What must Israel do to "end the occupation"? (solutions thread)

No sane person accepts that.

Land ownership is not decided in any legitimate courtroom on earth based on the Jewish bible.

Land ownership and sovereignty are two entirely different issues. Do not confuse the two.

Jewish sovereignty is based on indigeneity and historical rights, not on religion. (Religious beliefs do not have the force of law, obviously).

So, it appears to me that your definition of the problem is with Jewish sovereignty and Jewish rights, but you will accept at least some Jewish presence. Even still, this makes it impossible for Israel to end the occupation without causing her own self-destruction. Something she will never do. And something she doesn't have to do, since she holds plenty of power in any way you want to measure it.

Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.
Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.

Don't be silly. The entire world, and every legitimate court in it, has bought it. Israel is already a State and has been for quite some time now.

What's the SOLUTION, Louie? How does Israel end the occupation? Be specific.

Self-destruct and dismantle its government?
No sane person accepts that.

Land ownership is not decided in any legitimate courtroom on earth based on the Jewish bible.

Land ownership and sovereignty are two entirely different issues. Do not confuse the two.

Jewish sovereignty is based on indigeneity and historical rights, not on religion. (Religious beliefs do not have the force of law, obviously).

So, it appears to me that your definition of the problem is with Jewish sovereignty and Jewish rights, but you will accept at least some Jewish presence. Even still, this makes it impossible for Israel to end the occupation without causing her own self-destruction. Something she will never do. And something she doesn't have to do, since she holds plenty of power in any way you want to measure it.

Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.
The Jews did what everyone else did.
They came, they saw, they kicked some Hitler supporting Arab ass.
Not bad for people who were slaughtered and nearly starved to death.
Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.

Don't be silly. The entire world, and every legitimate court in it, has bought it. Israel is already a State and has been for quite some time now.

What's the SOLUTION, Louie? How does Israel end the occupation? Be specific.

Self-destruct and dismantle its government?
When Muslims learn to live with Muslims they can then figure out how to live with non-Muslims.
And I'm not buying so much "stolen land" when I've seen the Deeds of Record for the original city centers in Israel..

Actual deeds? Who issued the deeds? When and where did you see them? Which cities were involved?

Genesis 25: 9-10: And Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre; the field which Abraham purchased of the children of Heth; there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife. (The price was 400 shekels.)

Joshua 24:32: And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in the parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of money; and they became the inheritance of the children of Joseph.

Second Samuel 24:24-25: And the king said unto Araunah the Jebusite: "Nay, but I will verily buy it of thee at a price; neither will I offer burnt-offerings unto the Lord my God, which cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. And David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings. So the Lord was entreated for the land, and the plague was stayed from Israel.

First Kings 16:24: And Omri bought the hill Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver: and he built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built , after the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill, Samaria.

So the cities of Hebron, Shechem (Nablus), and Jerusalem, as well as the land of Samaria, belong to the Jews, from their deed, which is in the Bible. The Arabs are living there illegally.
Palestinian should move to a different Arab nation and get over it. They lost a war that they started and disavowed the UN Solution decades ago. You can't go back to it because you lost.

Get out of Israel and move on with your lives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And I'm not buying so much "stolen land" when I've seen the Deeds of Record for the original city centers in Israel..

Actual deeds? Who issued the deeds? When and where did you see them? Which cities were involved?

I've posted several of them. For the founding of Tel Aviv and Haifa. I got them thru Stanford Library I believe. These were BOUGHT from vacated Arab land holders VOLUNTARILY and for a good profit. The time period IIRC was at the founding of Tel Aviv and Haifa in the original "commune" form of these cities. Around 1910 to 1930.. Land acquisitions during that period were largely legal economic transactions involving folks who no longer desired to live in the Mandate.
And I'm not buying so much "stolen land" when I've seen the Deeds of Record for the original city centers in Israel..

Actual deeds? Who issued the deeds? When and where did you see them? Which cities were involved?

I've posted several of them. For the founding of Tel Aviv and Haifa. I got them thru Stanford Library I believe. These were BOUGHT from vacated Arab land holders VOLUNTARILY and for a good profit. The time period IIRC was at the founding of Tel Aviv and Haifa in the original "commune" form of these cities. Around 1910 to 1930.. Land acquisitions during that period were largely legal economic transactions involving folks who no longer desired to live in the Mandate.
So they are buying land that they say was given to them by God? Those liars need to get their stories straight.

They only bought about 7% of Palestinian land. That really does not matter because buying land does not remove it from the country. It was still Palestinian land.

All of the land that Israel claims was taken at the point of a gun. Acquiring territory by force is illegal.

That means that when the Palestinians call Israel occupied Palestinian territory they are legally correct.
All of the land that Israel claims was taken at the point of a gun.

Since you're not helping solve any problems, we can just ignore false premises. Like the one above. Or the 7% number in your previous post. You're pretty irrelevant if you don't value credibility on your assertions.

I'm gonna focus on what creates a Homeland for the Palestinians. Because this has gone on too long..
All of the land that Israel claims was taken at the point of a gun.

