What makes us "different?"

What is it that makes all ethnicities "different"? Why do we use these things as an excuse to separate ourselves?
Identity Politics is a political strategy. Divide Americans into groups, hyphenate us, and it's much easier to pit us against each other.

We're told to ignore skin color. Great, agreed. Then we have those same people highlighting and leveraging the differences in our skin color (not to mention gender, income, sexual orientation, religious faith).

Terribly cynical and obviously destructive, but very, very effective.

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Different racial groups differ by average ability groups and average behavior. These are the result of evolving in response to different population pressures.

Civilization selects in favor of higher intelligence. This is because intelligent men tend to be prosperous and to have more children who survive and reproduce.

Civilization selects in favor of lower crime, because criminal justice systems remove criminals from the breeding population.

Negroes have high crime rates and low IQ averages because they have recently been introduced to civilization.

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