What makes someone a good person in your view?

Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....
Muslims claim it to be Muhammad. Christians claim it to be a repurposed Sophia. If there is any comfort to be found, it lies in your human brothers and sisters. Then again, I consider most people to be basically amoral and only concerned with their short term personal interest, so there isn't really much of that to go around.

I agree, people are not a comfort.... at all .... people like to THINK they are good and care about others, but, in reality, they do not. If they are not getting a benefit from it, they are normally absent.

And, most importantly, people only love the lovable. If you are negative or unlovable, people won't care for you.
Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Well you'll probably see him in the next 20 years or so :)

Bullshit!! I don't need some imaginary man in the sky dreamed up by sheep and camel herders 2000 years ago. They also believed in witches and thought the world was flat. They also shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.

I'm the Einstein type:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (published in his obituary)

We will all find out one day... just hope you "guessed" right....
Would you consider yourself to be a good person? If not, then what are you?
Being good to other people.

all people? or only certain ones?
All people.

Really - so you are going to be nice to your boss that treats you like dirt?
If that's the definition of "good" .. no one is good...
I'm going to be nice to people when I don't have to. Or when they are not nice to me. Nice message. Everyone but Jesus is a dick.
Would you consider yourself to be a good person? If not, then what are you?
Being good to other people.

all people? or only certain ones?
All people.

Really - so you are going to be nice to your boss that treats you like dirt?
If that's the definition of "good" .. no one is good...
I'm going to be nice to people when I don't have to. Or when they are not nice to me. Nice message. Everyone but Jesus is a dick.
Did I say that? No, I didn't
Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Well you'll probably see him in the next 20 years or so :)

Bullshit!! I don't need some imaginary man in the sky dreamed up by sheep and camel herders 2000 years ago. They also believed in witches and thought the world was flat. They also shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.

I'm the Einstein type:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (published in his obituary)

We will all find out one day... just hope you "guessed" right....

No...that's the saddest part of it....folks who thought they had an imaginary friend in a gated community just waiting to greet them flying in on a cloud will never know the difference....they'll be just as dead as the rest of us.

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."


Repeat After Me.......................HORSE SHIT!!!!!!


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Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Well you'll probably see him in the next 20 years or so :)

Bullshit!! I don't need some imaginary man in the sky dreamed up by sheep and camel herders 2000 years ago. They also believed in witches and thought the world was flat. They also shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.

I'm the Einstein type:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (published in his obituary)

We will all find out one day... just hope you "guessed" right....

No...that's the saddest part of it....folks who thought they had an imaginary friend in a gated community just waiting to greet them flying in on a cloud will never know the difference....they'll be just as dead as the rest of us.

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."


Repeat After Me.......................HORSE SHIT!!!!!!


Well at least you got it correct this time as Mark instead of Matthew. But you again conveniently ignore that those verses were added centuries after Mark was written and most Bibles freely acknowledge that. Take for example the NIV which states clearly:

"[The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.]"

Bible Gateway passage: Mark 16 - New International Version

So you are arguing a bullshit point. Those verses that you quote were almost certainly not original and most Bibles freely admit that.
Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Maybe you saw one then senility kicked in and you forgot.
BP. shame on you!

Well maybe he did!. The guy clearly doesn't have a clue about what the Bible says. He has no understanding as to its meaning, he quotes verses completely out of context, he is totally oblivious to historical implications, he is beyond ignorant of the cultural implications, he clearly understands nothing of the difficulties in translation between languages. His knowledge of history may be around 6th grade level, yet he is portraying himself like he knows so much.

Apparently in his youth he was an engineer or something to that effect which makes him believe he is really smart. Well he may be very knowledgeable about whatever his craft was but I can tell you his knowledge hits a brick wall when it comes to theology because this guy understands the Bible about as well as my 12 year old daughter....and frankly I give my daughter the edge.

His difficulty is that he has run into someone who actually knows a great deal about all those things. I don't mind differing opinions, but when some jack ass starts portraying himself as so intelligent and knowledgeable and is TOTALLY wrong, I am going put a hot log under his ass and watch him squirm. :)
Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Maybe you saw one then senility kicked in and you forgot.
BP. shame on you!

Well maybe he did!. The guy clearly doesn't have a clue about what the Bible says. He has no understanding as to its meaning, he quotes verses completely out of context, he is totally oblivious to historical implications, he is beyond ignorant of the cultural implications, he clearly understands nothing of the difficulties in translation between languages. His knowledge of history may be around 6th grade level, yet he is portraying himself like he knows so much.

