What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

The Media is controlled by the Far Left, as is social media ant tech,. Google admits that Silicon Valley is far left Democrat. The media omits anything that doesn't fit their leftists agenda, or the under report it. People legally use firearms all the time to defend their lives, and their families.

The media is controlled by Corporate Elitist America you loon. This fiction that the media is in bed with the far left is a lie that Repulicans have been feeding you to make you think they aren't telling the truth. And idiot that you are, you believe them.

At MOST, there is a "slight" left wing bias to the media, because FACTS favour the left. I now await howls of protest from the right but the reality is that the MSM is far more reliable than right wing talk radio which has been lying to the fly-over states since Reagan first started vilifying the poor.
The Media is controlled by the Far Left, as is social media ant tech,. Google admits that Silicon Valley is far left Democrat. The media omits anything that doesn't fit their leftists agenda, or the under report it. People legally use firearms all the time to defend their lives, and their families.

The media is controlled by Corporate Elitist America you loon. This fiction that the media is in bed with the far left is a lie that Repulicans have been feeding you to make you think they aren't telling the truth. And idiot that you are, you believe them.

At MOST, there is a "slight" left wing bias to the media, because FACTS favour the left. I now await howls of protest from the right but the reality is that the MSM is far more reliable than right wing talk radio which has been lying to the fly-over states since Reagan first started vilifying the poor.

You are just absolutely wrong. Most of corporate elite America is Far Left Progressive Democrat supporters. When people resort to name calling it is obvious they have lost the argument.
So it's the old catch 22.

If I vote for incumbents or anyone from the two major established parties I'm not doing anything to change the system and if I vote for a third party I'm throwing away a vote and doing nothing to change the system

So tell me why I should vote at all

You vote on the local level in the party. You make changes at the local level which, if done enough, will change the national level. Too many people blindly follow, vote 3rd party which draws votes away from the other candidate or don't vote at all. So the small room full of white haired old guys gets to choose for you.

So you want me to vote the way you tell me to?

If you want to change the system you change it first at the local level where third party candidates have more of a chance you don't keep voting for the same two parties locally as you are only continuing the same old 2 party corruption we have now

Your first line is that of a fruitcake. Try again and try to stop telling me how I think. You have no idea what is going on inside my head. Trust me, there are times you really don't want to be in there anymore than I do.

Your second part is good. I agree. Can you imagine if enough people at a local Dem or Rep gathering were to say, "Enough" and break away from the crap they are offered and presented alternatives? Wow, the power of such a thing. Wow again. That's the way it's supposed to be. Imagine cleaning up Washington one Congress Critter at a time that way instead of keep sending the same corrupt person over and over year after year?

Pick a party. The problem is, you are going to either be uninvited or end up in the nose bleed seats. I went to a Republican Gathering years ago. The bottom seats were all reserved. If you wanted seating, you ended up in the Bleachers or the Nose Bleed seats where you went unheard. This is a Red dominant area. I don't see how any change can be made as long as there is so much corruption at the local level. I imagine in the Blue dominant areas the same thing is happening. But in a red dominant area, go to a Democrat meeting you and you might end up being either a Candidate or at least a Delegate. The smaller gathering is much easier to change. The Larger gathering will be the hardest as it's going to have the most developed corruption.

Yes, I know, if you are part of that corruption you are going to get mad at that statement. But remember, the other side that is in the majority in an area is doing exactly the same thing. This is when we are in a situation where we allow the two parties to control themselves and them control the voting system.
Do you know what a question mark represents????????????

My first line was a question. I wasn't telling you anything I was ASKING

You say you want to change the system yet you knuckle under to the two party system. You can't do both.

No, you weren't asking. You were telling. Poor method of discussing. As for your last tirade, you go and do it again and this time without a question mark. I want to change the parties from within. Wasting a vote on a candidate that will garner absolutely no hop of winning isn't changing a thing. Get involved locally in one party or the other and get real unpopular fast but become a voice that others can hear. Sort of like me and the Gunnutters.

