What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?

Given the evidence. Someone clearly fucked up. Under the circumstances, the law should require closer scrutiny regards of what the report said

Did they fuck up?

With hindsight we can say this guy was the one that needed to be sidelined from the gun market...but... how many 18 year olds have said something dumb but went on to become model citizens?

You put a kid on a list... you've closed a lot of doors for them.

How many intercity kids are going to make an ill informed threat and fuck up their lives forever?
Ever consider how all the divisive words prevalent today affect those with little self confidence or with a feeling of self worth? Good points were made above about what has been taken out of public schools and what is now the call for teaching such as...CRT. Hmmm, tell a black child they are not accepted by others or a white child he is suppose to dislike those of color?? How much hatred for or by someone is being promoted by such things?
Well of you have a government that is pro active in stopping gun crimes you are better off.
Truth is they were never that bad to begin with.

For whatever reason we're more violent. Maybe the constant European wars of the 18th and 19th Century bred out the violence.

I'll dig up the graphs of you want to see them.
Why have abortion laws people going to have abortions? Laws don't stop people breaking the laws.
Speaking of Abortion... Technology is making both of these arguments obsolete.

For the price of a Glock I can buy the tooling to make my own gun.

Hell, I can build a pretty decent gun with hand tools...but my point is, with CNC machines and mini mills and 3D printers... making guns just isn't all that hard.
Well that is just your amosexual paranoid telling you that. The Buffalo shooter is a PERFECT example of how the current law falls short. How many more tragedies are you willing to endure until we come to out senses? What I proposed would not deny guns to honest sane people.
What I am suggesting is the laws are not improved so incidents like the supermarket shooting will occur and eventually voters will insist all civilian owned firearms will be confiscated.

Of course some people will be allowed to own one single shot rifles and one shotgun that can fire no more than two rounds. No handguns allowed for civilians.

The current law does indeed fall short. Time and time again pepole who were busy standing in the middle of the road waving enormous red flags fail to land on the list of those prohibited from buying firearms. They legally purchase a firearm and use it in a mass murder. For example the grocery store shooter. …

But there are other examples. …,Here is just a few.

Laws have nothing to do with this.

This is ALL on the complete FAILURE of the American public school system AND the COMPLETE FAILURE OF PARENTS to teach their kids manners, etiquette, honesty, reliability, self-worth, understanding, and social skills they need to survive in this world......instead of whoring it up, popping out a kid, and sitting it in front of the goddamned TV and/or video game console for 18 fucking years!!!!
Mostly it's a failure of the mental health system. This guy should have never been on the streets at all much less in possession of firearms.
The NY red flag law is a post-puchase action.
No one brought his purchase/ownership to the attention of the relevant court.
None either side would be willing to live with.

Criminals and those hell bent on becoming same will always find ways to get their hands on guns. The US has right around 6,000 miles of border which could never be secured well enough to prevent guns and money flowing in both directions across the border without eliminating at least 95% of international imports to the US each year.

The problem isn't one of guns, it's one of societal decay and an ever growing sense of hatred for those who think, act, or look differently.
What I am suggesting is the laws are not improved so incidents like the supermarket shooting will occur and eventually voters will insist all civilian owned firearms will be confiscated.

Of course some people will be allowed to own one single shot rifles and one shotgun that can fire no more than two rounds. No handguns allowed for civilians.

The current law does indeed fall short. Time and time again pepole who were busy standing in the middle of the road waving enormous red flags fail to land on the list of those prohibited from buying firearms. They legally purchase a firearm and use it in a mass murder. For example the grocery store shooter. …

But there are other examples. …,Here is just a few.

What your examples mostly demonstrate is an unwillingness by the state to deal with the mentally ill.
What your examples mostly demonstrate is an unwillingness by the state to deal with the mentally ill.
It definitely demonstrates an unwillingness to put the severely mentally ill on a “no buy” list for firearms.

Seriously if I was making threats to shoot up a school, a mall or a restaurant I would expect to be interviewed by the authorities and have my name on that “no buy”list. I might also hope to get some help for my mental issues. That’s why I would be standing around waving big red flags to begin with. I would have realized I had a mental problem and didn’t really want to do something bad.

