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What makes me a conservative?

The cost of health care is high because of three, and only three, reasons.

1. people don't eat right nor exercise. they are obsese, lazy and drug/alcohol users. Hmm. Ya think that adds to the amount of medical procedures performed in this country? Of course it does!

2. people have sought newer, more invasive and, ultimately, more expensive (because of research, labor, patents, raw material costs, etc.) for evey malady. From the simple dermatology procedure to the most intricate pediatric endeavors. Transplants, bionic limbs, cochlear implants, pediatric surgery, etc. all add to the cost of health care for everyone. For, to have the hospitals staffed, equipped and trained enough to perform these medical miracles, the costs are passed on to each consumer.

3. people want to blame someone when things go wrong; thus lawsuits of every specious nature. In what other profession (save, perhaps police) can you, your employer, your colleagues be SUED for making MISTAKES??? I am not talking about true medical assaults or purposeful negligence. I am talking about true mistakes. Imagine having to give back your salary plus millions more just because you mistook $1 for $10 in a spreadsheet. Or how about if you missed an appointment because you forgot to write down when it was rescheduled?

or, better yet, just because someone doesn't like the results.

I am making no value judgments about what is right/wrong or fair/unfair. But the cost of health care in this country is due to the nature of what the people want and demand. It is not due to the government. It is up to the people to solve the problem not the government.

Even god paid for a miracle, he gave his only son's life. Surely the american public that wants so many medical ones can at least pay $.
Originally posted by Moi
Even god paid for a miracle, he gave his only son's life. Surely the american public that wants so many medical ones can at least pay $.

I thought you said you didn't believe there ever WAS a God.
Fixing Health Costs in America - by me!

1. Deregulate the health insurance arena. Allow employers to provide as much, or as little, coverage as they want. Not everyone needs coverage for everything.

2. Allow doctors and hospitals to accept cash, especially for routine visits.

3. Drop the $10 co-pay. People get MRIs, x-rays, surgerys, etc. and it costs them $10, plus their deductible. The health insurance company eats the costs - and then passes it on to their customers in the form of outrageous premiums.

4. Tort reform for malpractice suits. Cap it at costs + $250K for pain and suffering. Most everyone can take that $250K and buy a house (or pay off a mortgage) and all their other debts, eliminating the need for a high paying job, if one couldn't work.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Well I must say I'm not quite sure about your Microsoft example, however you contradict yourself with the Walmart example. It is just as I said a manufacturer (the pickle maker) chooses to go with one distributor (Walmart), however the distributor can request in contract an exclusive deal. The pickle maker does not have to sign such a contract and choose to sell his product through other avenues. But forgo his oppurtunity to use the distributor (Walmart).

I'm big on anti-trust laws, so I'll take a swing at this. Here are a few organizations that I think are quite anti-competitive and why they should be fined for it.

Microsoft - First off, Microsoft patented its .doc format and disallowed anyone else from making program that read it (which is fine). After Word got popular, they used it as leverage to get Apple to give them some Macintosh source code, and by leverage, they threatened to never again make Word for the Mac, which would cause a drastic decrease in sales. They took more source code than was in the original agreement and eventually came out with Windows. The issue was too confusing to judges back then or Bill Gates would've been stopped in his tracks and we'd all be using Macs. They've been using the Windows monopoly ever since...

There is currently another major operating system for IBM compatibles. It is a publicly created, open source, OS called Linux. It's a brand of Unix, but they can't say so without violating the Unix trademark. Windows crashes often, takes up lots of disk space, is overpriced, is riddled with bugs, and installs a lot of stuff you'll never use. Linux never crashes, doesn't take much disk space, is free, is practically bug free, and offers the option to install some things but not others. Now, which one is more popular. Well, Windows is, primarily because most people don't make software for Linux. However, Microsoft is slowing their advance. Microsoft told all major computer manufacturers (Dell, Gateway, HP, etc.) that their Windows liscences would be pulled if they ever sold a machine that had Linux on it. Currently, anyone who wants Linux has to track it down and install it themselves. In order to get a pre-built computer without anything Microsoft on it, you have to decline the end user liscence agreement and send in for a refund. Either that or have a small company custom make it.

