What Obama Needs to Win Re-election

I'm waiting for him to hit Romney's big lies pretty hard. The one ad, which is a complete lie, is Romney's claim that Obama secretly ended the work requirement for welfare. With enough push, that lie could become the number one question asked by the pundits.

And yes, the Republican party has totally alienated immigrants, Hispanics, and even Asians. Their transparent attempts to suppress their voting will have a backlash effect.

The other thing that Obama has to continue to do is show how Romney's plans are exactly what got us into this mess.

Although a bit harder to put into sound bites, are the facts that repealing Obamacare will also destroy Medicare and the tax goals presented by Romney will raise taxes on the bottom 98%, will cutting taxes dramatically for the wealthiest.

What Obama needs to realize is that Romney is no McCain. He's no longer dealing with someone with a sense of honesty. Romney will say whatever he thinks will work, and his positions are still all over the board. What Obama has been able to do is paint Romney into the fringe right corner, and force Mitt to dig himself out. That's why Obama is still leading. He's been very successful at picking up moderates and independents. He should keep this up.

I look forward to Obama and Biden cleaning clocks during the debates. Obama has the facts and ability to communicate them on his side. Even Biden will be able to tear Ryan a new one. Say what you will about his slips of the tongue, Biden knows what's happening and be able to paint Ryan as a fringe nutcase.

You have a little shit in the corner of your mouth.

I'll have a full shit eating grin on election night.

That possibility has critics of the proposal up in arms. Robert Rector, a welfare expert with the conservative Heritage Foundation, said it could ultimately allow "state bureaucrats" to count activities that aren't really work.
We should point out that those concerns are at odds with the policy's stated goal of encouraging employment.

The Romney campaign also contends that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is not legally allowed to waive the existing work requirements. Rector argues that the part of the law allowing waivers does not cover TANF work provisions.

"Critically, this section, as well as most other TANF requirements, is deliberately not listed... its provisions cannot be waived," Rector wrote in a July 12 column in the National Review.

We think that’s a noteworthy point, but it’s one that a court will have to settle.
One thing he needs is to stop his ditzy consort from telling people to vote on the wrong day.
You have a little shit in the corner of your mouth.

I'll have a full shit eating grin on election night.

That possibility has critics of the proposal up in arms. Robert Rector, a welfare expert with the conservative Heritage Foundation, said it could ultimately allow "state bureaucrats" to count activities that aren't really work.
We should point out that those concerns are at odds with the policy's stated goal of encouraging employment.

The Romney campaign also contends that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is not legally allowed to waive the existing work requirements. Rector argues that the part of the law allowing waivers does not cover TANF work provisions.

"Critically, this section, as well as most other TANF requirements, is deliberately not listed... its provisions cannot be waived," Rector wrote in a July 12 column in the National Review.

We think that’s a noteworthy point, but it’s one that a court will have to settle.

And none of Obama's waivers did alter the TANF work requirements. He gave some governors the ability to use other methods to achieve what they claimed to be a better outcome, including not counting substance abuse treatment as part of job training. In no case, did Obama cut the work requirements under TANF. This is a bald faced Romney lie.

BTW, Romney himself requested that waivers be made available to governors.
It is really difficult to lose an election as an incumbent US pres. I don't think people associate Obama with their jobs and lives like people on the distant right (or left). That center will probably endorse another 4.

Aside from Clinton, Democrats have done it consistently since FDR.
Don't misunderestimate. ;)
It is really difficult to lose an election as an incumbent US pres. I don't think people associate Obama with their jobs and lives like people on the distant right (or left). That center will probably endorse another 4.

You think people dont notice whether they are better or worse off? Whether they or someoen they know has been laid off? Whether their neighbor has been laid off for 2 years and is collecting a gummint check every month? And when that happens you don't think they blame the top guy? Two words: George Bush.
This is an election of place your bets.

