What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

If they're in the classroom teaching then how would they know about him immediately?
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.
so tell me expert, how would a person with a hand gun take down a person shooting an AR-15 that shoots rounds what, about a hundred times faster than the hand gun? And tell me oh hero, would you face a guy shooting that kind of weapon with just a hand gun if you were directly in the line of fire like you and others expect the teachers and students to do?

See what I mean, Ray?
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.
Why do you keep avoiding my questions?
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Because they ARE defenseless up against the high powered guns the school shooters brought with them. I'll ask you the same thing I asked Ray....would you put yourself up against someone with an AR-15 with only a hand gun? He see it and has a rapid firing weapon, which you do not, so guess who is dead? Not the gunman, that's for sure. Is that what you expect teachers and students to also do?

As opposed to what? Throwing chalk at them? Getting in a slapfight with them? Giving them a stern talking-to? We're not talking about whether arming teachers with a handgun is better than arming them with an A-15 of their own (which I assume you would oppose). The question is whether having a handgun is a better defense than nothing at all.
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

do you do everything that your country and state say you have the right to do?

No.. But I'd LIKE TO... :banana:

And that list of options should always be kept as long as possible.... AMIRITE?
The problem, of course, is that conservatives aren’t consistent with that list.

And leftist progressives are attacking that list viciously.. Let's be brutally honest here. There are THOUSANDS of family members serving 8 to 10 years for drug USER offenses, while real criminals are out in 2 or 3... So BOTH parties see it as their jobs to reduce Civil Liberties and freedoms now.. I could serve theoretically serve time for a plastic straw violation couldn't I? Or a Big Gulp.. Or lose my life selling "loosie" cigarettes in NYC...

Or get my hairbraiding or lemonade stand operation shut down for a licensing violation. And the list of attacks on "the list" goes on..
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

An Ar 15 fires one round per trigger pull

Any semiautomatic handgun fires one round per trigger pull

Any revolver fires one round per trigger pull

The rate of fire of all the above firearms is determined by how fast you can pull the trigger
The gunman in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown has been identified as Adam Lanza. He is also dead, officials said. A senior law enforcement official tells NBC 4 New York that an unidentified woman has also been found dead, shot in the face, at a Newtown home, bringing the death toll to 28. The woman may be Lanza's mother, sources say.

State police said the shooting was confined to two rooms at the school, and that the casualties included 20 children and six adults. Two guns were recovered inside the school, and another outside in a car, officials said. Two law enforcement officials said the weapons were legally purchased and registered to Lanza's mother.

20 Children Among 27 Dead in School Shooting
The doors were closed, but not locked so that he would have had to break them down.....big difference.

It also shows that your assumption that shooters only aim at people in the school hallways is false. In other words, Lanza specifically targeted classrooms, and had one of those teachers had access to a firearm, they could have been prepared for when Lanza left the previous classroom.

He still had a fast firing firearm and who do you think he would shoot first ehwn he saw the teacher with the gun in their hand! Christ on a cracker! Use some logic here would you?

The first thing you need to know about self-defense with a firearm is not to confront a shooter unless you absolutely have no choice. You wait until you have him by surprise before you do anything.

The scenario in your mind is what has you confused. If an active shooter is in the school, a teacher is not going to beat his chest with both fists, turn green and start swinging from the ceiling lights like a super hero. That's not what we are talking about here.
No? That's exactly what all of you seem to be talking about. You think the teacher should confront the active shooter and be able to take him down. Like I said before, he has the element of surprise on his side and therefore none of the teachers are ready for him and would have had to go for their gun only after he started to shoot. That has been proven to be a no win situation time and time again. The police stations have everyone armed and yet a gunman came in and shot up one and why? Because he had the element of surprise on his side.

No, that's what YOU are talking about, and trying to force US to accept and defend. Literally no one here except for you has suggested that the teacher walk into the middle of the hallway, in full view of the shooter, like some half-assed "High Noon" showdown.
My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

You'll pee your pants a lot harder knowing you're going to die and are totally defenseless.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that fantasy. If someone was firing a rapid firearm at you, your little gun would really take them down, huh? SURRRE!