So you think a question mark denotes a statement? What does a period at the end of a string of words signify.

You're never going to change the parties from within at least not in your lifetime. They are too entrenched too immobile and too powerful.

And that you use the term nutters tells me you are one
Then why have guns at all, if you're not using them for hunting or because you live on a farm?

Why buy life insurance when you're young? The vast majority will never use it.

Target shooting is fun. Skeet shooting is fun. Collecting is fun. There are a lot of reasons why people own guns. Self defense is an important, but far from the only, reason.
The only reason to buy life insurance when you're young is that you can get it at a much lower premium

Or you have a family you want to protect and you realize even young people die. But just like life insurance for the young is rarely needed, a gun for self defense will probably not be needed. But if it is, you're glad it's there.
A young person is better off buying disability insurance as he is more likely to be injured than die

I'm well aware of that, but that's deflecting from the point. The vast majority of young people will never use a life insurance policy, but the families of the few who do are very grateful they have it. Likewise, the vast majority of gun owners who carry weapons for self defense will never shoot another human being, but on the rare occasions when they need to, they're glad they had the option. Even most LEO will never shoot another human being, but we don't question their need to be armed.

Most people will never use their life insurance policy

That's not the point of life insurance.

Life insurance is income meant to serve as income replacement and you should only have it until you have saved enough that your untimely death won't be a burden to your family.

If you are young and plan on having a family then it is prudent to take a life insurance policy in an amount that will reflect your future income
The fact is such cases are exceedingly rare, there’s simply very little to ‘report’:
And yet, the media often if not continually, reports when someone is murdered with a gun....
If gun use for self-defense is "rare", what is gun use for murder/suicide?

According to the rabidly anti-gun VPC, firearms were used 284,700 times in self-defense against violent and property crime, 2013-2015; this averages to 94,900 defensive uses per year.

Gun-related murders: 26,194
Gun related suicides: 64,579

For every gun used to commit murder, >10.8 are used in self-defense
For every gun used to commit suicide, >4.4 are used in self defense.

Page 6
But back to the topic

How many of you people that say you're a coward if you carry a gun have ever been the victim of a crime? And not just any crime but a violent crime?

If you have never been the victim of a crime do you realize that millions of other people have been and that you are fortunate not to have been?
I have lived nearly 70 years and not once ever have I thought that having a gun would have made my situation better or safer.

You men who are out shooting every week. How many times have you used that gun in self defence?

I have used my gun in self defense three times. Once with a rifle, and the other two times with my handgun. Both times with my handgun were when I was younger, and I didn't need to shoot the guys, they figured out that it would be real bad for them to continue, so they stopped.

Do not count Military nor Professional Security. Most of these people can relate to either no matter what they claim.

I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Stress training is different from weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.
Unnecessary Shit and Mass Confusion

In order to get enough Instant Marines to cover its Tactical Area of Responsibility, which was smack dab against the North Vietnamese border, the Marine brass shortened our training. That betrayal caused many poorly prepared Marines to die. All that haste was wasted anyway, because once the Communist soldiers flooded across the "De-Militarized" Zone during Operation Prairie, we had to give up half our original TAOR (including My Lai) to the U.S. Army's Americal Division
I carry because the laws of my country and state say I have the right to.

Sorry, but if you think you need to be armed at a little girl's soft ball game, you're nuts.

Well sure, but let's ask Steve Scalise.

The Czechoslovakian Prime Minister gave a custom CZ75 to President Trump during his official state visit. If the President isn't busy walking around the White House with it strapped to his hip, maybe he'll loan it to Scalise, just in case.

Bouncing Czechs

The Czechs make excellent weapons but never had the guts to use them against the Austrian Emperors, the Nazis, and the Commies.
I am neither. I am a private citizen and have always been. I just was also a serious firearms competitor, and fencer, and that introduced me to many people in the Spec Ops community. Earnest Emerson, Bill Bagwell and i are on a first name basis, and have been for decades. It was through my friendship with Bagwell that I got the gig to train the Green Berets.

Stress training is different than weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.

