What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

The Media is controlled by the Far Left, as is social media ant tech,. Google admits that Silicon Valley is far left Democrat. The media omits anything that doesn't fit their leftists agenda, or the under report it. People legally use firearms all the time to defend their lives, and their families.

The media is controlled by Corporate Elitist America you loon. This fiction that the media is in bed with the far left is a lie that Repulicans have been feeding you to make you think they aren't telling the truth. And idiot that you are, you believe them.

At MOST, there is a "slight" left wing bias to the media, because FACTS favour the left. I now await howls of protest from the right but the reality is that the MSM is far more reliable than right wing talk radio which has been lying to the fly-over states since Reagan first started vilifying the poor.

I just heard, "It can't be a left-wing bias, because I like it! And it must be factual, because it's what I want to believe!"
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

An Ar 15 fires one round per trigger pull

Any semiautomatic handgun fires one round per trigger pull

Any revolver fires one round per trigger pull

The rate of fire of all the above firearms is determined by how fast you can pull the trigger

True, but a revolver is much slower as when you pull the trigger, the chamber has to turn to the next round.

small potatoes in the scheme of things
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

An Ar 15 fires one round per trigger pull

Any semiautomatic handgun fires one round per trigger pull

Any revolver fires one round per trigger pull

The rate of fire of all the above firearms is determined by how fast you can pull the trigger

Yes, I know. I think my question was more along the lines of . . . how easily you can pull, I guess you could say. I haven't spent a lot of time tryng out a variety of guns, but of those I have fired, I did notice that some required less pressure to fire, allowing them to be fired faster. Granted, I doubt it's a huge time difference.
If you carry concealed with a permit, no one should know you are carrying. It’s not a big deal, and it’s no novelty. It’s just with you, as a last ditch effort for protecting yourself and family. There is no lack of criminals using guns every day. They don’t care about what is lawful. If you talk about open carry, it’s lawful but IMHO too much in your face and drawing attention. I do realize it’s the norm in some areas.

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Stress training is different than weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.
I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

See all these lovely ladies in this picture? They all lived safe, quiet, peaceful lives without any need to ever defend themselves against anything . . .


Until right there at the end, when Ted Bundy killed them.

What counts isn't how many times you need to defend your life; it's that you don't want to fail to do so the one time it matters.
A lack of firearms wasn't the problem with Bundy. Although I'm all in favor of citizens having the means to defend their lives and homes.

It wasn't? Call me crazy, but I'm going to say when someone has murdered you, the inability to defend yourself against him IS, in fact, the problem.
Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

See all these lovely ladies in this picture? They all lived safe, quiet, peaceful lives without any need to ever defend themselves against anything . . .


Until right there at the end, when Ted Bundy killed them.

What counts isn't how many times you need to defend your life; it's that you don't want to fail to do so the one time it matters.
A lack of firearms wasn't the problem with Bundy. Although I'm all in favor of citizens having the means to defend their lives and homes.

It wasn't? Call me crazy, but I'm going to say when someone has murdered you, the inability to defend yourself against him IS, in fact, the problem.
You might want to look into the particulars of the murders. It's possible the victims had time to realize Bundy was a threat, but in some cases he more or less bamboozled them until it was too late.
I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

See all these lovely ladies in this picture? They all lived safe, quiet, peaceful lives without any need to ever defend themselves against anything . . .


Until right there at the end, when Ted Bundy killed them.

What counts isn't how many times you need to defend your life; it's that you don't want to fail to do so the one time it matters.
A lack of firearms wasn't the problem with Bundy. Although I'm all in favor of citizens having the means to defend their lives and homes.

It wasn't? Call me crazy, but I'm going to say when someone has murdered you, the inability to defend yourself against him IS, in fact, the problem.
You might want to look into the particulars of the murders. It's possible the victims had time to realize Bundy was a threat, but in some cases he more or less bamboozled them until it was too late.

Well, let's see:

His first reported attack was a college student, whose home he broke into. He beat her so badly she wound up in a coma. So are you suggesting a gun would have been of no use to her?

His second known victim - and first murder - was also a home invasion. He broke into her home, knocked her unconscious, and dragged her out to the car. Again, are you suggesting that guns are of no help in home invasions?

It was after that when he developed the ruse of wearing a cast and luring women to his car. Whether or not they'd have had a chance to use a weapon if they'd had one is negotiable, since neither of us was actually there to see the details of how it went down.

After he escaped prison in Florida, his last spate of killings was at the Chi Omega sorority, in which he bludgeoned and strangled women to death one by one, followed by breaking into a nearby house and beating the woman who lived there. You don't suppose just POSSIBLY that one of those women might have had a chance to defend herself, given the tool to do so?

On the run from that, he abducted and killed a 12-year-old. Okay, I'll give you that one.

Next time you want to condescend at me and tell me "You might want to look at the particulars", be damned sure YOU have followed your own advice first.

