What Makes Poor People Poor? - Special Segment

No way is helping people survive hurting them

Nowhere in the world have poor people done better by taking away basic sustenance


and like I said it would work better at a local level ,,and it would also be legal
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

you keep repeating that,,,but the record is clear it harms the country nmore than it helps
what record is clear where? the right wing tells plenty of stories.

You seem to tell pretty good lies, why blame others and not include your lies?
i resort to the fewest fallacies; unlike those of the opposing view.
Taking money from me, my employees, and my neighbors isn't helping me, or us. I care about me, and mine. Not every other sorry bastard with a sob story...
you can afford it.
I decide what I can afford. Not you. My money is my business, and none of yours.
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.
I didn't blame them. I said it's their problem. Don't make your problems, my problems.
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

you keep repeating that,,,but the record is clear it harms the country nmore than it helps
what record is clear where? the right wing tells plenty of stories.

the fact that we have generational welfare that has produced millions of bastard children of single mothers that have no hope of a good life

with a more localized system those people have a better chance
misguided morals? it was a simple economic problem.

Throwing money at problems without a plan does not solve the issue, just expands the problem and causes further government greed.
good management actually solves problems, it doesn't merely throw money around.
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help

When are they going to start helping? So far all government does is enable them to stay poor.
Means testing does that.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market friendly and cost effective.

Already proven that you have no cure, so please quit trolling.
that is the cure. solving for that market recognizable phenomena.

Again, it isn't sustainable and you have given no support to your theory that it is. Again, prove it, quite simple even for you.
It is quite sustainable. A positive multiplier effect and automatic stabilization of our economy, along with enabling more tax revenue to be raised and more demand to be created. Grow our economy we must, as much as we want.
you can afford it.
I decide what I can afford. Not you. My money is my business, and none of yours.
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.
I didn't blame them. I said it's their problem. Don't make your problems, my problems.
it is our problem; providing for the general welfare is a general power.
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help

but its hurting more than it helps,,,thats not the general welfare

all welfare is best if its from the community and not from the feds,,,they fuck up everything they touch
No way is helping people survive hurting them

Nowhere in the world have poor people done better by taking away basic sustenance

Again, it does harm them.

A perfect example is the 99 weeks of unemployment compensation that Bush pushed for in 2008.

It's a well known fact, that people who still had unemployment compensation were far less likely to find employment, than those who ran out of unemployment compensation.

This is a statistical fact. People who could stay on unemployment comp, tended to do so.

However, what we also learned, was that people who were unemployed for a longer time, were less likely to get employment. Your chances of landing a good job, over a bad job, decrease.

This is a well known fact.

So unemployment comp, encourages people to stay unemployed, when they could be working.
And being unemployed for long periods of times, reduces your chances of a good income when you do get employed.

So it is a fact that sometimes helping people too much, can in fact harm them. Absolutely it can.
I decide what I can afford. Not you. My money is my business, and none of yours.
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.
I didn't blame them. I said it's their problem. Don't make your problems, my problems.
it is our problem; providing for the general welfare is a general power.
It's only my problem in regard to my money being taken against my will, and misused. General welfare, never meant food stamp welfare, or relief from occupying the bottom rind of the wealth ladder...
Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help

but its hurting more than it helps,,,thats not the general welfare

all welfare is best if its from the community and not from the feds,,,they fuck up everything they touch
No way is helping people survive hurting them

Nowhere in the world have poor people done better by taking away basic sustenance
Taking money from me, my employees, and my neighbors isn't helping me, or us. I care about me, and mine. Not every other sorry bastard with a sob story...
Sure it helps you

You belong to the wealthiest nation on earth. We have the highest standard of living

You benefit more by being a citizen in our society than you could accomplish on your own
Democrats: a bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for rich people by telling poor people that the other rich people are the reason they're poor.
Democrats support raising taxes on the wealthy, even themselves if they are wealthy
Rich Republicans vote to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

I completely disagree with you.

I can think of several direct examples where people clearly did better when benefits were removed.

