What Obama Knew and When he knew it.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Eric Cantor is my Congressman. He was obviously standing up for all the millions of people who lost their healthcare back in 2010. This is Obama's response in February 2010 where he clearly acknowledges people will lose their coverage, "but they'll get a better deal."

He gives his usual, rambling 7 minutes of bullshit, it is his immediate response to Cantor's question that is most damning.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKO868Vbizs]Obama and Cantor at Health Care Summit - YouTube[/ame]
Eric Cantor is my Congressman. He was obviously standing up for all the millions of people who lost their healthcare back in 2010. This is Obama's response in February 2010 where he clearly acknowledges people will lose their coverage, "but they'll get a better deal."

He gives his usual, rambling 7 minutes of bullshit, it is his immediate response to Cantor's question that is most damning.

Obama and Cantor at Health Care Summit - YouTube

The only people getting a better deal are the Obama dick suckers. That's the way it is with all of Barry's schemes. They're all just government funded Democrat reelection campaigns
This tape conclusively establishes that Obama knew that 7 or 8 million people were going to loose their heath insurance....when he told them over and over..."if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period".

Only two other presidents in my lifetime have got on T. V. and bald faced lied to the American people, and got caught cold. Like this.

Nixon and Clinton. As a direct result of their lying to the American people---one was impeached but not convicted; and the other quit in disgrace before he was both impeached and convicted.

Obama's lies were part of a scheme to defraud millions of Americans.

If Obama pulled off this fraud....this gross misrepresentation of his product...in the business world....he would be sued for bad faith, fraud, punitive damages, by everybody....and everybody would win.

We can never trust this man again.
This tape conclusively establishes that Obama knew that 7 or 8 million people were going to loose their heath insurance....when he told them over and over..."if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period".

Only two other presidents in my lifetime have got on T. V. and bald faced lied to the American people, and got caught cold. Like this.

Nixon and Clinton. As a direct result of their lying to the American people---one was impeached but not convicted; and the other quit in disgrace before he was both impeached and convicted.

Obama's lies were part of a scheme to defraud millions of Americans.

If Obama pulled off this fraud....this gross misrepresentation of his product...in the business world....he would be sued for bad faith, fraud, punitive damages, by everybody....and everybody would win.

We can never trust this man again.

It's going to be a lot more than 7 or 8 million. This is just the beginning dump.

You take a look at the small business people in this nation--along with those, like me that pay for my own health insurance. It's going to be enormous--and all of them will be forced to go to plans that are much more expensive than the ones they chose--and that they were promised 32 TIMES by this President that they could keep, and nothing would change with their plans.

BULLSHIT--he is paying for Obamacare--off of all these peoples backs, and that is a fact. It doesn't matter if your democrat or republican you're going to get it in the ASS.

the only problem sotoreo is there was no crisis in the med field. Just a created crisis invented by the dems

oh... and btw dems, if you don't like my answer, barrycare is better????
There never were 46 million uninsured when 10 million are not legal, 14 million didn't know they were covered by Medicaid and
18 million don't WANT or NEED (make over $50k) to join employers' plans!
That leaves 4 million NOT 46 million.
The ONLY REAL Problem WAS totally ignored that 90% of doctors say they do to the tune of $850 billion a year!
They send duplicate tests, refer to specialists ALL because they fear being sued!
Tax 10% of lawyers $270 billion and it pays the premium for the 4 million that truly need insurance and tie the tax to the reduction of the $850 billion!
Then watch the claims for defensive medicine drop from $850 billion to easily less then $600 billion!
That $250 billion difference MEANS insurance companies/Medicare won't be getting those claims.
If they don't get the claims THEY can't justify to state insurance regulators premium increases BUT will lower premiums!
Also by auditing hospitals to send the "uninsured" patients claims' to the uninsured's company... they hospitals CAN'T pad and pass on based on MY research sometimes 6,000% markup over costs!

With these two cost savings actions Health care claim costs Drop dramatically!
Health insurance premiums DROP and more people can afford more coverage.

IT IS THAT simple!
I've called Obama a liar -- many times -- but I was leaning toward Obama being incompetent rather than a conscious liar. I know he's thoroughly dishonest, but I was willing to believe it was because he didn't recognize the truth, not because he intentionally told untruths.

I'm having to readjust my thinking now that I know that at least some of his falsehoods were told with full consciousness of their falsity.
Republicans caring about whether Americans have health care or not. Hilarious.

Remember, these are the same clowns that blocked health care for first responders for ten years.
Republicans caring about whether Americans have health care or not. Hilarious.

Remember, these are the same clowns that blocked health care for first responders for ten years.

Do you always completely pull crap out of your ass? Just about anything you've every claimed has been completely refuted. I am not trying to be mean here, but I call bullshit on your above statement. Provide evidence or I say it's crap.

My guess is its something you got from Think Progress or Rachel Maddcow.
Republicans caring about whether Americans have health care or not. Hilarious.

Remember, these are the same clowns that blocked health care for first responders for ten years.

Do you always completely pull crap out of your ass? Just about anything you've every claimed has been completely refuted. I am not trying to be mean here, but I call bullshit on your above statement. Provide evidence or I say it's crap.

My guess is its something you got from Think Progress or Rachel Maddcow.


He/She/It takes quotes from other boards and precis them for this board. And rdean isn't the only left winger that does it.
Republicans caring about whether Americans have health care or not. Hilarious.

Remember, these are the same clowns that blocked health care for first responders for ten years.

What's the cost of tea in china today? Faggot....

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