Would people rather have a job or a government check?
The elephant in the room is that Romney screwed the pooch with Women and Hispanics. Obama's numbers are actually much better with those 2 groups then when he ran against McCain. That's part of the reason that many states with a Republican legislator are targetting Black and Hispanic districts for voter suppression.

The other elephant, the one that has already left the room, is the fact that millions will be doing what they've done in every presidential election prior to '08.
Sitting at home and bitching. ;)

Katz nailed this one. Obama thinks he can make some clever statements and everyone will forget about his dismal record and buy his drivel yet again.

It ain't happening this time around, and THAT btw, is why Democrats are scared to death of the states attempts to oversee fair and accurate elections.
I think the jobs issue is over-blown. I don't see it being a huge issue if it isn't already. If it gets above 10%; thats a psychological barrier that would likely wound the President's chances. I doubt it will matter much.

Obama has it in the bag.

Poll: Angry with economy, youth vote to jump 50% | WashingtonExaminer.com

"Younger voters, angry with the lack of jobs and a stalled economy that's cut their entertainment budget and forced many to live with mom and dad, are expected to flock to the polls in even greater numbers than 2008 when President Obama's inspirational message of hope and change drew millions to the polls.

While 51 percent of Millennials age 18-29 voted in the 2008 election, 76 percent plan to vote this fall, according to a new poll from the influential group Generation Opportunity, a 50 percent jump.

While the group did not ask who younger voters prefer in the presidential race, they are inspired no more and are clearly driven by anger over the economy and the fact that they might not have lives as good as their parents..................."

Funny, a Romney fluffer in another thread tells me the Youth Vote is down.

The Governor is circling the drain.

Go fuck yourself with a tire iron. If you want to keep this civil so be it. If you want to go with name calling I can beat you down verbally either ghetto style or with enough intellect to make you look as smart as a 2 year old lemur.

It was Youth Enthusiasm I was talking about, we wont know about the youth vote until after the election.

If you are that confident, I will bet you $10 Romney wins, and you give me 50-1 odds.

Hell, I will set up a paypal account just for this occasion.

I don't wager money. I will be happy to include you in a bet I have with Tea Party Salami. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to the following:

"All Hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President"

If The Governor Wins, I change my sig line to:

"All Hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President"

Under the terms I have with TPS, I will have to leave it there until 12/31/13. I'll only force you to leave it there until 1/1/13.

Font color Blue
Bold Type Face
Size 3 Font.

FYI: I also will be in exile until 1/1/13 as part of the terms.

Anyway...this is a no-cost way to stake your claim. Up to you. :deal:

I'm not the one stating that this election is a shoe in, My view is that its basically a toss up, and has been trending Romney recently. YOU are the one saying you are 100% confident in the outcome. I am not 100% confident, because I am a realist.

So YOU have to be the one to put up, or shut up. $10, 50-1 odds, or do you admit you are not THAT sure of a victory by Obama?
If you are that confident, I will bet you $10 Romney wins, and you give me 50-1 odds.

Hell, I will set up a paypal account just for this occasion.

I don't wager money. I will be happy to include you in a bet I have with Tea Party Salami. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to the following:

"All Hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President"

If The Governor Wins, I change my sig line to:

"All Hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President"

Under the terms I have with TPS, I will have to leave it there until 12/31/13. I'll only force you to leave it there until 1/1/13.

Font color Blue
Bold Type Face
Size 3 Font.

FYI: I also will be in exile until 1/1/13 as part of the terms.

Anyway...this is a no-cost way to stake your claim. Up to you. :deal:

I'm not the one stating that this election is a shoe in, My view is that its basically a toss up, and has been trending Romney recently. YOU are the one saying you are 100% confident in the outcome. I am not 100% confident, because I am a realist.

So YOU have to be the one to put up, or shut up. $10, 50-1 odds, or do you admit you are not THAT sure of a victory by Obama?

