What Obama Inherited: The greatest nation the world has ever seen


May 4, 2012
I am sick and tired of hearing Obama complain about what he inherited. The truth is that Obama inherited the greatest nation the world has ever seen and he is dismantling it bit by bit.

Obama also inherited the greatest space program which used to put men in space before he gutted it.

Obama inherited a triple A debt rating which has since been downgraded due to his record deficit spending.

Obama inherited the the most powerful armed forces that this world has ever seen. He is dismantling it piece by piece.

Obama inherited a growing energy industry. Recent discoveries in oil, coal and natural gas give the US the worlds largest known energy reserves. Obama has proceeded to shut down drilling offshore and on public lands. Obama is regulating the coal industry out of business. Many coal mines and coal fired power plants are shutting down due to federal regulations. Obama blocked the Keystone pipeline that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs and keep our oil supply reliable.

Obama took the most tolerant, classless, multi-racial nation that the world has ever seen and he turned:
blacks against whites,
99% of our population against our most successful citizens,
people of Hispanic decent against the rest of us,
women who work at a job against women who work at home,
and Christians against health-care programs.

Obama is fulfilling his campaign promise to fundamentally transform America. Obama inherited a great nation and he is transforming it to mediocrity.

The following is a transcript from the Rush Limbaugh program entitled: "What Obama Inherited" . Here is the link: Rush: What Obama Inherited - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Now, this business about what he inherited drives me batty. He keeps blaming it on his "predecessor." No president has ever done that. This is childish. It is immature. It's narcissistic. Let me tell you what Barack Obama "inherited," as president of the United States. Barack Obama inherited greatness. He inherited the birthplace of the individual. He inherited the defender of liberty at home and abroad, the United States of America. He inherited American exceptionalism.

He inherited the concept of equal opportunity and the right to fail and to try again. Barack Obama, as president, inherited the financial center of the world. He inherited the country that has successfully championed capitalism and widespread prosperity. Something else that President Obama also inherited: great responsibility. He inherited the great responsibility to lead the world's lone superpower. He inherited the responsibility to preserve and to strengthen free markets. He inherited the responsibility to continue the philosophy and tradition of a country founded on Judeo-Christian morals, ethics, and principles. He inherited the Constitution of the United States. He did not inherit the right to unilaterally rewrite it or to remake it. He swore to uphold it! Barack Obama did not inherit a mess.

He inherited the United States of America, where anything is possible, where greatness has been delivered to the world time after time in the form of private sector inventions, innovations, and advancements in products that improve people's lives for over 200 years. Barack Obama inherited all of that and a country of individuals energized by their liberty, individuals strengthened by their character. Barack Obama inherited a country that liberates the oppressed. Barack Obama inherited the greatest economy in the history of human civilization. That's all. Nothing more; nothing less. There is nothing to apologize for what he inherited! He may as well be a five-year-old crybaby spoiled brat. (crying) "I inherited this mess of my predecessor." He has nothing to apologize for regarding what he inherited. There is so much to be proud of in the United States of America. There's always a lot of work to be done to preserve it and to grow it, but not in the way Obama is proceeding. Obama is destroying what others before him created. He did not inherit a mess. He has created one -- and as the mess he creates deepens, so does his blaming it on his predecessors. That is gutless. It is childish. It is immature. It is unbecoming someone who serves as president of the United States.

Nothing Romulus can't fix, his greatness will make all the difference on day one when the anti-government crowd can switch back to being nationalists.

End sarcasm.
I don't know what USA your living in but, you must be in another USA.
An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?
An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?

Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?
An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?

Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?
An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?

Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

Do YOU realize DEMOCRATS reneged on thier agreement and spent anyway?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

Not to mention the attendant debt ceiling raises. Which, by the way, nobody sobbed out loud (while looking like a Cheeto) about making cuts to match.

  1. $985 billion in February 1981;
  2. $999.8 billion in September 1981;
  3. $1.0798 trillion September 1981;
  4. $1.1431 trillion in June 1982;
  5. $1.2902 trillion in September 1982;
  6. $1.389 trillion in May 1993;
  7. $1.49 trillion in November 1983;
  8. $1.52 trillion in May 1984;
  9. $1.573 trillion in July 1984;
  10. $1.8238 trillion in October 1984;
  11. $1.9038 trillion in November 1985;
  12. $2.0787 trillion in December 1985;
  13. $2.111 trillion in August 1986;
  14. $2.3 trillion in October 1986;
  15. $2.32 trillion in July 1987;
  16. $2.352 trillion in August 1987;
  17. and $2.8 trillion in September 1987.

