What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

I wouldn't know I am not a Catholic or Baptist.
Does it really matter if you are of a certain denomination? How screwed up are you? The point is clear and you want to chose a religious group as an excuse?
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

The full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology and CRT is a great indicator that, for the rest of us, this is the ground to fight on.
Creepily, the same people who support cops who beat kids in their scrotum with a stick while they are near naked or have plain clothed officers target kids in poor neighbourhood for their careers.

Be it politicians or "pro-cop-Clint Eastwood junkies" who believe police NEVER do wrong and their families blindly support.

I spoke out loudly against the abuse of a child in all forms. When the Climate Cult tried to leverage Greta for their goals I spoke loudly, I speak loudly when it's police and their enablers in any form.

We should all sure as hell be speaking out against the abuse of kids from teachers, administrators ad their enablers as well.

Canada has always been a staging ground for creeps, your schools seem to be following our pattern. Quite simply, resist, call them out and peacefully but firmly confront them for what they are.
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God supposedly is this great genius, no? Yet, this creator creates imperfection and expects it to function well? Then tells the created to act nice or else.
Do you not understand the necessity of Free Will? Do you not understand how Rebellion plays a necessary role in Eternity?

You cannot have Free Will unless you allow for rebellion and a fall from grace because we need to have a point of reference to compare One State of Being to Another.

Fallen State vs. Redeemed Restored Perfection

Man and Angels had to Fall in order to rise from The Ashes after being redeemed by a Loving God so that Eternity can be established, and so The Family of God does not Choose to Fall Again, and the perpetual state of Harmony and Peace can exist because of The Genetic and Spiritual Memory of how awful the Fallen State is.

With that genetic and spiritual memory of The Fall From Grace, man and angels are free to Love God by choice knowing that God knows what is best for them, and what is best for an eternal universe and it's inhabitants. We learn to trust God and love God without reservation, because of His love and sacrifice He made for us despite our Rebellion.

This is why God is worshiped because His wisdom and genius exceeds everyone and everything.

You don't deserve forgiveness, but God provides it for you anyways, and not with just words, He put His own self on The Cross to provide it for you.

You will never be able to comprehend God unless you go through that process and understand Rebellion vs. Redemption.

You can only scratch the surface even if you do.

Only once we enter The Eternal State can you see the wisdom of His design, His Forethought, and Foreknowledge.

God cannot be a loving God, and we cannot love God without Free Will, and Free Will cannot exist without mankind and angels experiencing a fallen state and rebellion then goes through a redemption which we do not deserve and is carried out by God's work, not our own work.

It is God's Greatest Gift. Himself, All of Himself to the Point of Sacrifice through His Voluntary Crucifixion and then Resurrection for His undeserving children.

Without such a fall and redemption, Eternity cannot be established.
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Does it really matter if you are of a certain denomination? How screwed up are you? The point is clear and you want to chose a religious group as an excuse?
I hate to exclude anyone, jump on in.
Do you not understand the necessity of Free Will? Do you not understand how Rebellion plays a necessary role in Eternity.

You cannot have Free Will unless you have a point of reference to compare One State of Being to Another.

Man and Angels had to Fall in order to rise from The Ashes after being redeemed by a Loving God so that Eternity can be established, and so The Family of God does not Choose to Fall Again, and the perpetual state of Harmony and Peace can exist because of The Genetic and Spiritual Memory of how awful the Fallen State is.

This is why God is worshiped because His wisdom and genius exceeds everyone and everything.

You will never be able to comprehend God unless you go through that process.

You can only scratch the surface if you do.

Only once we enter The Eternal State can you see the wisdom of His design, His Forethought, and Foreknowledge.

God cannot be a loving God, and we cannot love God without Free Will, and Free Will cannot exist without mankind and angels experiencing a fallen state and rebellion.

Without such a fall and redemption, Eternity cannot be establish
There is no free will if you are going to be punished for anything you do.
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

Despite the lurid fantasies of Trumpsters, these people aren't predators trying to groom your children. They're self-appointed social engineers using their positions as educators to "mold young minds", to change attitudes, even if it's against the will of the parents Arguably, that's worse. But that doesn't make for scary headlines, so we have to listen to morons screeching about pedos instead. Meanwhile, the actual problem is ignored.
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Despite the lurid fantasies of Trumpsters, these people aren't predators trying to groom your children. They're self-appointed social engineers using their positions as educators to "mold young minds", to change attitudes, even if it's against the will of the parents Arguably, that's worse. But that doesn't make for scary headlines, so we have to listen to morons screeching about pedos instead. Meanwhile, the actual problem is ignored.
I’m not shocked you think it’s good for adults to want to discuss sexual perversions with 5 year olds not your own.
Despite the lurid fantasies of Trumpsters, these people aren't predators trying to groom your children. They're self-appointed social engineers using their positions as educators to "mold young minds", to change attitudes, even if it's against the will of the parents Arguably, that's worse. But that doesn't make for scary headlines, so we have to listen to morons screeching about pedos instead. Meanwhile, the actual problem is ignored.
'Self appointed social engineers' are pedo predators. Oh and BTW you have a raging case of TDS.
You’re justifying adults desiring your talk to 5 year olds not their own about sexual perversions.
Nuff said.
You're dumber than a fucking rock. I said exactly the opposite of that. Read it again. Maybe look up the words you don't understand.
Sure. Go with that. Just makes your complants easier to dismiss. :rolleyes:
In this case, social engineers want to confuse our children as to their own born sex. They are pedophiles and I will always 'go with that' if it means protecting children from sickos.
When I saw the question being asked in the name of this chat, all that I could do was think about kids that don't have parents to go to for any answers that they are looking for.

God bless you always!!!

You're dumber than a fucking rock. I said exactly the opposite of that. Read it again. Maybe look up the words you don't understand.
They are pedophiles and sexual deviants with an eye on children. For you to claim otherwise simply helps their agenda.
There is no free will if you are going to be punished for anything you do.
I'd say God gives mankind a lot of latitude when it comes to Grace and forgiveness of sin, so NO, you aren't punished for everything you do. What does happen is that you go to where your heart is, when you die and your 'state' is set in concrete. You go to a place which is governed by the laws you want to live by. Hell is a lawless place with a complete absence of God. Complete Free Will reigns in Hell, only there is No Moral Law to Govern it. It is ETERNAL ANARCHY and ETERNAL LAWLESSNESS, and ETERNAL EVIL.

Anarchy cannot exist in heaven. People in The Kingdom of God choose to obey God's laws because that is what brings Happiness, Joy and Eternal Bliss.

What happens if you violate or exceed The Laws of The Universe?
Can a Universe exist without The Laws of Physics?

If one believes Gravity is a myth and jumps from a cliff, is Gravity suspended or is he still subject to that invisible force?
You can say you don't believe in Gravity. That only makes you a fool. You are still subject to that invisible force even if you reject it's existence, and if you exceed your own limits to challenge such a force, the consequences are exactly what you chose them to be.
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