Ahh, we see. Confident but not confident enough to risk anything. Typical pussy
This is an election of place your bets.

Would people rather have a job or a government check?

Well, more like do you want a job or do you want to support your worthless neighbor?
Americans like to work.
The O-man is toast.

After the Gulf oil spill when obama shut down all drilling, an oil worker asked how long the moritorium would last. obama told him he shouldn't think about it because he'll be getting unemployment and won't have to work.

That's how he thinks.
I don't wager money. I will be happy to include you in a bet I have with Tea Party Salami. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to the following:

"All Hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President"

If The Governor Wins, I change my sig line to:

"All Hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President"

Under the terms I have with TPS, I will have to leave it there until 12/31/13. I'll only force you to leave it there until 1/1/13.

Font color Blue
Bold Type Face
Size 3 Font.

FYI: I also will be in exile until 1/1/13 as part of the terms.

Anyway...this is a no-cost way to stake your claim. Up to you. :deal:

I'm not the one stating that this election is a shoe in, My view is that its basically a toss up, and has been trending Romney recently. YOU are the one saying you are 100% confident in the outcome. I am not 100% confident, because I am a realist.

So YOU have to be the one to put up, or shut up. $10, 50-1 odds, or do you admit you are not THAT sure of a victory by Obama?

Ahh, we see. Confident but not confident enough to risk anything. Typical pussy

Nigga pleez, yo bitch ass is scared to put yo welfare check where yo big mouth is..... :thup:
The trend is against obama. He has been steadily losing support and needs to portray himself as ahead only by the use of using polling in smaller and smaller groups. He used to be ahead among women, now he's ahead with single women. He tries to pull it together by saying he's leading by double digits among women.

The best that democrats can legitimately say is that obama is doing well despite disastrous policies that would have anyone else way behind.

do you ever do anything besides post unsubstantiated nonsense?
I'm not the one stating that this election is a shoe in, My view is that its basically a toss up, and has been trending Romney recently. YOU are the one saying you are 100% confident in the outcome. I am not 100% confident, because I am a realist.

So YOU have to be the one to put up, or shut up. $10, 50-1 odds, or do you admit you are not THAT sure of a victory by Obama?

Ahh, we see. Confident but not confident enough to risk anything. Typical pussy

Nigga pleez, yo bitch ass is scared to put yo welfare check where yo big mouth is..... :thup:

classy... and not the least bit racist. :thup:
I'm not the one stating that this election is a shoe in, My view is that its basically a toss up, and has been trending Romney recently. YOU are the one saying you are 100% confident in the outcome. I am not 100% confident, because I am a realist.

So YOU have to be the one to put up, or shut up. $10, 50-1 odds, or do you admit you are not THAT sure of a victory by Obama?

Ahh, we see. Confident but not confident enough to risk anything. Typical pussy

Nigga pleez, yo bitch ass is scared to put yo welfare check where yo big mouth is..... :thup:

he he he...I love it.
The trend is against obama. He has been steadily losing support and needs to portray himself as ahead only by the use of using polling in smaller and smaller groups. He used to be ahead among women, now he's ahead with single women. He tries to pull it together by saying he's leading by double digits among women.

The best that democrats can legitimately say is that obama is doing well despite disastrous policies that would have anyone else way behind.

do you ever do anything besides post unsubstantiated nonsense?

Why? You think you have a monopoly on unsubstantiated nonsense?
As far as the debates,keep in mind the Mods. are from Liberal news media.They will give Romney hard questions and Obama easy ones that he knows of in advance.I believe both should be ask the same questions and then given one rebuttal each on the subject.Thats the only fair way to do it.
As far as the debates,keep in mind the Mods. are from Liberal news media.They will give Romney hard questions and Obama easy ones that he knows of in advance.I believe both should be ask the same questions and then given one rebuttal each on the subject.Thats the only fair way to do it.

You're supposed to wait until after the debates before you start making excuses.

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