a sexual assaulter who bragged about grabbing women in the p*ssy.....bad touch.
Sex? Or Gender?

But it's certainly a big thing that the Right doesn't want to teach young children about good touch/bad touch. After all, they voted gladly for a sexual assaulter who bragged about grabbing women in the p*ssy.....bad touch.
No shock you’re excited about being able to talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions.

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