What lies ahead


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I've been unable to sleep more than a few hours a night the last week or two. I have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead for the USA.

I see that sometime in 2022 the US $ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Sounds like gibberish, right?

The USA has been able to let the world fund our Government's insatiable appetite ONLY because people trust the US dollar. It's not a democrat or Republican problem. With the exception of Ron and Rand Paul I don't think there's a single US politician who is blameless, some more than others. If, well at this point it's when, the dollar loses that status - the world will stop buying our bonds and stop needing US dollars and we will be in a world of hurt that will rival the Great FDR Depression.

The only thing separating the USA from Venezuela or Turkey is that the world loves US dollars. When they see that the dollar is basically wampum, the government will be forced to decide between which functions it still can support.

It doesn't end there! US based businesses, dealing in dollars will have similar problems buying and selling products overseas.

The cost of EVERYTHING will explode!
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The Chinese just announced that their new hyper-sonic technology can detect US "stealth" aircraft.
The Chinese are passing the US militarily when US borrowing ($30T & rising) is accelerating.

I agree with the OP.
The US pissed away $30T instead of being responsible with borrowing, and passing Balanced Budgets.

The story of the ants and the grasshopper hits home.
I'm not so much concerned with what might lie ahead as with the liberal politicians who have lied all of their natural lives and are perfecting the skill.

Sure it's liberal, but it's also all the Republicans who mocked Ron Paul for calling attention to this decades ago.

Our government is trying to do a Thelma and Louise to the US dollar before the midterms
I've been unable to sleep more than a few hours a night the last week or two. I have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead for the USA.

I see that sometime in 2022 the US $ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Sounds like gibberish, right?

The USA has been able to let the world fund our Government's insatiable appetite ONLY because people trust the US dollar. It's not a democrat or Republican problem. With the exception of Ron and Rand Paul I don't think there's a single US politician who is blameless, some more than others. If, well at this point it's when, the dollar loses that status - the world will stop buying our bonds and stop needing US dollars and we will be in a world of hurt that will rival the Great FDR Depression.

The only thing separating the USA from Venezuela or Turkey is that the world loves US dollars. When they see that the dollar is basically wampum, the government will be forced to decide between which functions it still can support.

It doesn't end there! US based businesses, dealing in dollars will have similar problems buying and selling products overseas.

The cost of EVERYTHING will explode!
Get some sleep, the US will be just fine. As bad as we're doing the rest of the world is even worse off.
I'm not as optimistic as I was. I see there is a movement to push the dollar off the cliff
I'm nowhere as well read or spoken as those that have opined well on this Frank, but the general gist that keeps coming across is this seems to be some sort of global game of chicken

In other words , there are those that would like to see us take the fall, but they may also be along for the ride........

I've been unable to sleep more than a few hours a night the last week or two. I have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead for the USA.

I see that sometime in 2022 the US $ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Sounds like gibberish, right?

The USA has been able to let the world fund our Government's insatiable appetite ONLY because people trust the US dollar. It's not a democrat or Republican problem. With the exception of Ron and Rand Paul I don't think there's a single US politician who is blameless, some more than others. If, well at this point it's when, the dollar loses that status - the world will stop buying our bonds and stop needing US dollars and we will be in a world of hurt that will rival the Great FDR Depression.

The only thing separating the USA from Venezuela or Turkey is that the world loves US dollars. When they see that the dollar is basically wampum, the government will be forced to decide between which functions it still can support.

It doesn't end there! US based businesses, dealing in dollars will have similar problems buying and selling products overseas.

The cost of EVERYTHING will explode!

Damn Frank ... You should have been smart enough to be working on Plan B.
Those nitwits in the Banana Republic on the Beltway haven't really been keeping their activities a secret.

I've been unable to sleep more than a few hours a night the last week or two. I have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead for the USA.

I see that sometime in 2022 the US $ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Sounds like gibberish, right?

The USA has been able to let the world fund our Government's insatiable appetite ONLY because people trust the US dollar. It's not a democrat or Republican problem. With the exception of Ron and Rand Paul I don't think there's a single US politician who is blameless, some more than others. If, well at this point it's when, the dollar loses that status - the world will stop buying our bonds and stop needing US dollars and we will be in a world of hurt that will rival the Great FDR Depression.

The only thing separating the USA from Venezuela or Turkey is that the world loves US dollars. When they see that the dollar is basically wampum, the government will be forced to decide between which functions it still can support.

It doesn't end there! US based businesses, dealing in dollars will have similar problems buying and selling products overseas.

The cost of EVERYTHING will explode!
Russia and China are offering fair trade and fair competition. On a positive note the US will have to go along with that trend because it has no other choice.

Kicking and screaming and late to the game, but still inevitable.

That isn't meant as spamming the thread, it's meant to start a discussion when there are no other ideas to talk about.
We have you to provide all the predictions and analysis we need.
i'm on it.....


I've been unable to sleep more than a few hours a night the last week or two. I have a terrible feeling about what lies ahead for the USA.

I see that sometime in 2022 the US $ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Sounds like gibberish, right?

The USA has been able to let the world fund our Government's insatiable appetite ONLY because people trust the US dollar. It's not a democrat or Republican problem. With the exception of Ron and Rand Paul I don't think there's a single US politician who is blameless, some more than others. If, well at this point it's when, the dollar loses that status - the world will stop buying our bonds and stop needing US dollars and we will be in a world of hurt that will rival the Great FDR Depression.

The only thing separating the USA from Venezuela or Turkey is that the world loves US dollars. When they see that the dollar is basically wampum, the government will be forced to decide between which functions it still can support.

It doesn't end there! US based businesses, dealing in dollars will have similar problems buying and selling products overseas.

The cost of EVERYTHING will explode!

If you build a product that people want, you won't have a problem selling it.

It doesn't matter if the dollar stops being the standard currency. You think it does, but it doesn't.
This might be a good time to convert your U.S. Dollar holdings to some more stable currency.

Problem is the whole world has gone nucking futs.

But not gold! Remember, Rooseveldt (a prototype liberal dictator) outlawed possession of gold entirely.

Fortunately Xiden, if he ever read about that, can't remember it. But you can bet your bottom(ing) dollar that his puppet masters DO.

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