Now I personally own firearms and legally carry on a regular basis but I have absolutely no desire to ever use a firearm even for legitimate self defense. Of course I will if I seriously believe my attacker means to put me in the hospital for an extended stay or six feet under. However, I hope and pray I never find myself in such a situation. That’s why I practice situational awareness. I am aware of what is happening around me And don’t walk down dark streets with a cell phone glued to my ear.
NY gun laws:
Gun laws in New York - Wikipedia
NY has among the strongest gun laws in the US - indeed, NY has ALL the 'common sense' laws - laws, we are told,. will prevent shootings like this.
Obviously, these laws don't work.
What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?
What makes you believe this?
How do these law(s) not violate the constitution?

Strong gun laws in one state when they can get guns in another state is pointless.

What law(s) would have stopped the Buffalo shooting?​

Outlawing guns, obviously.

Shooter can't rampage a grocery store without a gun.
Do you seriously believe that words on a paper requiring all civilian owned firearms to be turned in will stop mass shootings. If you do you must believe that speed limit signs stop speeding or that a “no guns” sign on a store door prevents people from entering with a concealed firearm.

Criminals see such signs as invitation to enter and rob the store. In many states the signs have no legal authority so people with concealed carry permits just enter anyway. After all, their weapon is concealed.

Gun free zones attract shooters so making everywhere a gun free zone by confiscating all firearms would likely cause more mass murders.


I also found the following article to be interesting. …

The killer never mentions Tucker in his 180 page Manifesto.

Page 5:

Where did you get your current beliefs? Mostly from the internet. There was little to no influence on my personal beliefs by people I met in person. I read multiple sources of information from all ideologies and decided that my current one is most correct.
It never stops to amaze me what lengths people are willing to go to in order to justify stuff. In this case completly and otherly forget what reading
comprehension is.

Yes, this person read about different ideologies. After which he picked one. The one Carlson in the clip I put out endorses, who he indeed didn't meet in person but still agrees with.

I love how everybody on the right is doing these weird intellectual splits to detach the person who committed the crime from the motive he gave.
It never stops to amaze me what lengths people are willing to go to in order to justify stuff. In this case completly and otherly forget what reading
comprehension is.

Yes, this person read about different ideologies. After which he picked one. The one Carlson in the clip I put out endorses, who he indeed didn't meet in person but still agrees with.

I love how everybody on the right is doing these weird intellectual splits to detach the person who committed the crime from the motive he gave.
Tucker isn't promoting white supremacy or racism at all, you should watch the show yourself instead of swallowing spoon-fed bullshit as fact.

Democrats are flooding the country with poor immigrants to create a new permanent dependent underclass to keep themselves in perpetual power.

That's just a fact, it has nothing to do with racism.
Do you seriously believe that words on a paper requiring all civilian owned firearms to be turned in will stop mass shootings. If you do you must believe that speed limit signs stop speeding or that a “no guns” sign on a store door prevents people from entering with a concealed firearm.

Criminals see such signs as invitation to enter and rob the store. In many states the signs have no legal authority so people with concealed carry permits just enter anyway. After all, their weapon is concealed.

Gun free zones attract shooters so making everywhere a gun free zone by confiscating all firearms would likely cause more mass murders.

View attachment 645724

I also found the following article to be interesting. …

The stat's also show conclusively that when would be mass shooters meet armed resistance immediately they are unsuccessful in racking up large numbers of casualties.

They always tend to seek out the softest targets they can find.
You need gun laws, then you need decades of cultural change. Anyone who thinks they can create laws, expect results over night and no future incidents, is a retard and has no grip on the subject.

Various English speaking countries are where they are with minimal gun incidents due to decades of gun laws and regulations etc..

The first step in sorting America's gun problem out is ripping up that out of date constitution and drafting a one suitable for the present.

Given the current state of American 'Culture' and and the public, I would heavily advise against that. The 'middle class' here has completely lost the capacity to govern itself, did so in the 1960's in fact, and letting these morons remake the laws and legal system will only accelerate the problems to complete collapse sooner than later.
Given the current state of American 'Culture' and and the public, I would heavily advise against that. The 'middle class' here has completely lost the capacity to govern itself, did so in the 1960's in fact, and letting these morons remake the laws and legal system will only accelerate the problems to complete collapse sooner than later.
If only it was the middle class making the laws.

They are vastly outnumbered by the poor who own our politicians in large part as is reflected in tax policy.

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