What NY doctors are saying about seeing...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
New York doctors are treating ObamaCare like the plague, a new survey reveals.

A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan.
Another 33 percent say they’re still not sure whether to become ObamaCare providers.

Only 23 percent of the 409 physicians queried said they’re taking patients who signed up through health exchanges.

“This is so poorly designed that a lot of doctors are afraid to participate,” said Dr. Sam Unterricht, president of the 29,000-member organization.
“There’s a lot of resistance. Doctors don’t know what they’re going to get paid.”

Three out of four doctors who are participating in the program said they “had to participate” because of existing contractual obligations with an insurer or medical provider, not because they wanted to.

The survey invited doctors to anonymously share opinions about the new health care law, and many took time out of their busy days to vent.

“Obama Care wants to start right away, but who see all these new patients???? Not me,” e-mailed one doc.

Another said, “I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck.”

“I refuse to participate in the exchange plans! I am completely opposed to this new law,” said a third respondent.

One doctor recycled the mantra used to attack addictions: “The solution is simple: Just say no.”

One physician was so disgusted, he threatened to taken only cash patients going forward.

“I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare].”

Some physicians said the pressure on insurance carriers to control costs is leading to rationed care.

“OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals,” one doc said.

And they worry that stingy payments for medical services offered by insurers could put some doctors out of business and force others into retirement.

“Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible,” argued one doctor.

Said another MD, “Can’t imagine any doctors would be willing to work for so little money? All doctors should boycott.”

Doctors complained they’ve gotten the shaft for years even before ObamaCare.

“I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer,” one doctor said.

Others said they don’t have enough information to make an informed choice.

“This is a joke. We are flying blind,” said one doctor.

Docs resisting ObamaCare | New York Post
The New York Post is the print version of Fox News, so they probably cherry-picked the physician comments they chose to publish.

Nevertheless, I have no doubt many physicians don't understand how the process is going to work.

But if a doctor is saying he is not going to participate, then he is saying he is going to go out of business. And that is because his patients' bills are going to be paid for by insurance companies, just like they always have been. And now some of those the patients are enrolling with those insurance companies through ObamaCare.

If more people are insured, that is a bigger pool of patients.
“OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals,” one doc said.

Are are supposed to be stupid enough to believe this doctor has never seen an insurance company deny medication or deny referrals before now?
NYC medical care is mostly provided by residents and those are doctors, but in training and already paid by Medicaid/Medicare. So they will take care of the obamacare patients.

however, those, who do not live in metro area will have to be treated by nurses and that is the design of the obamacare as well. Nothing wrong with nurses - but they are not trained appropriately to manage medical care. The conclusions is all yours.
Oh, and the "elite" will obviously be treated by doctors.
When I see such blowout results in a purported "survey", I have to question its methodology.

I would take this report with a few thousand grains of salt.
The New York Post is the print version of Fox News, so they probably cherry-picked the physician comments they chose to publish.

Nevertheless, I have no doubt many physicians don't understand how the process is going to work.

But if a doctor is saying he is not going to participate, then he is saying he is going to go out of business. And that is because his patients' bills are going to be paid for by insurance companies, just like they always have been. And now some of those the patients are enrolling with those insurance companies through ObamaCare.

If more people are insured, that is a bigger pool of patients.

Please explain this then:
obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

He also said that illegal citizens wouldn't be part of ACA right?
Then he should deduct 10 million that the Census says are not insured but are not citizens! Wouldn't that be right? Leaves 36 million "uninsured"...
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Do you agree then with Obama these 10 million shouldn't be counted as part of the 46 million uninsured???

Then Obama seems to be unaware as do many people including you... that
when the Census asked "do you have health insurance.. 14 million said no... BUT these 14 million didn't know they were already eligible for Medicaid!
So if all they need to do is register, what was the need for ACA? Better yet then why include them in the remaining 36 million???
So that leaves 22 million (14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million... seems correct right?)
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally of those 22 million Obama falsely counts 18 million people that don't want health insurance.
These 18 million make over $50,000 so they can afford their employers' plans but they spend less then $1,000 a year on health services.. plus they have catastrophic insurance!
These 18 million are under 34 so they don't have a need...
YET they were falsely included in those "uninsured" category AND NOW they are being made to BUY!

Subtract 18 million from 22 million and the true valid number of those wanting and needing insurance is less then 4 million!

If you are an honest person... take the time and check those figures after READING THE LINKS! OK???

Then you should as an honest person ask WHY did they have to foist this false figure???

NOW the truth is YOU are obviously not as knowledgeable of health insurance,etc.... as I am.
Case in point... WHAT number do MOST physicians say is total waste in health care costs?
$850 billion a year that Medicare/insurance and out of pocket costs that are foolishly and wastefully spent... WHY???

Read what 90% of doctors say is the cause!!!
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles
you don't need a letter :lol:

just ask your doctor friends ( if you have ones) is they are going to participate in obamacare :D

I don't know even one who will

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