What MUST Be Done About Islam

Most religious law goes against American law. American law is secular.

Hah! American law is patterned after biblical law, numbnuts. LOL @ you!
Oh? Which part of our Constitution is based on biblical law?
He must mean the first five Commandments (none of which are US law).
View attachment 128598
What do you mean none are US law?
It is against the law to bare false witness
It is against the law to steal
It is against the law to murder
Bear, and those laws existed long before the Bible. Does that mean our laws are based upon what came long before the Jews?
Truth up, the natural laws that the DOI speak about have existed since the start of time. But what you said wasn't true, that is what was pointed out.
The day after the Manchester massacre, radio talk show host Michael Savage asked >> "What would you do to stop Islamic terrorism in the United States ?"

Maybe I can't get through on the radio, but I can post my answer right here in USMB. These are the things we MUST do in the US, and all other countries.

1. Declare Islam to be >> not a religion (as Italy and other countries have done).

2. Declare Islam unconstitutional and banned (by the Supremacy Clause)

3. Close all mosques, Islamic centers, etc.

4. Eliminate all vestiges of Islam (Korans, footwashing basins, prayer rooms, minarets, etc)

5. Ban the name Mohammed (all spellings) from birth certification.

6. Enact and enforce Muslim immigration/travel ban.

7. Deport all Muslims on FBI watch list.

8. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood and all MB front groups (see "Muslim Mafia", page 235 for US Justice Dept. list)

9. Close down all Muslim Brotherhood front group offices (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

10. Stop schools from banning protectionist books and videos (ex. Obsession: Radical Islam in Tarpon Springs, Florida)

11. Get all Muslims out of the US government.
In america these terrorists are the biggest danger

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists
It is amusing that our paranoid Muslim haters never seem to mention our sandy hook white boys have killed more here than Muslims
You are so breathtakingly wrong it is beyond hope.

Look around Washington and see the religious references, like this one:

View attachment 128593
I'll stick with the founding document of the nation - the Constitution (in which God is never mentioned), thanks all the same.
That is not our founding document, Genius.

You really ought to quit doubling down:

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, (voted on and passed by Congress)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The DOI has absolutely no standing in American law, none. That and a cup of coffee in court will get you a contempt charge.
The DoI was, in fact, adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

You have thoroughly proved yourself a liberal in this thread. Kudos.
Yes...but it isn't Law. It's a Declaration. Us announcing to the British that we were leaving their Empire with the reasons why.
Any Muslims caught conspiring to attack us, we dismember them one body part at a time until dead while they are smeared in pig urine.
And which forgiving church do you attend again?
Over there battling? Thought not. Prefer to sit home and whine. ?
Most religious law goes against American law. American law is secular.

Hah! American law is patterned after biblical law, numbnuts. LOL @ you!
Oh? Which part of our Constitution is based on biblical law?
He must mean the first five Commandments (none of which are US law).
View attachment 128598
What do you mean none are US law?
It is against the law to bare false witness
It is against the law to steal
It is against the law to murder
It only is against the law to bare false witness when sworn in....people lie all the time.
And the law against stealing and murder predate biblical law....all cultures have those two.
If you actually knew anything about the Ten Commandments then you would know that it does actually say exactly what you posted. Bare false witness refers to telling the truth in court. Which is against the law, lying is not, like if I were to say you are making sense.
Washington prayed to God.
So do Muslims.

No they don't. They pray to the nonexistant moon god. Look here n00b, you suck and we've heard it all before, k?
The God of the Jews is the same as the God of the Muslims (and non-trinitarian Christians). You ignorance cannot be helped.

A) I can spell "Your"

B) Islamists are scum. Islam is scum, I'm over it.

Islamist apologists may feel the ire if they don't STFU.

People like you are what made yesterday possible.
Why do people like you want so badly to label supporters of the First Amendment as "Islamist apologists"?
so what have we learned ...

even though studies show that between 1.5 and 1.8 billion people in the world identify their religion as Islam, DUMBASS RW'S SAY ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION. Along with Judaism and Christianity it traces its roots through Prophet Abraham and back to the first humans Adam and Eve. ... Adam and Eve .... ignorant bastards haven't had enough time for it to soak in yet/
Sometime ago I became interested in Hypnosis, for a short while. I was amazed at what I found.

I suspect that terrorist groups, possibly without realizing it themselves, are hypnotizing these suicide bomber and other fanatics.

Religious rituals could create the environment needed to hypnotize.
I'll stick with the founding document of the nation - the Constitution (in which God is never mentioned), thanks all the same.
That is not our founding document, Genius.

You really ought to quit doubling down:

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, (voted on and passed by Congress)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The DOI has absolutely no standing in American law, none. That and a cup of coffee in court will get you a contempt charge.
The DoI was, in fact, adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

You have thoroughly proved yourself a liberal in this thread. Kudos.
Yes...but it isn't Law. It's a Declaration. Us announcing to the British that we were leaving their Empire with the reasons why.
EXACTLY now go read the document, or at least the snippet I provided, and read why.
Hah! American law is patterned after biblical law, numbnuts. LOL @ you!
Oh? Which part of our Constitution is based on biblical law?
He must mean the first five Commandments (none of which are US law).
View attachment 128598
What do you mean none are US law?
It is against the law to bare false witness
It is against the law to steal
It is against the law to murder
Bear, and those laws existed long before the Bible. Does that mean our laws are based upon what came long before the Jews?
Truth up, the natural laws that the DOI speak about have existed since the start of time. But what you said wasn't true, that is what was pointed out.
What i said is entirely true. When one is forced to obey man's laws or God's laws one is faithless if they disobey God. You can't have it both ways making God's laws in conflict with the laws of a secular nation such as ours.
Islam is a world domination blueprint masquerading as a religion.