You have to understand that there is a mindset that effects long term results.

The number one factor in you moving up from where you are in life, is you yourself being willing to change, to adapt, to grow, and to climb up from where you are.

If you as an individual, believe that it is the job of someone else, or the job of society, to move you up from where you are.... then what reason do you have to put in the effort to change, or to improve yourself? Why should you have to work towards making a better life, if it is societies job to do that for you?

Of course you have no reason to put in your own effort if it is some other persons job to improve your life.

But if you wake up in the morning, and realize that it is 100% your job to improve your life, and absolutely no one is going to improve your life for you, suddenly you have motivation to do what you need to do.

Now if you doubt this, I can give you dozens of examples.

I think likely the most telling of all examples was when I worked at the homeless shelter. During the tour, they explained that people are only allowed to stay there for a specific amount of time, and then they must leave.

They found that if people were allowed to stay indefinitely, then they ended up not doing anything to get a job and find their own apartment. If they had a set time limit, people would join their free job placement program, and get the free training programs.

Why? Because they knew it was up to them to move up. Not up to the shelter to take care of them for life.

Now if a charity organization can figure out what is best for people.... I think you can see how this applies to society at large.

And if you need a more direct example, look at the welfare reform of the 1990s. Welfare reform reduced people living off of welfare by 50%. Welfare rolls went from 13 Million to under 5 Million.

What happened to all those people? They got jobs, and the economy improved.

Goals or having others set goals seem to be the catalyst for all of us. How many times to you see people get jobs as their unemployment is set to expire, or a guy loses his job and creates a new business.

There is a guy in our city that was at the mission, down on his luck, drinking and was at the bottom. he set some goals and now in a few short years has several furniture stores and gives back to the community.

Desperation is a great motivator and works more often than not.
Still can’t answer the question? Who specifically are the rich that are too big to fail? Come on, name them, you claim they exist however you can’t name them?
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

Can you name them or they some imaginary creature you dreamed up?
I gave you some references. It is up to you. Why blame the Poor.

You gave me absolutely nothing, you are claiming that the rich are too big to fail, your references are for corporate welfare and for the 2008 TARP, which had nothing to do with people and had everything to do with big banks and car manufacturers that should have been allowed to fail. So you blaming the rich is just a cop out for you to again be lazy.

I never blamed the poor, it is just your way of trying to change the subject because you realized you have been schooled.
tax cut economics is socialized income redistribution that benefits the richest the most.

Why is that?
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.
I didn't blame them. I said it's their problem. Don't make your problems, my problems.
it is our problem; providing for the general welfare is a general power.
It's only my problem in regard to my money being taken against my will, and misused. General welfare, never meant food stamp welfare, or relief from occupying the bottom rind of the wealth ladder...
It is not taken against your will
You get to vote for candidates who support your views

Your problem is nobody else wants an anarchist

and like I said it would work better at a local level ,,and it would also be legal
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

you keep repeating that,,,but the record is clear it harms the country nmore than it helps
what record is clear where? the right wing tells plenty of stories.

You seem to tell pretty good lies, why blame others and not include your lies?
i resort to the fewest fallacies; unlike those of the opposing view.

So you admit to lying, that's what I thought.
how are those benefits helping the poor???

so far its done more harm than good and prolonged their suffering,

its time they learn to live or die by their own accord ;like the rest of the world does

Benefits like food stamps, housing, healthcare help to support them
Benefits like job training, low cost business loans, educational grants help to rise out of poverty

No poor person has ever done better by taking benefits away

What have Republicans done to help the poor other than build more prisons?

how would you know since its never been done

but what we do know for a fact is the majority of those that receive them never get out

and it also is not the job of the feds to steal from the majority and give to a minority

is time the communities step up and help their neighbors not the feds by stealing
Generational welfare is the exception

It is the job of the Government to help those who need help

When are they going to start helping? So far all government does is enable them to stay poor.

