What, Me Worry?

Pence is a real conservative with whom moderates can work.

He is a clean conservative.

He will grab the Alt Right by the collective balls and make them squeal.

He would be a fine Republican president.
But Jake Starkey would not have voted for Pence because Jake Starkey is not a Republican. If Pence ran for president then Jake Starkey would have called him a Nazi who wants to see poor people die in the streets.
I am a Republican and Rob is a far right wannabee, nothing more than a pretender.

I wanted Kasich and ended up voting for McMullin.
Kasich? Jesus Christ... I was a Cruz supporter. Kasich is the embodiment of a big government RINO.
President Pence would, honestly, be great for America. Of course, if that were to become a real possibility (and it won't because there is going to be found no illegal activity on Trump's part), then they will go on a witch hunt on Pence too. The only end game for the leftist scum bags is achieving power and they do not give a damn about how they get it.
Just how do you know there is no illegal activity on Trumps part? I am sure the FBI has confided in you

Because they testified on Monday that there is no evidence.

Why is that so difficult for you guys to grasp?
President Pence would, honestly, be great for America. Of course, if that were to become a real possibility (and it won't because there is going to be found no illegal activity on Trump's part), then they will go on a witch hunt on Pence too. The only end game for the leftist scum bags is achieving power and they do not give a damn about how they get it.
Just how do you know there is no illegal activity on Trumps part? I am sure the FBI has confided in you
He passed the "Clinton sniff test", he WON!
No, he lost by 3 million legal votes

and won by about 70 electoral
President Pence would, honestly, be great for America. Of course, if that were to become a real possibility (and it won't because there is going to be found no illegal activity on Trump's part), then they will go on a witch hunt on Pence too. The only end game for the leftist scum bags is achieving power and they do not give a damn about how they get it.
Just how do you know there is no illegal activity on Trumps part? I am sure the FBI has confided in you
He passed the "Clinton sniff test", he WON!
No, he lost by 3 million legal votes
If he lost, then why is he sitting in the Oval Office?
President Pence would, honestly, be great for America. Of course, if that were to become a real possibility (and it won't because there is going to be found no illegal activity on Trump's part), then they will go on a witch hunt on Pence too. The only end game for the leftist scum bags is achieving power and they do not give a damn about how they get it.
Just how do you know there is no illegal activity on Trumps part? I am sure the FBI has confided in you
He passed the "Clinton sniff test", he WON!
No, he lost by 3 million legal votes
If he lost, then why is he sitting in the Oval Office?
What matters here is that the people of this country, the voters, did not want him, and after what we have seen to date, they we're right
President Pence would, honestly, be great for America. Of course, if that were to become a real possibility (and it won't because there is going to be found no illegal activity on Trump's part), then they will go on a witch hunt on Pence too. The only end game for the leftist scum bags is achieving power and they do not give a damn about how they get it.
Just how do you know there is no illegal activity on Trumps part? I am sure the FBI has confided in you
He passed the "Clinton sniff test", he WON!
No, he lost by 3 million legal votes
If he lost, then why is he sitting in the Oval Office?
What matters here is that the people of this country, the voters, did not want him, and after what we have seen to date, they we're right
Still in denial eh? Its like I JUST said In order to prove liberals are mentally ill you MUST first prove they have a brain.
As a member of that group you are failing.

You got democrats running around the boards on the net and out in the streets saying they will impeach Trump. How little do those idiots think about the result their wish would incur.

That would NOT make way for a president Hillary OR bring Obama {Sh#t Stain} back. That WOULD make way for President Pence whose conservative and christian stripes are FAR stronger and deeper then Trumps. Donald Trump is the velvet glove and Mike Pence would be the iron fist.

Watching democrats is like watching a retard trying to teach a rope to sit up.
Its so pathetic its funny.


Some never learn.

Their only hope is getting the House and Senate and impeaching Trump and forcing Pence to run because he knew something.

Now do I believe this will happen?

Hell no!

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