What motivates you to vote Democrat?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong....
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong.
The OP asked that respondents to be transparent and honest. Are you saying that, since you're not a Democrat, transparency and honesty don't apply to you? Just asking. It would explain a lot. :cool-45:
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong.
The OP asked that respondents to be transparent and honest. Are you saying that, since you're not a Democrat, transparency and honesty don't apply to you? Just asking. It would explain a lot. :cool-45:
I was being honest that i am not stupid enough to ever vote for people who are against my best interests. I also pointed out that in my honest opinion, you dweebs are miserable fucks and never can be honest. Just like right now, instead of answering his question, you resort to Rules for Radicals #13. Cant get more stupid than that..Thank you for participating and making my point...dumbass.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong....

I believe that really is your honest opinion, but I know for a fact that you are pathetically wrong. Perhaps you should have a real discussion with a couple Democrats to find out why they have their political beliefs. Spouting hateful crap, like you constantly do on a discussion board is not a real discussion.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong.
The OP asked that respondents to be transparent and honest. Are you saying that, since you're not a Democrat, transparency and honesty don't apply to you? Just asking. It would explain a lot. :cool-45:
I was being honest that i am not stupid enough to ever vote for people who are against my best interests. I also pointed out that in my honest opinion, you dweebs are miserable fucks and never can be honest. Just like right now, instead of answering his question, you resort to Rules for Radicals #13. Cant get more stupid than that..Thank you for participating and making my point...dumbass.
All I'm seeing is more dishonesty.
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.
Insight to Democrat Voters

The Democrat Voters have benevolent organization such as: BLM, Klan, La Raza, Nation of Islam, OWS, Code Pink, Mecha, Muslim Brotherhood, Congressional Black Caucus, Black Panthers, Antifa.....

Those eeeeevil Republican Voters have dangerous far right wing extremist organization such as: the Boy Scouts, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, PTA, Nation Honor Society, Little League, Junior Leaguers….
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......

What does that even mean Gustavo?
1) Elitist Loons who started off rich and want to spread some of our money around to assuage their sense of Guilt.

2) Dumb-Ass Loons who majored in some bullshit like Sociology...thus can't find a decent job and are Jealous of anyone doing better (Momma's Basement Dwellers).

3) Professional Federal Plantation Porch Sitters, including Immigrants who came to suck off the Government Tit.

4) Public Employee Union Members, especially Teacher's Unions.

5) Federal Employees, particularly the ones who like to spend a good part of their work day on porn sites, or texting their lovers about how to be a good Obama Bolshevik (See Strzok and Page).

6) People who can't decide what sex they are or wish they were.

7) All Mentally ill not already listed above.
Be totally transparent and honest....remember you are protected by total anonymity here?
I know i am not a Democrat and no Democrat is going to be honest with you. I on the other hand will give you my honest opinion on why Democrats vote for people who want to keep them enslaved to the government. They are a miserable lot, hate everyone, but most of all, hate themselves, and those that brought them into this world. So in FAIRNESS, they have to make sure they elect those like minded violent people, that ruin the lives of happy people, who want to be left alone in their happiness, which infuriates them even more, for they never ever will achieve happiness. Perfectly prime examples of two extreme Democrats, 1 far left Socialist Joseph Stalin, who had been elected to office, had one of the largest counties in the world, and couldn't trust those around him so had them all executed, even those closest to him. Adolf Hitler, a far right Socialist, had been elected to office and even took 2 other counties without firing a shot, yet it wasn't enough for him, so stared a war not only with the western world, but attacked his fellow Socialist to the east because he couldn't trust a Commie. You shouldn't feel sorry for the stupid Democrats(i know redundant statement) because in their misery, they vote for the people that keep them miserable, maybe it is time to reopen the insane asylums and put the mentally ill back where they belong.
The OP asked that respondents to be transparent and honest. Are you saying that, since you're not a Democrat, transparency and honesty don't apply to you? Just asking. It would explain a lot. :cool-45:
I was being honest that i am not stupid enough to ever vote for people who are against my best interests. I also pointed out that in my honest opinion, you dweebs are miserable fucks and never can be honest. Just like right now, instead of answering his question, you resort to Rules for Radicals #13. Cant get more stupid than that..Thank you for participating and making my point...dumbass.
All I'm seeing is more dishonesty.
Real hard to see the TRUTH with liberal thinking...Give up the Rules, we are on your stupidity...

i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......

What does that even mean Gustavo?

a lot, banjo picker.
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......

What does that even mean Gustavo?

a lot, banjo picker.

Like What...

High taxes?

150 grand a year dog catchers?

Traffic jams?


Back room deals?

Obama phones?
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......

What does that even mean Gustavo?

a lot, banjo picker.

We’ll go ahead Gustavo...explain it to me.
Don’t be scared, you have my permission.
i have voted (D), (R), & green party in the past. & although i am an indie, i am a registered (D) so i can vote in the primaries. I registered in 2006 so i can vote against joe libertoady because he was all for staying in iraq & ned lamont wanted to get us out.

in the past i voted (D) primarily to preserve roe v wade. now i vote primarily for (D) to preserve obamacare until universal healthcare becomes a right.

is that honest enough for ya?

Sure is...tells a tale and defines your character.
Kinda confirms what we already knew...thanks for that.

lol... so does that confed flag you're sportin' there, jethro.......

What does that even mean Gustavo?

a lot, banjo picker.

Like What...

High taxes?

150 grand a year dog catchers?

Traffic jams?


Back room deals?

Obama phones?

lol... me thinx you are CONfused by what i just said. i am not surprized.

<pssst> ronny regan started the free phone program. google it & learn somethin'.
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