They also provide educational assistance, jobs programs, small business loans

Small business loans are actually horrible. If there is one thing I've learned about starting businesses, the absolute worse thing you can possibly do, is start your business with a ton of debt.

I would be in favor of completely eliminating all small business loans.

When you are first starting a business, there is no guarantee of anything. The absolute last thing you need, is overhead in the form of a loan.

Instead, you should get investors, or save up your own money. Worst thing you need is a secured loan, that confiscates whatever property you have left, after your business fails.
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.
I didn't blame them. I said it's their problem. Don't make your problems, my problems.
it is our problem; providing for the general welfare is a general power.
It's only my problem in regard to my money being taken against my will, and misused. General welfare, never meant food stamp welfare, or relief from occupying the bottom rind of the wealth ladder...
come up with better solutions at lower cost not nothing but repeal. you make your own choice.
you keep repeating that,,,but the record is clear it harms the country nmore than it helps
what record is clear where? the right wing tells plenty of stories.

the fact that we have generational welfare that has produced millions of bastard children of single mothers that have no hope of a good life

with a more localized system those people have a better chance
misguided morals? it was a simple economic problem.

Throwing money at problems without a plan does not solve the issue, just expands the problem and causes further government greed.
good management actually solves problems, it doesn't merely throw money around.

That is why your plan fails, you have no management.
Taking money from me, my employees, and my neighbors isn't helping me, or us. I care about me, and mine. Not every other sorry bastard with a sob story...
you can afford it.
I decide what I can afford. Not you. My money is my business, and none of yours.
the power to tax is delegated to Congress. they have the authority to solve the problems of our republic.
Being poor is a problem for said poor person. Not a problem for our republic. Every nation will always have poor people. That will never change no matter how much money you collectivist/socialists steal...
lol. why blame the poor. the rich are the ones getting richer faster.

The crooked rich the democrat leaders and RINOS only want the unwise to vote to then Rob America thru the unwise voting
When are they going to start helping? So far all government does is enable them to stay poor.
Means testing does that.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market friendly and cost effective.

Already proven that you have no cure, so please quit trolling.
that is the cure. solving for that market recognizable phenomena.

Again, it isn't sustainable and you have given no support to your theory that it is. Again, prove it, quite simple even for you.
It is quite sustainable. A positive multiplier effect and automatic stabilization of our economy, along with enabling more tax revenue to be raised and more demand to be created. Grow our economy we must, as much as we want.

Been there done that, I'm not interested in your lies, again you troll.
the one percent. tax cut economics merely favors the rich at the expense of the Poor.

Can you name them or they some imaginary creature you dreamed up?
I gave you some references. It is up to you. Why blame the Poor.

You gave me absolutely nothing, you are claiming that the rich are too big to fail, your references are for corporate welfare and for the 2008 TARP, which had nothing to do with people and had everything to do with big banks and car manufacturers that should have been allowed to fail. So you blaming the rich is just a cop out for you to again be lazy.

I never blamed the poor, it is just your way of trying to change the subject because you realized you have been schooled.
tax cut economics is socialized income redistribution that benefits the richest the most.

Why is that?
they can purchase the most influence with their capital under our form of capitalism.
Providing for the general welfare is a general power.

you keep repeating that,,,but the record is clear it harms the country nmore than it helps
what record is clear where? the right wing tells plenty of stories.

You seem to tell pretty good lies, why blame others and not include your lies?
i resort to the fewest fallacies; unlike those of the opposing view.

So you admit to lying, that's what I thought.
dear, you obviously can't handle resorting to the fewest fallacies.
Means testing does that.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more market friendly and cost effective.

Already proven that you have no cure, so please quit trolling.
that is the cure. solving for that market recognizable phenomena.

Again, it isn't sustainable and you have given no support to your theory that it is. Again, prove it, quite simple even for you.
It is quite sustainable. A positive multiplier effect and automatic stabilization of our economy, along with enabling more tax revenue to be raised and more demand to be created. Grow our economy we must, as much as we want.

Been there done that, I'm not interested in your lies, again you troll.
you understand nothing about economics. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

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