No, if somebody is shooting rapid fire at me, the first line of defense is to take cover. If cover is not available, only then do you shoot your gun back. After all, if you are out in the open, firing back is the only choice you have. If you don't have a gun and are out in the open, you're going to die no matter what you do.

Never be out in the open, and never allow yourself to be in the "funnel of death." And remember, concealment is not cover. Concealment only hides your presence, but cover can stop a bullet.

Watch how law-enforcement clears a room: They always use cover, never standing out in the funnel of death.

For someone who appears to have gotten everything she knows about guns from movies and TV shows, she doesn't seem to have paid very close attention to them.
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

An Ar 15 fires one round per trigger pull

Any semiautomatic handgun fires one round per trigger pull

Any revolver fires one round per trigger pull

The rate of fire of all the above firearms is determined by how fast you can pull the trigger

True, but a revolver is much slower as when you pull the trigger, the chamber has to turn to the next round.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

Yes, but you've also lived 70 years without thinking anything that was factually correct. Thinking you're safe doesn't mean you ARE safe.
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.
so tell me expert, how would a person with a hand gun take down a person shooting an AR-15 that shoots rounds what, about a hundred times faster than the hand gun? And tell me oh hero, would you face a guy shooting that kind of weapon with just a hand gun if you were directly in the line of fire like you and others expect the teachers and students to do?

See what I mean, Ray?

Too much education through movies. When the police rush into a school, it's likely they do so with handguns.
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

What do you think, that the biggest gun wins or something? The person that wins is the one that can plant a bullet in the other person with any size gun.

I'm not exactly an expert on all the mechanical stats of semi-automatic weapons. How fast do AR-15s fire in comparison to various handguns? I realize leftist pussifists like Kit are under the mistaken impression that AR-15s are some sort of crazed machine gun, but since we both know better, can you shed some light on this?

As already pointed out, they have the same rate of fire, that is the faster you squeeze the trigger is the faster the bullets come out. The only possible advantage is that longer barrel guns are better in aim, especially longer distances. However in the case of a school shooting, I don't think the shooter is taking much time aiming. He's usually shooting into a crowd of people
But back to the topic

How many of you people that say you're a coward if you carry a gun have ever been the victim of a crime? And not just any crime but a violent crime?

If you have never been the victim of a crime do you realize that millions of other people have been and that you are fortunate not to have been?

A not so smart man wants to see what it feels like to get hit by a bus. After he recovers from the hospital, he learns not to walk in front of a bus and looks both ways before crossing.

A stupid man does the same, except after he gets out of the hospital, he walks right in front of another bus with the same results.

The smartest man is the one watching the other two assholes get hit by busses.

Whenever possible, always try to learn from the mistakes of others.
Last edited:
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

See all these lovely ladies in this picture? They all lived safe, quiet, peaceful lives without any need to ever defend themselves against anything . . .


Until right there at the end, when Ted Bundy killed them.

What counts isn't how many times you need to defend your life; it's that you don't want to fail to do so the one time it matters.
I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Stress training is different than weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why do you have locks on your door when it's unlikely a stranger will enter your house when you're not home?
Thanks for the advice. I'll start carrying an AR-15 from now on, instead.

Gonna need to get a longer coat though.
That won't make your dick get any bigger, so don't waste your money.

My dick is plenty big enough and I'm not "compensating" by carrying a firearm. If I could reach out to a hundred yards and smack some idiot criminal upside the head with my dick, I wouldn't need a gun. So I carry one because..