I know how it's done with the Military. It's more than just hitting a target. You also have to be able to operate under stress with your metabolism running wild. Here is a civilian course. This instructor makes sense. Combat troops get this type of training and go into combat where they have a high degree of situational awareness. It's no different on the street.

Like I said, stress training helps you make better decisions, fast, firearms training, when done properly, your reactions are automatic. I trained a Marine who was being sent to FAST, after he got back from Somalia he rang me up and thanked me for the drills i had done with him. He was involved in a firefight, and after the fight was over he was amazed to see how many magazines he had gone through. He was so involved in the fight, that everything was completely automatic, even clearing a jam was done without conscious thought. He was only aware of the clearance when the team were debriefing and the XO wanted to know what caused the jam. The Marine I had trained said "what jam?"

I had made him do over 3,000 clearance drills, which at the time he HATED. Afterwards he was thankful as hell.

You gave him the weapon proficiency training. The Marines gave him the combat stress training. I would rather have a person that is less proficient with his weapon but 100% proficient in combat stress than the other way around. Only a combat Vet or maybe a swat team member would understand this. I can see you aren't going to undersand. This is probably a good thing. Sillyvillians should NEVER be in the situation to have to undersant it every day of their lives.

Been There; You're Wrong. Dead Wrong.

Intensive training creates an alternate personality to easily slip into and become a killing machine.
Stress training is different than weapons training. It doesn't matter how much time on a range you spend.

Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.

I know how it's done with the Military. It's more than just hitting a target. You also have to be able to operate under stress with your metabolism running wild. Here is a civilian course. This instructor makes sense. Combat troops get this type of training and go into combat where they have a high degree of situational awareness. It's no different on the street.

Like I said, stress training helps you make better decisions, fast, firearms training, when done properly, your reactions are automatic. I trained a Marine who was being sent to FAST, after he got back from Somalia he rang me up and thanked me for the drills i had done with him. He was involved in a firefight, and after the fight was over he was amazed to see how many magazines he had gone through. He was so involved in the fight, that everything was completely automatic, even clearing a jam was done without conscious thought. He was only aware of the clearance when the team were debriefing and the XO wanted to know what caused the jam. The Marine I had trained said "what jam?"

I had made him do over 3,000 clearance drills, which at the time he HATED. Afterwards he was thankful as hell.

You gave him the weapon proficiency training. The Marines gave him the combat stress training. I would rather have a person that is less proficient with his weapon but 100% proficient in combat stress than the other way around. Only a combat Vet or maybe a swat team member would understand this. I can see you aren't going to undersand. This is probably a good thing. Sillyvillians should NEVER be in the situation to have to undersant it every day of their lives.

Been There; You're Wrong. Dead Wrong.

Intensive training creates an alternate personality to easily slip into and become a killing machine.

And that alternate personality, let's call him Egor, without the stress training, becomes a danger to everyone around them including the bystanders. Never let Egor out.
More juvenile insults. Are you really out of substantive arguments?

If it's an insult, it's coming from gun nuts. You should thumb back through this thread.

You're really trying to say your insults aren't coming from you?

Some of the worst insults do come from the gunnuters. Just like some of the worst insults come from the gungrabbers. You keep denying one side while condemning the other.

I'll plead guilty to that. It's not right to single out one poster while ignoring others.

Shoot 'em all and let God separate the Guilty from the Innocent :banana2:
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues

God already did that when He made subhuman genes dominant in the thugs' DNA.
If it's an insult, it's coming from gun nuts. You should thumb back through this thread.

You're really trying to say your insults aren't coming from you?

Some of the worst insults do come from the gunnuters. Just like some of the worst insults come from the gungrabbers. You keep denying one side while condemning the other.

I'll plead guilty to that. It's not right to single out one poster while ignoring others.

Shoot 'em all and let God separate the Guilty from the Innocent :banana2:
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues

God already did that when He made subhuman genes dominant in the thugs' DNA.