And the point remains: just because your life is quiet and safe and uneventful so far is no guarantee that that can't radically change in a heartbeat.
More juvenile insults. Are you really out of substantive arguments?

If it's an insult, it's coming from gun nuts. You should thumb back through this thread.

You're really trying to say your insults aren't coming from you?

Some of the worst insults do come from the gunnuters. Just like some of the worst insults come from the gungrabbers. You keep denying one side while condemning the other.

I'll plead guilty to that. It's not right to single out one poster while ignoring others.

Perhaps you could say what you think a pair of balls hanging from a gun indicates.

I think it means somebody thinks it's funny, just like balls on a pickup truck trailer hitch.
Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?

I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.
Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?

I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.

Your ignorant point of view is more dangerous, far more, than my guns. YOU, and your desires for "gun free zones" get innocent people killed.
The shooter is there to get as many in the hall as they can and plenty of kids panic and race into the halls. The shooter isn't going to take the time to break down a locked door to get to a few kids when he has plenty to choose from in the halls. The teachers who were killed chose to open the door for some of the students in the hall to come into the rooms.
Convenient suppositions you have there.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
And when the police arrive, how will they know who is the shooter and who is the teacher? It has happened before in other circumstances.

You do know that law enforcement is given training in how to handle such situations, right? Granted, leftist-run law enforcement like we all saw Three-Stooging it up in Broward County don't give a good showing of any sort of police training, but there actually are procedures for the possibility of armed defenders.

You mistake regular cops with Swat trained. The reason we have so many "Questionable" shootings is that the stress training for the regular cops just isn't there.
I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.

Probably not a bad idea. I mean you never know when you might spontaneously combust.

A lightning arrestor is another good to have with you at all times.
Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?

I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.

But if I don't have a fire extinguisher and I find myself in a building surrounded by flames, I'll certainly be glad I have it even though I never needed one in my life before.
The shooter is there to get as many in the hall as they can and plenty of kids panic and race into the halls. The shooter isn't going to take the time to break down a locked door to get to a few kids when he has plenty to choose from in the halls. The teachers who were killed chose to open the door for some of the students in the hall to come into the rooms.
Convenient suppositions you have there.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
And when the police arrive, how will they know who is the shooter and who is the teacher? It has happened before in other circumstances.

You do know that law enforcement is given training in how to handle such situations, right? Granted, leftist-run law enforcement like we all saw Three-Stooging it up in Broward County don't give a good showing of any sort of police training, but there actually are procedures for the possibility of armed defenders.

You mistake regular cops with Swat trained. The reason we have so many "Questionable" shootings is that the stress training for the regular cops just isn't there.

And the standards have been lowered for who can be an officer, and ALL firearms training is woefully inadequate. And the top brass think that a cop who is a gun guy is a lunatic so they put them in dead end jobs, and the top brass in general is going to hang an officer involved in a shooting to save their own ass etc. etc. etc.

The cops of today (with a few notable exceptions) are shadows of the cops of old.
Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?

I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.

Your ignorant point of view is more dangerous, far more, than my guns. YOU, and your desires for "gun free zones" get innocent people killed.

As always, I will give your remarks all the consideration they deserve. Your claims of expertise on virtually everything put your opinion in a category all it's own.
Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?

On the same point, Dragontwat says she's lived for 70 years without ever feeling the need for a gun to make her safer.

I've lived for 50 years without ever having my house catch fire. Haven't even come close. Guess what? My house has a fire alarm, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and a fire extinguisher. Because the fact that it hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't, it's only gotta happen once, and it's too late to prepare for it after the flames are already licking up the curtains.

Exactly. We all can say we lived X amount of years without X ever happening. I hate to say it, but what if her 71th year changed everything?

Just because you go through life without something ever happening to you doesn't mean the rest of your life will be the same. I've never had a car stolen, but it doesn't mean it will never happen in the future. I lock my car when I leave it.....even in my own garage. My cars are usually paid for so I don't have to have theft insurance. I have it just in case.

Perhaps things are different in Canada and she doesn't understand what goes on down here. As I posted earlier, even though we had our CCW laws for some time before I got mine, I never bothered until my neighborhood started going to hell. In fact, the only reason I purchased a gun in the first place was after I came home and my apartment was robbed. Until the time, I never dreamed of owning a gun.

And Dragonlady, if you are reading this and you can be honest, have you ever played your lottery in Canada when the jackpot went up there? Have you ever crossed the border to buy a ticket in the US when our lottery jackpot was in the hundreds of millions of dollars?

I don't have a problem if you want to carry a fire extinguisher every where you go. If you drop it and it goes off, nobody will die. If your ego causes you to point it at somebody, nobody will die.

But if I don't have a fire extinguisher and I find myself in a building surrounded by flames, I'll certainly be glad I have it even though I never needed one in my life before.

Yet you don't see the need to be armed with a fire extinguisher 24/7. Seems short sighted on your part, since you are so ready for a military style gun battle that is less likely than having a fire.

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