Since you're not helping solve any problems, we can just ignore false premises. Like the one above. Or the 7% number in your previous post. You're pretty irrelevant if you don't value credibility on your assertions.

I'm gonna focus on what creates a Homeland for the Palestinians. Because this has gone on too long..
My post is true. Look it up.

And that is the problem so what is the solution?
No sane person accepts that.

Land ownership is not decided in any legitimate courtroom on earth based on the Jewish bible.

Land ownership and sovereignty are two entirely different issues. Do not confuse the two.

Jewish sovereignty is based on indigeneity and historical rights, not on religion. (Religious beliefs do not have the force of law, obviously).

So, it appears to me that your definition of the problem is with Jewish sovereignty and Jewish rights, but you will accept at least some Jewish presence. Even still, this makes it impossible for Israel to end the occupation without causing her own self-destruction. Something she will never do. And something she doesn't have to do, since she holds plenty of power in any way you want to measure it.

Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.
The Jews did what everyone else did.
They came, they saw, they kicked some Hitler supporting Arab ass.
Not bad for people who were slaughtered and nearly starved to death.

They were simply disgusting colonists that stole land from the native Christian and Muslim people using the British military to do so.
No sane person accepts that.

Land ownership is not decided in any legitimate courtroom on earth based on the Jewish bible.

Land ownership and sovereignty are two entirely different issues. Do not confuse the two.

Jewish sovereignty is based on indigeneity and historical rights, not on religion. (Religious beliefs do not have the force of law, obviously).

So, it appears to me that your definition of the problem is with Jewish sovereignty and Jewish rights, but you will accept at least some Jewish presence. Even still, this makes it impossible for Israel to end the occupation without causing her own self-destruction. Something she will never do. And something she doesn't have to do, since she holds plenty of power in any way you want to measure it.

Obviously you are a shill because you simply pretend that that was your land 1000s of years ago, so it is yours today. Sorry, no legitimate court is buying that crap either.
The Jews did what everyone else did.
They came, they saw, they kicked some Hitler supporting Arab ass.
Not bad for people who were slaughtered and nearly starved to death.

They were simply disgusting colonists that stole land from the native Christian and Muslim people using the British military to do so.
So the British weren't disgusting.
And the Muslim rooting for Hitler were good.
Palestinian should move to a different Arab nation and get over it. They lost a war that they started and disavowed the UN Solution decades ago. You can't go back to it because you lost.

Get out of Israel and move on with your lives.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Interesting. What war did the Palestinians lose?
All of the land that Israel claims was taken at the point of a gun. Acquiring territory by force is illegal.

The land that Israel claims was determined at the point of international treaties (just like every other nation created).

And Israel is most certainly not going to be the first nation in the world to voluntarily undo itself. Any solution, therefore, must take into account the existence of Israel.

So, how are we to do that if the Palestinians (and their leadership) refuse to consider this?
...And the Muslim rooting for Hitler were good.
What Muslim's were rooting for Hitler?

Oh, yeah, that's right...


  • upload_2017-4-23_23-2-18.png
    71 KB · Views: 17
...And the Muslim rooting for Hitler were good.
What Muslim's were rooting for Hitler?

Oh, yeah, that's right...
View attachment 123043

The Palestinian
...And the Muslim rooting for Hitler were good.
What Muslim's were rooting for Hitler?

Oh, yeah, that's right...
View attachment 123043

Hmm who would that be if not the hippiest member of the Beatles.


Or his students - like the Israeli MP Ahmad Tibi (left), smiling while the kid shows the clear sign and wears a scarf saying "From the River to the sea..."
I can't believe that the Jews can really be that happy to have to oppress millions of non-Jews to maintain their rule. But I may be wrong.
Then you must have been lying when you said you've been to Israel before. If you have, you would have seen it with your own eyes.
I can't believe that the Jews can really be that happy to have to oppress millions of non-Jews to maintain their rule. But I may be wrong.
Then you must have been lying when you said you've been to Israel before. If you have, you would have seen it with your own eyes.

I do think monte was lying in that respect (about having been to Israel).

monte, to prove that you haven't lied about that, please answer one question. Forgetting about the territories for a moment, what is your assessment of the treatment of Arabs inside what is known as "Israel proper?"
I intend this thread to be a "solutions" thread like those on the one, two and no more state solutions threads. For those not familiar with those threads -- the intent is not to re-hash the same old, same old, but to provide detailed, concrete suggestions for solving the conflict and moving forward.

The common refrain from the Palestinian side is that Israel must "end the occupation". What does that mean in concrete terms? What specific steps (military, practical, economic, political, legal) should Israel take? Do you think this should be done step-by-step or all at once? What measurable conditions will count the occupation ended?

Please be as specific as possible. For example, "end the blockade of Gaza" is too vague.

Be prepared to defend your proposals and explain why they are practical and will lead to an end of conflict agreement.
Kill all the Palestinians.
Problem solved.
My, Adolph and Heinrich would be so proud of you; their ideology is alive and well in you and yours. Sieg Heil!

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