I acknowledge I have an Egor. He's there when I need him. I have learned to tap into him but to NEVER release him. I don't have nearly the combat time that many others have but I have enough. The trick is to learn how to tap into the animal side enough to survive without losing control and getting tunnel vision and narrowed thinking. A decent trained Combat Troop is very much aware of everything around him at all times and is reacting without thinking in his actions but his thinking is still intact where he can modify those actions if need be. If you let Egor out of the cage, you lose the ability to think and your thinking and sight narrows down to a very narrow channel and you are probably going to either shoot something you shouldn't have shot or get real dead fast. Part of preparing for this is why you can't frighten me by pointing a gun at me. I wrote my ass off decades ago so that doesn't get in the way. But since it's been decades without the stress training, I will do what most humans will do and I will hesitate and that hesitation may get someone else or myself killed in that situation. The Guncrazies think they are super humans. They aren't anymore than I am.
Not true. The more you train, the more muscle memory you develop, which in turn improves your performance when the chips are down. Stress training helps you make better DECISIONS, it doesn't help you implement those decisions.

I know how it's done with the Military. It's more than just hitting a target. You also have to be able to operate under stress with your metabolism running wild. Here is a civilian course. This instructor makes sense. Combat troops get this type of training and go into combat where they have a high degree of situational awareness. It's no different on the street.

Like I said, stress training helps you make better decisions, fast, firearms training, when done properly, your reactions are automatic. I trained a Marine who was being sent to FAST, after he got back from Somalia he rang me up and thanked me for the drills i had done with him. He was involved in a firefight, and after the fight was over he was amazed to see how many magazines he had gone through. He was so involved in the fight, that everything was completely automatic, even clearing a jam was done without conscious thought. He was only aware of the clearance when the team were debriefing and the XO wanted to know what caused the jam. The Marine I had trained said "what jam?"

I had made him do over 3,000 clearance drills, which at the time he HATED. Afterwards he was thankful as hell.

You gave him the weapon proficiency training. The Marines gave him the combat stress training. I would rather have a person that is less proficient with his weapon but 100% proficient in combat stress than the other way around. Only a combat Vet or maybe a swat team member would understand this. I can see you aren't going to undersand. This is probably a good thing. Sillyvillians should NEVER be in the situation to have to undersant it every day of their lives.

Been There; You're Wrong. Dead Wrong.

Intensive training creates an alternate personality to easily slip into and become a killing machine.

And that alternate personality, let's call him Egor, without the stress training, becomes a danger to everyone around them including the bystanders. Never let Egor out.


Egor saved my life every time the killing zone was stopped from going back to where I was in the patrol column. Especially during Operation Tuscaloosa, where the platoons up front stood their ground for 9 hours of continual enemy fire and lost 10% KIA. According to sissy psychiatry, they all should have cracked up and let the enemy break through and wipe us out, too. The pressure was so intense that it would have been suicidal for us if the Colonel had sent us into that bloodbath, especially since there was nowhere left to take cover.
I know how it's done with the Military. It's more than just hitting a target. You also have to be able to operate under stress with your metabolism running wild. Here is a civilian course. This instructor makes sense. Combat troops get this type of training and go into combat where they have a high degree of situational awareness. It's no different on the street.

Like I said, stress training helps you make better decisions, fast, firearms training, when done properly, your reactions are automatic. I trained a Marine who was being sent to FAST, after he got back from Somalia he rang me up and thanked me for the drills i had done with him. He was involved in a firefight, and after the fight was over he was amazed to see how many magazines he had gone through. He was so involved in the fight, that everything was completely automatic, even clearing a jam was done without conscious thought. He was only aware of the clearance when the team were debriefing and the XO wanted to know what caused the jam. The Marine I had trained said "what jam?"

I had made him do over 3,000 clearance drills, which at the time he HATED. Afterwards he was thankful as hell.

You gave him the weapon proficiency training. The Marines gave him the combat stress training. I would rather have a person that is less proficient with his weapon but 100% proficient in combat stress than the other way around. Only a combat Vet or maybe a swat team member would understand this. I can see you aren't going to undersand. This is probably a good thing. Sillyvillians should NEVER be in the situation to have to undersant it every day of their lives.