Debt Ceiling - Under Modern U.S. Presidents
December 2007 Marks Record 52nd Consecutive Month Of Job Growth.
Publication: Business Wire
Date: Friday, January 4 2008

More Than 8.3 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003 In Longest Continuous Run Of Job Growth On Record

WASHINGTON -- Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures - 18,000 jobs created in December. Since August 2003, more than 8.3 million jobs have been created, with more than 1.3 million jobs created throughout 2007. Our economy has now added jobs for 52 straight months - the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remains low at 5 percent.'

http://www.allbusiness.com/economy-economic-indi cators/economic-indicators/5848024-1.html

Then, Pelosi-Reid-Obama took control of Congress.

You can set your watch - and America's demise - by it.
An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?

Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

At least he had an economic miracle to show for his efforts.

Obama couldn't hit that Conservative growth if he stopped spending everything rich now.

One thing that's consistent is that both Reagan and obama are cursed with Democrat Congress majorities that just can't seem to stop spending my money.

If it reproduces the Clinton years, I'd settle for the Empty Suit, obama, presiding over a Congress dominated by the Republicans.

Maybe we'd get the spending under control again.

File:Federal Debt 1901-2010.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
True...in its worst Pub World Depression in 79 years, and it's stupidest, longest wars EVER! Read something. Great job, Pubbies, and most propagandized loudmouths in US History. BRILLIANT! Pfffft!:cuckoo::eusa_liar::evil::eek::eusa_whistle::lol::lol:
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An economy losing 770,000 jobs a month
The worst recession in 70 years
Two wars
AlQaida still on the prowl
Gitmo filled with suspected terrorists who can't be tried
An America with it's global reputation in tatters.......Americans torture?
Collapsing auto and financial sectors
34 million Americans without affordable healthcare

How about I go into the America that Bush and the Republicans inherited?

Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

Did you read my post?

"Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. Obama inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after Obama took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it."
Reagan inherited a worse situation from Carter and he turned it around in a few years.

The following is from: I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
In his regular NRO feature "Today’s Questions for the President" Peter Kirsanow looks at Obama's "blame Bush" and "I'm like Reagan" theme.

Here are the best parts - read the whole thing.

Reagan "inherited" a GDP rate of -3.2 percent. You inherited a GDP rate of -4.9 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, however, GDP was at 5.1 percent (and exploded to 9.3 percent the next quarter). Two and a half years after you took office GDP growth is at 1.3 percent (and as likely to implode as explode next quarter).
Reagan inherited an inflation rate of 11.8 percent. You inherited an inflation rate of 0.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office inflation shrank to 2.46 percent. Two and a half years after you took office inflation has risen to 3.56 percent.

He forgot to add the Volcker factor. Reagan relied upon him as head of the Fed. Obama used Volcker's name and ignored him otherwise.

... Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. You inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after you took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it.

(inflation adj. gdp numbers
1983 Q2 $6,072
2011 Q2 $13,270)

Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent. You inherited an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Two and a half years after Reagan took office the unemployment rate was 9.4 percent, but fell to 7.6 percent within a few months and declined steadily thereafter to 5.3 percent. Two and a half years after you took office the unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. To fall to 7.6 percent by the end of this year, however, more than 1,000,000 jobs per month would need to be created. Only 18,000 were created in June; 25,000 in May.
Reagan slashed tax rates, encouraged American entrepreneurship, and didn’t complain incessantly about the mess he inherited. Will you ever do the same?

You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

Did you read my post?

"Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. Obama inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after Obama took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it."

You forgot to add that gas was 60 cents a gallon and a house cost $35,000
You do realize Reagan tripled the debt to achieve his economic miracle?

Did you read my post?

"Reagan inherited a national debt (adjusted for inflation) of $908 billion. Obama inherited a national debt of $10.1 trillion. Two and a half years after Reagan took office, $390 billion more had been added to the national debt. Two and a half years after Obama took office $4.4 trillion more has been added to the national debt.
Percentage-wise, that's about the same increase. But Reagan's additional debt was 6.4% of GDP, Obama's extra debt is 33.1% of GDP. Today's debt is a bigger problem than 1980s era debt because there's so much more of it."

You forgot to add that gas was 60 cents a gallon and a house cost $35,000

In 1976 gas was 60 cents per gallon. It rose to $1.35 per gallon by 1981.
In 1981 that $1.35 would be the equivalent of $3.37 in inflation adjusted terms for January 2012 dollars. Reagan took office in 1981

here is my source: http://inflationdata.com/inflation/inflation_rate/gasoline_inflation.asp

Housing prices are also about the same as 1981 if you adjust for inflation The average home in cost over $80,000 in 1981.

here is my source: http://www.census.gov/const/uspricemon.pdf
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