The RIAA: The cost of making CDs has gone down since their invention, but the cost has gone up. When CDs first hit the market, they sold for about $15 apiece. When CD-Rs first hit the market, they sold for about $1 apiece...without jewel cases. Now, CD-Rs, with jewel cases, are about $.20 apiece. CDs are up to $20 apiece. There's no logical reason for this. If one music company can print CDs for less, they should in order to compete with the others. However, the big 5 music companies, through the RIAA have been collaborating to drive up the cost of CDs, so they can make more money. They've been busted for collusion twice in the past decade. Finally, one company has dropped their price to $11. If they could afford this, why didn't they?

If the companies are all good and honest, a completely free economy is great, but people are greedy, and some laws are needed to protect workers and consumers, just not many rules.
Originally posted by jimnyc
1- Government should make no rules that would destroy the fabric of the institution of Marriage as it is defined in the Old and New Testaments.

As you are all aware, I am against gay marriage in any way shape or form. While I would have a problem with the government making rules to change marriage, I would fully support the government amending the constitution to protect marriage.

2- That survival or prospertiy is up to the individual and is not the responsibility of State or Federal Government.

Too many liberals expect the government to coddle them. I'm tired of hearing the whining from so many that the government doesn't do enough to protect the poor. Remove social services. I'm tired of paying the leeches their way through life.

3- I support 'war'

I believe sometimes force is necessary to make the world a better place. I don't believe appeasement makes us better, only weaker.

4- I am against abortion

I think abortion should be regulated and only be made available in extreme cases (rape, incest, health of the mother, non-curable deformity or disease). Anyone that uses abortion as birth control should receive jail time and/or a hefty fine. Men should also be given a 50% share in the decision process.

5- Health care

See #2 above, it's not the responsibility of the rich to support the needy. Government should work to make healthcare affordable and accessible to the needy, but should not be funded by the rich.

6- Taxes

A flat tax should be created. Income level should not fluctuate a tax bracket to assist the poor. The tax percentage shuold be the same for all individuals regardless of income.

7- Gun ownership, 2nd amendment

Unless you are a felon, you have the right to own a gun.

8- Capital punishment

There are many undesirables in this world that we would do better without. I can think of better things to do with the money than spend it on career scumbags.

That's it for now. :)


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap1: :clap1: :clap1: :clap1:
also, what the liberals need to realize is that life isn't fair. As nice as it would be, it isn't realistic. Play the hand you are dealt, and make wise choices. Life never has been fair, and it never will be. Deal with it.

what I always hear is the same thing I heard throughout elementary school: "That's not fair! Waahhh! He got a star and I didn't!" Grow up people.
Snips are only to save space so your scroll button isn't screaming for mercy.
Originally posted by jimnyc
1- Government should make no rules that would destroy the fabric of the institution of Marriage as it is defined in the Old and New Testaments.
I think that if we made getting married as tough as getting divorced, then the divorce rate would drop. I really hate the idea of gay marriage. As much as it pains me, we need a constitutional amendment to ensure that we don't get quickie queer marriages in CA to go along with the mighty Elvis insta-wedding chapels in Vegas.
2- That survival or prosperity is up to the individual and is not the responsibility of State or Federal Government.
Damn right.
3- I support 'war'
I support violent actions against anyone who threatens Americans. PAX AMERICA.
4- I am against abortion
A child is a terrible thing to waste. Unplanned sex is great. Unplanned pregnancy is a nine-month reminder of the need to take control of yourself. There needs to be a clear and present danger to the mom. If we use the deformity rule, then Stephan Hawking (sp?) would've been aborted.
5- Health care
I have no idea. My family (knock on wood) is healthy.
6- Taxes
Flat tax. 10%, no exemptions at all. And a 2% National Sales Tax to be applied directly to paying down the national debt.
7- Gun ownership, 2nd amendment
Weapons ownership is the issue. I think that law abiding citizens should be able to own anything they want in the form of weapons. If I want to buy/build a low trajectory lawn mortar for intruder termination I should be allowed to. And, why is it that guns are legal in all fifty states, but crossbows are illegal in most?
8- Capital punishment
IF you cause the death of another while committing a crime, you should die. Meaning, a drunk driver who kills, should die. Additionally, if you commit a violent rape, or pedophilia you should die. The idea is that the dead have a zero chance of full recovery and return to normal life. The victims of rape or child molestation have a statistically better chance, but not by much.

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