Apparently in his youth he was an engineer or something to that effect which makes him believe he is really smart. Well he may be very knowledgeable about whatever his craft was but I can tell you his knowledge hits a brick wall when it comes to theology because this guy understands the Bible about as well as my 12 year old daughter....and frankly I give my daughter the edge.

His difficulty is that he has run into someone who actually knows a great deal about all those things. I don't mind differing opinions, but when some jack ass starts portraying himself as so intelligent and knowledgeable and is TOTALLY wrong, I am going put a hot log under his ass and watch him squirm. :)
Oooooooookay then...:)
Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Maybe you saw one then senility kicked in and you forgot.
BP. shame on you!

Well maybe he did!. The guy clearly doesn't have a clue about what the Bible says. He has no understanding as to its meaning, he quotes verses completely out of context, he is totally oblivious to historical implications, he is beyond ignorant of the cultural implications, he clearly understands nothing of the difficulties in translation between languages. His knowledge of history may be around 6th grade level, yet he is portraying himself like he knows so much.

Apparently in his youth he was an engineer or something to that effect which makes him believe he is really smart. Well he may be very knowledgeable about whatever his craft was but I can tell you his knowledge hits a brick wall when it comes to theology because this guy understands the Bible about as well as my 12 year old daughter....and frankly I give my daughter the edge.

His difficulty is that he has run into someone who actually knows a great deal about all those things. I don't mind differing opinions, but when some jack ass starts portraying himself as so intelligent and knowledgeable and is TOTALLY wrong, I am going put a hot log under his ass and watch him squirm. :)
Oooooooookay then...:)

Ok think of it like this. My brother is a theoretical physicist with multiple PhDs. Do I tell him what M-Theory is all about? NO! My father was a surgeon who studied at Ohio State and Duke Medical. He practiced for 30 years before he retired and he never had a single malpractice claim against him. Do I tell him how to take out an appendix? NO! I ask them questions and allow them to give me the benefit of their knowledge and experience.

Now neither of them are experts on the Bible and that happens to be one of my main areas of lifetime study. Do they try to tell me what point Paul was making in 1 Corinthians 15? NO! They ask and I tell them the differing viewpoints and then give them my own. All of us have things we are very educated in and things we really don't know much about.

What we have with Campbell is someone who may or may not have been excellent in his craft, but his craft was not theology. It's clear that he may be brilliant in other areas but when it comes to the Bible he is as stupid as a post. For him to go across these boards popping off with self-proclaimed authority like he has been, is similar to me telling my brother about what happens to information when it hits the event horizon of a black hole. Think my brother wouldn't put me in my place if I got that arrogant? Damn right he would. Campbell is doing the exact same thing.

Frankly, he deserves everything he is getting .Do you see me pull punches with Christians who portray themselves similarly and have no idea what they are talking about or do you see me put them in their place? At times have you not spoken with authority about something that I corrected you on? And I like you. :lol: So why should I pull my punches for this clown?
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Some people have spiritual needs. It comforts them to believe in kooky shit and helps them overcome life's pains.

Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Maybe you saw one then senility kicked in and you forgot.
BP. shame on you!

Well maybe he did!. The guy clearly doesn't have a clue about what the Bible says. He has no understanding as to its meaning, he quotes verses completely out of context, he is totally oblivious to historical implications, he is beyond ignorant of the cultural implications, he clearly understands nothing of the difficulties in translation between languages. His knowledge of history may be around 6th grade level, yet he is portraying himself like he knows so much.

Apparently in his youth he was an engineer or something to that effect which makes him believe he is really smart. Well he may be very knowledgeable about whatever his craft was but I can tell you his knowledge hits a brick wall when it comes to theology because this guy understands the Bible about as well as my 12 year old daughter....and frankly I give my daughter the edge.

His difficulty is that he has run into someone who actually knows a great deal about all those things. I don't mind differing opinions, but when some jack ass starts portraying himself as so intelligent and knowledgeable and is TOTALLY wrong, I am going put a hot log under his ass and watch him squirm. :)
The guy is a Mormon...maybe the book of Mormon is slightly different.
God is good. He wants us to be like him. He has taught us how to be like him. I often fall short of his desires for me but as long as I continue to try and have an upward trend, I feel I am on the right path. Being imperfect, God knew we would make mistakes but he still wants us to continue to strive after perfection. He provided a means to be forgiven of our mistakes as long as we are repentant of them and stop doing the bad thing over and over and over again. He has commanded us to:

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

After Jesus was resurrected and appeared unto the Nephite people on this, the American continent, he taught:

3 Nephi 12:48
48 Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.

God the Father and his Son are shining lights in a dark world.

