What makes you regret being married?

I can only answer for the time that I was married. Number one was the constant fighting. Every minute of day and night was some level of hostility from a cold silent treatment to white hot rage. Second was looking for ways to be hurtful. If I couldn't be hurt, he would hurt our son. Last has to be his idea that sex, unwanted sex, would make anything better. Anything from an abcessed tooth to being with a friend as she drew her last breath could be made better with a generous dollop of inappropriate sex. I regretted being married so much I got a divorce. It must have been a truly traumatic marriage for neither of us ever did it again. That's some serious regret.
I can only answer for the time that I was married. Number one was the constant fighting. Every minute of day and night was some level of hostility from a cold silent treatment to white hot rage. Second was looking for ways to be hurtful. If I couldn't be hurt, he would hurt our son. Last has to be his idea that sex, unwanted sex, would make anything better. Anything from an abcessed tooth to being with a friend as she drew her last breath could be made better with a generous dollop of inappropriate sex. I regretted being married so much I got a divorce. It must have been a truly traumatic marriage for neither of us ever did it again. That's some serious regret.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!!!
What makes you regret being married to your spouse?

Nothing does.

In about twenty-six and a half years, we've had our share of fights and conflicts and other troubles, but I can honestly say that never, for a moment, have I ever regretted marrying her.

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Nothing does. In about twenty-six and a half years, we've had our share of fights and conflicts and other troubles, but I can honestly say that never, for a moment, have I ever regretted marrying her.
I hope i find that one day
I had a very close relationship at one time. Everything was going well. Then we went to dinner at one of the finest restaurants in town. He asked me to marry him and took out a ring box. Without a word. I picked up and walked out. Never said a word. Never took another phone call. Just done.
Tipsycatlover what would be your reason for that? scared of commitment?
I dislike the institution. It's not for me. My last relationship lasted 12 years, until he died. I took care of him to his last day on earth. The closest he came to asking about marriage was to say he was okay with the idea. I wasn't. The subject was over.
I dislike the institution. It's not for me. My last relationship lasted 12 years, until he died. I took care of him to his last day on earth. The closest he came to asking about marriage was to say he was okay with the idea. I wasn't. The subject was over.
I'm sorry to hear that my condolences go to you and his family
^^^ Which is why its important to know before you sign it who it is that you are connecting yourself to in such a way and yes I am well aware that knowing a person well enough before the wedding is easier said than done.

God bless you and your family always!!!


P.S. If you get along great with your exes now, maybe that paper isn't the horror that you are trying to make it look like. What is it about you and them that sets you a part from other relationships?

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