What Kind of Adult Wants to Talk About Sex to 5 Year Olds Not Their Own?

"The actual problem" is people like you and other "self appointed social engineers". Not something I made up. Something that you yourself have introduced here.
Stop and consider that!
Read my posts again. You're barking up the wrong tree.
Read my posts again. You're barking up the wrong tree.
I read through your posts again. If there was something exculpatory in there in particular I didn't
see it.

Maybe you are just very bad at explaining yourself. Let's hope so for your sake. What I read was
pretty vile, if you think children should not be exploited by adults,
They are pedophiles and sexual deviants with an eye on children. For you to claim otherwise simply helps their agenda.
Your hysterical fixation on sexual perversion is what helps their agenda. The problem is that some people are using the school system to implement political indoctrination. But that problem is completely ignored because you're making about perversion instead.
God supposedly is this great genius, no? Yet, this creator creates imperfection and expects it to function well? Then tells the created to act nice or else.
Wrong. God created perfection, it was Satan that perverted it.
What evidence do you have that "God" is real?

That's an honest question to which I hope you will give an honest answer...
Look at creation. Look at biology. Just how healing occurs is evidence of creation. Look at astrology. The changing of the seasons. That doesn't happen by chance.
Look at creation. Look at biology. Just how healing occurs is evidence of creation. Look at astrology. The changing of the seasons. That doesn't happen by chance.

Okay, so you're unable to provide any evidence. Honestly, I knew you wouldn't be able to. I'm not sure why you felt the need to call me an idiot. But, I guess if you lack the ability to support your position then all you have left is name calling...
Normal adults don't tell kids to keep secrets from their parents.
Normal adults have no inclination to talk to 5-9 year olds, who are not their children, about sex.

Perverts and predators do.

The full-scale meltdown on the Left at the prospect of losing its privilege to indoctrinate other people's kids in Gender Ideology and CRT is a great indicator that, for the rest of us, this is the ground to fight on.
Yes. It's winning turf.

Tomorrow I have to travel again, but in the last four days i've been able to sign up and organize OVER A THOUSAND parents. And they're going to go out and organize thousands more.

With my own two eyes - I can tell you, some of these parents are REALLY PISSED. They're practically apoplectic with rage, at the thought of publicly funded leftist political activism in their childrens' classrooms.

They're going to shut it down. WE'RE going to shut it down. Together. This issue brings together a LOT of people who normally disagree.

To the extent the issue is identified with the right and the left is perceived as the villain, it's a winner for the right.
Your hysterical fixation on sexual perversion is what helps their agenda. The problem is that some people are using the school system to implement political indoctrination. But that problem is completely ignored because you're making about perversion instead.
Your the one wishing to talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions and you call me the bad guy for calling out what only pedophiles and sexual perverts desire to do.
Your the one wishing to talk to 5 year olds about sexual perversions and you call me the bad guy for calling out what only pedophiles and sexual perverts desire to do.
Nope. You're not smart enough to read English. Sorry.

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