What Makes a Good Leader?

Good video- the guy was worn out afterwards- lots of energy expended. He is doing his best to help people see-
Many of us follow leaders, some become them. Anecdotally i can tell you that being a follower that questions leaders evolves into one questioning ones self as a leader

It's not an easy gig , delegating authority ,maintaining that air of confidence for the sake of others when the fertilizer hits the ventilator , having everyone on the same page , saving face when faced with no win situations

One will naturally wish to be a follower instead , just following orders and all

It's just a short video. Three minutes. Not really intended for discussion, just to share.


The title of the video is ... What Makes A Good Leader?
Then the video discusses all the ways "leaders" distort reality, form perceptions, and create a misleading environment to achieve their goals.
It is an effective tool and can help a leader lead whomever wants to be led that way.

True leaders have their own goals ... And lead by example ... Based in reality, principles and not negotiable.

The Conquistador Cortez burned 10 of his 11 ships after reaching the New World ...
His men followed him, or they perished ... :auiqs.jpg:

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