What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

that goes both ways,,,between me and my wife we paid about 50% tax burden last yr,,,how is that christian???

the christian method is 10%

Huh? Your tithe to the church, and paying your taxes are not the same. There is only one "christian method" to paying taxes.... that is to.... pay your taxes.

It is Christian, to follow the law, and pay your taxes. That is "how it is christian".

Jesus said very clearly "yield to ceasar what is ceasars". He didn't say "unless it's more than the temple tax, and then it isn't Christian, and it's ok to not pay your taxes."

to a point youre right,,,but at a point it becomes abusive, and we reached that yrs ago and the abortion aspect is a good example,,take from me and murder a child with the money,,,again not very christian

The only person that is required to be a Christian, is the Christian.

That's you. That's not anyone else. Only you.

You the Christian, are the person who is suppose to act like a Christian.

The mechanic that changes the oil in your car, could be using the money he earns to do drugs, to drink himself into oblivion, to gamble, to go to a prostitute, to buys gifts for his mistress cheating on his wife, he could even be paying for an abortion for his girlfriend that he doesn't want to take responsibility for.

Same is true of the banker you bank with, the plumber that fixes your shower, the guy who roofs your house, the person you bought your car from.

Does that mean you should never give your money to anyone throughout any part of society, because they might use the money you gave them in an unchristian manor?

If you believe that, then there is a group you can join, that follows that line of thinking. They are the Amish.

Because I guarantee there is an employee somewhere at the power company, using the money he earned providing you power, to look up kiddy porn on the internet.

So again.... vote for who represents your values the best. I absolutely support that.

But regardless, yield unto ceasars what is ceasars. The one you need to be worried about being Christian.... is you.

your begging is getting pathetic,,,

you want to steal from me then have the courage to hold the gun yourself

you fucking commies are all the same,,,a bunch of fucking cowards
Then the US has had a history of communist since the 1840's.

you didnt already know that???

at least you finally caught on
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help

but its hurting more than it helps,,,thats not the general welfare

all welfare is best if its from the community and not from the feds,,,they fuck up everything they touch
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help[/QUOT

and where in the constitution can I find that authority???
Tax cut economics is merely income redistribution that favors the richest the most.

So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

I am against all corporate welfare, always have been. Now who are the rich that are too big to fail? I am not sure why you won't answer the simple questions, you seem to have trouble accounting for your words.
keeping up with terminology. unlike the right wing.

Too big to fail - Wikipedia

Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
So, who are you talking about, I am not sure who you are referring to when you say the "rich are too big to fail". I have watched many rich people have ideas, investments and businesses that have failed. Obama made companies that he claimed were to big too fail, but never anyone too rich to fail.
Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

I am against all corporate welfare, always have been. Now who are the rich that are too big to fail? I am not sure why you won't answer the simple questions, you seem to have trouble accounting for your words.
keeping up with terminology. unlike the right wing.

Too big to fail - Wikipedia

Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
lousy management; it solves nothing. we need something more comprehensive and cost effective.

I am against all corporate welfare, always have been. Now who are the rich that are too big to fail? I am not sure why you won't answer the simple questions, you seem to have trouble accounting for your words.
keeping up with terminology. unlike the right wing.

Too big to fail - Wikipedia

Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment of People for the bottom line of Profit for capitalists.
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
lousy management; it solves nothing. we need something more comprehensive and cost effective.

the only way to get that is to have it ran by the local community, then the money is closest to the source and the need and you don have the feds taking a cut
I am against all corporate welfare, always have been. Now who are the rich that are too big to fail? I am not sure why you won't answer the simple questions, you seem to have trouble accounting for your words.
keeping up with terminology. unlike the right wing.

Too big to fail - Wikipedia

Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment of People for the bottom line of Profit for capitalists.[/QUOTE

there will always be unemployed for several different reasons,,but none of them are the feds business
Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
lousy management; it solves nothing. we need something more comprehensive and cost effective.

the only way to get that is to have it ran by the local community, then the money is closest to the source and the need and you don have the feds taking a cut
Block grants to the several States could work.
keeping up with terminology. unlike the right wing.

Too big to fail - Wikipedia

Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment of People for the bottom line of Profit for capitalists.[/QUOTE

there will always be unemployed for several different reasons,,but none of them are the feds business
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.
how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
lousy management; it solves nothing. we need something more comprehensive and cost effective.

the only way to get that is to have it ran by the local community, then the money is closest to the source and the need and you don have the feds taking a cut
Block grants to the several States could work.[/QUOTE

it would only work to make it worse and is in violation of the constitution
Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment of People for the bottom line of Profit for capitalists.[/QUOTE

there will always be unemployed for several different reasons,,but none of them are the feds business
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

but it hurts the general welfare more than its helped,,,the history is clear on that
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help more people out of poverty.

they/I paid into that which makes it a real entitlement,,,the problem with it is he forced participation
lousy management; it solves nothing. we need something more comprehensive and cost effective.

the only way to get that is to have it ran by the local community, then the money is closest to the source and the need and you don have the feds taking a cut
Block grants to the several States could work.[/QUOTE

it would only work to make it worse and is in violation of the constitution
no, it wouldn't. it would be simpler.
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

then the poor need to get a job not steal from those that did
Capitalism has a Natural rate of unemployment of People for the bottom line of Profit for capitalists.[/QUOTE

there will always be unemployed for several different reasons,,but none of them are the feds business
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

but it hurts the general welfare more than its helped,,,the history is clear on that
we have a First World economy not a third world economy due to FDR's brand of socialism regarding providing for the general welfare.

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