Been There; You're Wrong. Dead Wrong.

Intensive training creates an alternate personality to easily slip into and become a killing machine.

And that alternate personality, let's call him Egor, without the stress training, becomes a danger to everyone around them including the bystanders. Never let Egor out.


Egor saved my life every time the killing zone was stopped from going back to where I was in the patrol column. Especially during Operation Tuscaloosa, where the platoons up front stood their ground for 9 hours of continual enemy fire and lost 10% KIA. According to sissy psychiatry, they all should have cracked up and let the enemy break through and wipe us out, too. The pressure was so intense that it would have been suicidal for us if the Colonel had sent us into that bloodbath, especially since there was nowhere left to take cover.

Sillyvillians should NEVER have to face that. Your Egor, like my Egor, needs to stay locked up in the basement in a cage. The only time Egor needs to come completely out is when there is no other options. And We, as civilians now, should have other options. When a Sillyvillain allows their Egor out, they have neither the training nor the control nor the environment for anything good to come out of it. If something good does come out of it, it was just plain blind luck.
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
I live next to a four lane road in the county, walking without a gun is not a good idea. Why you are a target for any pot head who needs his next fix.
In the case of that JGalt guy and most other gun nuts, they buy guns to make up for their personal lack of balls.

More juvenile insults. Are you really out of substantive arguments?

If it's an insult, it's coming from gun nuts. You should thumb back through this thread.

You're really trying to say your insults aren't coming from you?

Some of the worst insults do come from the gunnuters. Just like some of the worst insults come from the gungrabbers. You keep denying one side while condemning the other.

I'll plead guilty to that. It's not right to single out one poster while ignoring others.

Perhaps you could say what you think a pair of balls hanging from a gun indicates.
The shooter is there to get as many in the hall as they can and plenty of kids panic and race into the halls. The shooter isn't going to take the time to break down a locked door to get to a few kids when he has plenty to choose from in the halls. The teachers who were killed chose to open the door for some of the students in the hall to come into the rooms.
Convenient suppositions you have there.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
And when the police arrive, how will they know who is the shooter and who is the teacher? It has happened before in other circumstances.

You do know that law enforcement is given training in how to handle such situations, right? Granted, leftist-run law enforcement like we all saw Three-Stooging it up in Broward County don't give a good showing of any sort of police training, but there actually are procedures for the possibility of armed defenders.
What about the scenarios that do not play out as your conveniently suppose?
Where the armed teacher/administrator/staff member is able to stop the shooter as or immediately after he enters, before he is able to kill a bunch of kids?
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
If they're in the classroom teaching then how would they know about him immediately?
Teacher/administrator/staff members are all over the school at all times; if someone comes into the school as starts shooting, someone will notice immediately.
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Starts shooting are your key words here. but your other comment was they would they know if one enters the building if they are teaching a class? And, the teachers and administration do not roam the halls. They are in their offices and classroom doing their jobs, which does not include roaming the halls.
Still waiting for you to answer the questions:
Why do you want to leave students and teachers defenseless?
Why do you want to leave the shooter unopposed until the police arrive?
Teachers have stated that they DO NOT want to be armed. It isn't part of the job description and not what they trained for.
In Ohio, teachers are armed in 63 of the 88 counties.
In Texas 30% of the school districts have armed teachers.
In Utah, concealed carry is allowed in schools, and the administrators aren't allowed to ask teachers if they carry.

Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
Teachers line up for concealed carry gun lessons, offered for free at local range
And they have a hand gun which is a real defense against an AR-15, huh? And so far, how many of those armed teachers have had to be in an actual shoot out with someone with an AR-15, which seems to be the weapon of choice for mass shooters.

ETA: Very few, if any would face that kind of gunman if the truth be known. And neither would any of you here either no matter how much you puff yourselves up and imagine yourselves as the hero who goes in and saves the day. You'd be as dead as a door nail when the shooter saw the gun in your hand.

A handgun is more defense against an AR-15 than empty hands are.

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