1. Because I can.

2. Because I do.

3. Because I will.

4 Because there isn't one single thing you have to say about it.

5. Because there isn't a single thing you can do about it.

6. Because GFY.
I don't give two shits if you carry a gun or not, trust me. Or, if you have pepper spray or a knife. What I do find funny is how you think you need to arm yourself so much in your paranoid mind. If you ever came up against a 6'4" black man who was hell bent on harming you, all of that would be useless because he would snap you in two before you even knew what was happening. and if you ever came up on an actual shooter, you'd probably pee in your pants while trying to find a place to hide. False bravado is just that...false here on the internet, and much different in real life. People like you fancy themselves as heroes and concoct all kinds of scenarios in their minds as to what they would do, but if the actual situation arose, would react so totally different. But keep up your fantasy if that's what gets you though the day and night.

People legally defend their lives with a firearm every day. Yet the media doesn't want you to know that.

NRA-ILA | Armed Citizen®
“the media”


More rightwing ignorance, stupidity, and sophistry.

There is no ‘conspiracy’ by ‘the media’ to not report cases where citizens defend themselves with guns.

The fact is such cases are exceedingly rare, there’s simply very little to ‘report’:

“The latest data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011.”

How Often Do People Use Guns In Self-Defense?

Carrying guns is more than self-defense, it acts as a deterrent as well.

Much like what goes on in some parts of Europe today, a criminal has their pick of victims. Nobody has a gun so you opt to choose the weakest looking ones like elderly people or females. Then you proceed with your attack.

Today, those elderly people and women just may be the ones that will take you down in the process of your attack. They may be armed today with the legal ability to use their firearm for self-defense.
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Have you used your gun in an actual self defence situation?

See all these lovely ladies in this picture? They all lived safe, quiet, peaceful lives without any need to ever defend themselves against anything . . .


Until right there at the end, when Ted Bundy killed them.

What counts isn't how many times you need to defend your life; it's that you don't want to fail to do so the one time it matters.
A lack of firearms wasn't the problem with Bundy. Although I'm all in favor of citizens having the means to defend their lives and homes.
I was going to post that being armed, or not being armed, is sometimes not the issue even if one is in a city generally considered dangerous. Chicago comes to mind, where the vast vast maj of shootings don't occur outside of Southside. New Orleans is a place where citizens can get concealed carry permits, but the Quarter and even Garden Dist are safe .. but don't stray off St. Charles or Carrolton and never walk outside the Quarter in the direction of the Lower 9th Ward or Louis Amrstrong Park

I don't have much issue with firearms, but I don't think anyone should mistake them with lower crime rates. There's no provable correlation. In fact, statistics show more mass killing where more guns are ... but guns don't cause mass killings.
I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Stress training is different than weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Because by the time you know you need one, it's too late to get one.
Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Which applies to a tiny miniscule of gun owners – the vast majority of whom have no idea what to expect or how to use a gun for self-defense.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that citizens shouldn’t exercise their right to carry firearms; it does mean, however, that gun owners should be aware of their extensive limitations and use a firearm for self-defense only in response to an imminent and deadly threat, not to act as ‘law enforcement,’ or to otherwise ‘fight crime.’

Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why buy life insurance when you're young? The vast majority will never use it.

Target shooting is fun. Skeet shooting is fun. Collecting is fun. There are a lot of reasons why people own guns. Self defense is an important, but far from the only, reason.
The only reason to buy life insurance when you're young is that you can get it at a much lower premium

No, it's also because shit happens. Plenty of people die young.
Which is exactly what they do. The vast majority of guns never harm a person, and the vast majority of gun owners never shoot another human being.

The vigilantes are very few and far between.

Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why buy life insurance when you're young? The vast majority will never use it.

Target shooting is fun. Skeet shooting is fun. Collecting is fun. There are a lot of reasons why people own guns. Self defense is an important, but far from the only, reason.
The only reason to buy life insurance when you're young is that you can get it at a much lower premium

Or you have a family you want to protect and you realize even young people die. But just like life insurance for the young is rarely needed, a gun for self defense will probably not be needed. But if it is, you're glad it's there.
A young person is better off buying disability insurance as he is more likely to be injured than die

A smart young person with relatives he loves buys both.

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