What Obama is doing

Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.
Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.

The Kenyan has been put in office to do one thing.....destroy America

He is not a real American like you and me. He is here to force Marxist values and turn us into a socialist welfare state
Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.

The Kenyan has been put in office to do one thing.....destroy America

He is not a real American like you and me. He is here to force Marxist values and turn us into a socialist welfare state

You and Me? why...why...why.....Gommer Pyle is more American than you. He can hunt and go fishin.
Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.

So it could not be that most people see Obama for what he is - a fairly good (but not great) President - and that you have been fooled by a couple of nutcase extremists on the internet?

How can you be so gullible?!

And why post all of this childish gibberish about Obama being a Muslim?
Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.

So it could not be that most people see Obama for what he is - a fairly good (but not great) President - and that you have been fooled by a couple of nutcase extremists on the internet? not our Emily Cincola that would be unheard of ... Emily Cincola takin' a listen to right wing nut cases ???? I'm a shock-a!!!!!

How can you be so gullible?! easy she has silly putty between her ears

And why post all of this childish gibberish about Obama being a Muslim? cause she has silly putty between her ears
ok now what
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Since it's already happend, most recently during Nixon's administration when Nation Gaurd troops opened fire on unarmed student protesters at Kent State, you can bet your ass if troops are facing an armed crowd of gun hugging protesters, they will fire.
Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
Since it's already happend, most recently during Nixon's administration when Nation Gaurd troops opened fire on unarmed student protesters at Kent State, you can bet your ass if troops are facing an armed crowd of gun hugging protesters, they will fire.
Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
now that's funny ... Hummmmmmm lets see how did that diddy go ??? Oh yeah .... Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. they even wrote a gd song about it ... and you claim it was Clinton ??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
typical repub-lie-tards research
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It is hard to comprehend the level of paranoia that would make anyone with even a few brain cells listen to that nonsense. How is it that Americans have become so crazy over losing an election, a democratic election? One can only laugh at this nonsense for thankfully enough Americans do not follow or listen to a small fringe of paranoid conspiracy thinkers. The sky is always falling for some, what a sad world to exist in. Of course the writer may be just a little bit happy being named a potential winner of the award noted below.

Another thread in contention for the 'Retard Thread of the Month Award'. The Retard award, the highest award for ridiculous conspiratorial thinking, inane comparison and stupid fortunetelling, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid threads far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. It is the award promoter's wish that this level of stupid is not inheritable.
Since it's already happend, most recently during Nixon's administration when Nation Gaurd troops opened fire on unarmed student protesters at Kent State, you can bet your ass if troops are facing an armed crowd of gun hugging protesters, they will fire.
Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
now that's funny ... Hummmmmmm lets see how did that diddy go ??? Oh yeah .... Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. they even wrote a gd song about it ... and you claim it was Clinton ??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
typical repub-lie-tards research
Lil' thing called WACO ring a bell, Slapdick?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:
Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
now that's funny ... Hummmmmmm lets see how did that diddy go ??? Oh yeah .... Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. they even wrote a gd song about it ... and you claim it was Clinton ??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
typical repub-lie-tards research
Lil' thing called WACO ring a bell, Slapdick?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

In Waco they went after the bastards who killed four federal agents

Of course the right wing protects murderers
The more military that separates from the obamaforces, the better. Reduce the size of the military and increase the number of weapons and fighters in the citizenry.
Obama has fooled alot of people. He is everything that Dr Garrow said, and he is doing everything Dr Garrow said in the interview. Garrow is a very intelligent man and has very good insight. I would think, anyone listening to that interview got some insight on matters as to whats happening since this Muslim too office in the W.H.

The Kenyan has been put in office to do one thing.....destroy America

He is not a real American like you and me. He is here to force Marxist values and turn us into a socialist welfare state

Hasn't he done that already, comrade?
Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
now that's funny ... Hummmmmmm lets see how did that diddy go ??? Oh yeah .... Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. they even wrote a gd song about it ... and you claim it was Clinton ??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
typical repub-lie-tards research
Lil' thing called WACO ring a bell, Slapdick?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

While the outcome was totally avoidable, it was the FBI that ended the seige on April 19 not the military or National Gaurd. Police fire at Americans all the time too. Not quite the same as a line of soldiers marching on and firing on an unarmed crowd.
What Obama is doing


"North Dakota has had oil booms before but never one so big, never one that rivaled the land rush precipitated more than a century ago by the transcontinental railroads, never one that so radically changed the subtext of the Dakota frontier from the Bitter Past That Was to the Better Future That May Yet Be."

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Noooooo, it most recently happened under Clinton.:eusa_whistle:
now that's funny ... Hummmmmmm lets see how did that diddy go ??? Oh yeah .... Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. they even wrote a gd song about it ... and you claim it was Clinton ??? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
typical repub-lie-tards research
Lil' thing called WACO ring a bell, Slapdick?

Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

speaking of a fuckin' idiots... you come to mind ... you get to be the winner idiot
the poster spoke about Nixon and you say Clinton at Waco... yeah we all know the the Fuckin' idiot is ...at waco was a people who failed to heed to the law ... somthing you're supposed to heed to ... the protesters on the Ohio state campus wasn't violating any laws ... they were allow to protest the war ... these clowns at waco were trying to sell illegal guns ... their leader was raping 14 year old girls ... I guess that's ok in your book
Obama knows people are fed up and angry at the things he is doing and he is afraid that people protesting might have guns toward him and his supporters. if Obama needs the Military to come take away guns, then I am sure people will stand up for their right to have those arms. Its a shame Obama wants to enforce the Military to do things they do not believe in. Obama will use any source he can to get his way. The same as he has used children to obtain what he wants. Obama will use anyone, anything, to get his way. I am hoping the impeachment bill will go through and we get rid of this controlling mad man in the white house.

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