Doctrine and Covenants 39:1-6
1 Hearken and listen to the voice of him who is from all eternity to all eternity, the Great I Am, even Jesus Christ—
2 The light and the life of the world; a light which shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not;
3 The same which came in the meridian of time unto mine own, and mine own received me not;
4 But to as many as received me, gave I power to become my sons; and even so will I give unto as many as will receive me, power to become my sons.
5 And verily, verily, I say unto you, he that receiveth my gospel receiveth me; and he that receiveth not my gospel receiveth not me.
6 And this is my gospel—repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things, and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom.
Or, there could be a "real" Comforter....

I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Maybe you saw one then senility kicked in and you forgot.
BP. shame on you!

Well maybe he did!. The guy clearly doesn't have a clue about what the Bible says. He has no understanding as to its meaning, he quotes verses completely out of context, he is totally oblivious to historical implications, he is beyond ignorant of the cultural implications, he clearly understands nothing of the difficulties in translation between languages. His knowledge of history may be around 6th grade level, yet he is portraying himself like he knows so much.

Apparently in his youth he was an engineer or something to that effect which makes him believe he is really smart. Well he may be very knowledgeable about whatever his craft was but I can tell you his knowledge hits a brick wall when it comes to theology because this guy understands the Bible about as well as my 12 year old daughter....and frankly I give my daughter the edge.

His difficulty is that he has run into someone who actually knows a great deal about all those things. I don't mind differing opinions, but when some jack ass starts portraying himself as so intelligent and knowledgeable and is TOTALLY wrong, I am going put a hot log under his ass and watch him squirm. :)
The guy is a Mormon...maybe the book of Mormon is slightly different.

I am aware. That has nothing to do with his assertions about knowing so much about the Bible when clearly he is totally ignorant of it. Avatar4321 is a Mormon too. Ever see he and I argue about anything? Why might that be? Maybe because Avatar knows what he is talking about and, even though I don't always agree, his position is usually based in a reasonable reading of scripture. Campbell is just pulling verses out of his ass, taking them out of context, and twisting scripture because apparently he has an axe to grind. Like I said...I don't mind a differing opinion...just don't resort to bullshit tactics. I will call them out every time whether it is an atheist or a theist
I try and live my life as a good, honorable, caring, sensitive, trustworthy person. It's a good thing when you get up in the morning and you can look yourself in the mirror.

yes it good but you'll be going to hell with millions of others who thought they were "good". Good dont cut it. Good in mans eyes is an abomination to
God. Our hearts are evil and wicked.
I try and live my life as a good, honorable, caring, sensitive, trustworthy person. It's a good thing when you get up in the morning and you can look yourself in the mirror.

yes it good but you'll be going to hell with millions of others who thought they were "good". Good dont cut it. Good in mans eyes is an abomination to
God. Our hearts are evil and wicked.
Until you take your last breath on Earth there is always hope. As a Christian the best witness we can be for God is to speak the truth in love
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I've never seen any signs of one.....'course I'm just 81 :eusa_angel:

Well you'll probably see him in the next 20 years or so :)

Bullshit!! I don't need some imaginary man in the sky dreamed up by sheep and camel herders 2000 years ago. They also believed in witches and thought the world was flat. They also shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.

I'm the Einstein type:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (published in his obituary)

We will all find out one day... just hope you "guessed" right....

No...that's the saddest part of it....folks who thought they had an imaginary friend in a gated community just waiting to greet them flying in on a cloud will never know the difference....they'll be just as dead as the rest of us.

Mark 16:
17"These signs will accompany them that believe: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."


Repeat After Me.......................HORSE SHIT!!!!!!


Well at least you got it correct this time as Mark instead of Matthew. But you again conveniently ignore that those verses were added centuries after Mark was written and most Bibles freely acknowledge that. Take for example the NIV which states clearly:

"[The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.]"

Bible Gateway passage: Mark 16 - New International Version

So you are arguing a bullshit point. Those verses that you quote were almost certainly not original and most Bibles freely admit that.

We're both half wits for arguing about the content or meaning of a 2000 year old writing anyway. People were afraid of the dark, lived in caves, believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands. They also believed people were raised from the dead, healed of leprosy, walked on water, talked to some ancient god, the earth stood still, walls fell at the sound of a trumpet, big fish puked up live men, men lived through a 1200 degree furnace, seas were parted so the white hats could get across then closed on the black hats and drowned them all, etc. etc. etc.
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