Tell you what, smartguy RightyTighty one more attack and almost all the

Muslims and apologists like you will be killed, there will be no stopping it.

Normal people have had enough.

Watch what happens, and the world will be a better place for it.
Sounds like a threat. Are you prepared to carry it out? Or do you just talk tough?
Complete falsehood.
You might want to read up on the history of this nation.
I have read the history, and nowhere does it mention Islam except in left wing lying propaganda.

Unfortunately Mr. Mike, the founding fathers did make provisions for the Mohammadens to worship, as long as they obeyed our laws.

Had the red coats been using a church to plot their strategy, they would have been rounded up and jailed and the "church" "closed". Our Fathers never said, Religion above all, regardless of the damage it does us."
Pilgrims needed a peaceful place to practice their religion free of government interference. Muslim want death in the name of religion.
Finding a religion without death in the name of religion will not be an easy task. I can't think of a one besides the Baha'i, and they are always getting the shit kicked out of them.
Possibly the Quakers....and the Puritans were hanging them.
America was founded by dudes who knew the Bible was bullshit and the Koran gooseshit. They were educated, intelligent Europeans, not superstitious idiots.

No it was not. In fact our first President accepted the role and then he and the whole of Congress went to church and prayed to God for the rest of the day. Stop pretending they were all atheists.
We remain one nation under God, until God decides otherwise...
And there are those who tried to Deify Washington and the rest of our Founders too. Have you ever looked at the painting at the Capital Rotunda? Washington as god/zeus?

Which has what to do with the topic, bodey?

Not a damn thing.

Washington prayed to God.
Which god? The one that supported slavery?

No, the same God that brought the Hebrew people out of slavery and then demanded that the Hebrew's release their own slaves after 7 years of service and allowed even slaves to enjoy one day of rest

That God.
One does have to wonder why people get their shorts in a knot over Christianity but when Obama says this, which is a lie, they just ho hum

Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'
Sorry, it's true, 20 % of original settlers were Islamists or don't slaves count?
That is not our founding document, Genius.

You really ought to quit doubling down:

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, (voted on and passed by Congress)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The DOI has absolutely no standing in American law, none. That and a cup of coffee in court will get you a contempt charge.
The DoI was, in fact, adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

You have thoroughly proved yourself a liberal in this thread. Kudos.
Yes...but it isn't Law. It's a Declaration. Us announcing to the British that we were leaving their Empire with the reasons why.
EXACTLY now go read the document, or at least the snippet I provided, and read why.
Let them relegate the DoI to irrelevance. They're lefties, after all.
Hah! American law is patterned after biblical law, numbnuts. LOL @ you!
Oh? Which part of our Constitution is based on biblical law?
He must mean the first five Commandments (none of which are US law).
View attachment 128598
What do you mean none are US law?
It is against the law to bare false witness
It is against the law to steal
It is against the law to murder
It only is against the law to bare false witness when sworn in....people lie all the time.
And the law against stealing and murder predate biblical law....all cultures have those two.
If you actually knew anything about the Ten Commandments then you would know that it does actually say exactly what you posted. Bare false witness refers to telling the truth in court. Which is against the law, lying is not, like if I were to say you are making sense.
It doesn't surprise me that you would want that commandment to be neatly pigeonholed to only be about court. Most christians I know do a lot of lying.....calmly and with no compunction.
so what have we learned ...

even though studies show that between 1.5 and 1.8 billion people in the world identify their religion as Islam, DUMBASS RW'S SAY ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION. Along with Judaism and Christianity it traces its roots through Prophet Abraham and back to the first humans Adam and Eve. ... Adam and Eve .... ignorant bastards haven't had enough time for it to soak in yet/
Is scientology a religion?
Sharia law goes directly against American law, therefore Islam is incompatible with America.
Most religious law goes against American law. American law is secular.

Hah! American law is patterned after biblical law, numbnuts. LOL @ you!
Oh? Which part of our Constitution is based on biblical law?

Although the Constitution did not mention God directly, natural rights is based upon John Lock's premise that we are made in the image of God and thus have "natural rights".

Conversely, atheist left wingers think we are glorified animals that can be herded around like cattle and treated accordingly.

That is what socialism is all about.
Image of God? Which one of us, male or female? And does God so lack imagination that he made (two, usually) tiny versions of Himself? Not much of a God.
A God that has mercy on those who deride him and still allow them to live.......for a short time.
That is not our founding document, Genius.

You really ought to quit doubling down:

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, (voted on and passed by Congress)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The DOI has absolutely no standing in American law, none. That and a cup of coffee in court will get you a contempt charge.
The DoI was, in fact, adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

You have thoroughly proved yourself a liberal in this thread. Kudos.
Yes...but it isn't Law. It's a Declaration. Us announcing to the British that we were leaving their Empire with the reasons why.
EXACTLY now go read the document, or at least the snippet I provided, and read why.
So, we agree. The Declaration of Independence isn't law. We are not bound by it as we are the Constitution.
You really ought to quit doubling down:

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America, (voted on and passed by Congress)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The DOI has absolutely no standing in American law, none. That and a cup of coffee in court will get you a contempt charge.
The DoI was, in fact, adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

You have thoroughly proved yourself a liberal in this thread. Kudos.
Yes...but it isn't Law. It's a Declaration. Us announcing to the British that we were leaving their Empire with the reasons why.
EXACTLY now go read the document, or at least the snippet I provided, and read why.
Let them relegate the DoI to irrelevance. They're lefties, after all.
Oh, look at you.....:lol: Who said the DoI was irrelevant? No one but you. It is a very important document.....particularly in it's heavy use of Enlightenment thought (which btw went directly against religion)...but it is not law.

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