What may happen on Dec. 19th.

Tuesday, 20 December will also a day that will live in memory so long as there is an America.

On that day the names will be filled on the already waiting charging documents. The names of those who violated The U.S. Constitution by vandalizing the rules (in each of their states, and they rules are different in some of them). The charge? Treason.

But they know that.
the electoral college this time around finally proved who are the dumbest states in the USA. Do we really wanna elect a president who was voted by 59 Million people who still think the sun revolves around the earth every 24 hours?
You would have had the same thing with Clinton.

Her choice of VP invalidates your comment.

No. There is no hiding from it Wry.

LOL, another Idiot-gram from another member out of touch with reality.

You shallow ass. You are standing on the edge of being able to recreate the Democrat Party to something beneficial for all people but you can't do that until you recognize what is inherently wrong with it and with Clinton.

You are what is wrong with the US and with Democrats in general. You're too lazy to research issues. You have just enough energy to get all slackjawed and name call. You are such a hypocrite. What in the hell happened to you?

I went to CAL as an undergrad, and SFSU as a grad student. In the immortal words of Joseph Goebbles:

That's what's wrong with me; I was taught how to think, research and write clearly and with purpose. Not to adopt a dogmatic approach to life, but to question authority and to see through the rhetoric of charlatan's, especially those who represent the First and Second Estates.

Do not claim I haven't evaluated the results of the most recent election; Clinton also focused too much attention on the Second Estate, and insulted the Third.

You have no way of knowing what I think or why. I have been critical of the Democratic Leadership, but I abhor everything about the New Right which dominates the Republican Party, and now has gotten what they want most, power and control.

I have watched your posts. You haven't questioned authority in over a year. To some how proclaim that the shit we were eating is better over here is much better than the shit being eaten over there is laughable. Destroying public education, outsourcing and offshoring jobs and implementing neoliberal policies in foreign countries is right wing.
so what did these 5 million dead people do after they voted? not easy to dig yourself back into your coffin, maybe they just went to Taco Bell and McDonalds for dinner.
That's looking pretty good to me right now
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?
It's in the US Constitution. Specifically Article II, Section 1, Clause 2:
National Constitution Center
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

How do you choose your King, Prime Minister, Head Butler or whatever in your country?
Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.
Keep whining about all those Californians and New Yorkers, but the fact remains Hillary lost the election mostly because she couldn't inspire enough of her own party to vote for her across the nation.

Election maps
County results

Graphed by population
Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.
Keep whining about all those Californians and New Yorkers, but the fact remains Hillary lost the election mostly because she couldn't inspire enough of her own party to vote for her across the nation.

Election maps
County results

Graphed by population

So graphing by population proves how retarded the by county map is.
Did you ever see such spoiled whiny brats in your life still ranting about the election and hoping for the first time in history the Electoral College will nullify the results of a presidential election? Let's hope that "whatever Gods may be" straighten out the thinking of a bunch of freaking left wing hypocrites so that they can put down the crying towel and function as law abiding citizens.
So graphing by population proves how retarded the by county map is.
Disagreed. OTOH, you epitomize the view that "Democracy" is two wolves and a sheep deciding what have for dinner by constancy whining about getting rid of the Electoral College (and by implication, the Senate) and letting pure popular vote decide the fate of our nation.

You want urbanites to dictate urbanite problems and solutions to rural areas of the US where we don't have those problems and have no need of your solutions.

how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.

Well someone fell into the trap
i deducted all of the illegal / dead people votes,,,I came out with Trump winning by 5 to 10 million votes

Please file a complaint with the new AG come January, listing by name each dead person who voted so they can be dug up and interviewed, and each illegal's name and address so they can be arrested and taken to the border and kicked out. A True and honest patriot would do no less.

That is what trump.is gonna do, and why your side is so afraid, they lose millions of illegal votes.q
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.

Well someone fell into the trap
i deducted all of the illegal / dead people votes,,,I came out with Trump winning by 5 to 10 million votes

Please file a complaint with the new AG come January, listing by name each dead person who voted so they can be dug up and interviewed, and each illegal's name and address so they can be arrested and taken to the border and kicked out. A True and honest patriot would do no less.

That is what trump.is gonna do, and why your side is so afraid, they lose millions of illegal votes.q

Yeah, sure we're afraid, I personally feel the fear when all of Utah's 4 million uncounted votes come in for The Donald.

Utah's official population is just barely under 3 million people, but Governor Gary Herbert's office said it believes the state has already surpassed that mark. Official census figures estimate Utah's population at 2,995,919 as of July 1, 2015.
Yeah, sure we're afraid, I personally feel the fear when all of Utah's 4 million uncounted votes come in for The Donald.

Utah's official population is just barely under 3 million people, but Governor Gary Herbert's office said it believes the state has already surpassed that mark. Official census figures estimate Utah's population at 2,995,919 as of July 1, 2015.
Praise the Lord! FINALLY! A LWer who understands why we need voter ID and more enforcement of voting. "We, the People" need to have 100%, not 99.9, but 100% confidence that our voting system is secure and honest.

Thanks for joining the ranks of those who think our voting system is insecure and needs updating.
Dec 19th will be like any other day. The media will overplay the story if one or two electors do try to make a statement with their vote and all but the lunatics will simply go about their daily business.
Dec 19th will be like any other day. The media will overplay the story if one or two electors do try to make a statement with their vote and all but the lunatics will simply go about their daily business.
"The media" is a business. Journalists are often liberals, but business owners AKA capitalists are often conservative. They'll do whatever makes a buck. In this case, they are milking the cow. Meaning dumbasses who fret and worry about "the media" or "Dec 19th" or anything else that attracts attention. They are the ultimate Attention Whores who profit from your attention. The more you pay attention, the better. As they say in Hollywood, "there is no such thing as bad publicity". It's all about the money. Believe what you like, but they looooove the attention.

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