What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
Dangerous how?

The Dems have stopped representing their interests and Trump has made a play for them.
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Please tell Sweet_dreams who he should be voting for. Tell him I'm not trying to get him to vote Democratic because I think it benefits only me. I think it benefits all of us.

I really like the idea of black people doing what the green party and libertarians are doing. Start the Black party. And get more power and influence in government that way. Those two parties are going to clean up the next 4 years with all the votes they get nationally. What are blacks going to get?

What's the difference between the two parties?

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined

Obama Has Commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined

And don't write it off that he's a black man. Remember what party elected that black man. TWICE! So don't give me that shit they are the same party. Two COMPLETELY Different parties my brother.
Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Cracker boy sealybobo now wants to change its tune after having its head chewed off by black people. Lmao coward.
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Please tell Sweet_dreams who he should be voting for. Tell him I'm not trying to get him to vote Democratic because I think it benefits only me. I think it benefits all of us.

I really like the idea of black people doing what the green party and libertarians are doing. Start the Black party. And get more power and influence in government that way. Those two parties are going to clean up the next 4 years with all the votes they get nationally. What are blacks going to get?

What's the difference between the two parties?

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined

Obama Has Commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined

And don't write it off that he's a black man. Remember what party elected that black man. TWICE! So don't give me that shit they are the same party. Two COMPLETELY Different parties my brother.
i can only advise he not vote for the Repubs. A Black man did more for Blacks than any of the proceeding white dems have done combined. Now that there is not a Black candidate I am sure the Dems will go back to empty promises.
Cracker boy sealybobo now wants to change its tune after having its head chewed off by black people. Lmao coward.
What? I think you must misunderstand me. I'm not changing my tune. You are a sensitive black with a chip on his shoulder who hears racism even when it isn't there.
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Please tell Sweet_dreams who he should be voting for. Tell him I'm not trying to get him to vote Democratic because I think it benefits only me. I think it benefits all of us.

I really like the idea of black people doing what the green party and libertarians are doing. Start the Black party. And get more power and influence in government that way. Those two parties are going to clean up the next 4 years with all the votes they get nationally. What are blacks going to get?

What's the difference between the two parties?

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined

Obama Has Commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined

And don't write it off that he's a black man. Remember what party elected that black man. TWICE! So don't give me that shit they are the same party. Two COMPLETELY Different parties my brother.
i can only advise he not vote for the Repubs. A Black man did more for Blacks than any of the proceeding white dems have done combined. Now that there is not a Black candidate I am sure the Dems will go back to empty promises.

You're sure? That's very optimistic. Maybe the Democrats shouldn't have nominated a black man since we didn't even get credit for it with "you people".
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
He's still a democrat. And the Democratic party still nominated a black guy. That's got to count for something. You're going to stay home because blacks are getting shot and poisoned with lead? That should work, NOT.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Please tell Sweet_dreams who he should be voting for. Tell him I'm not trying to get him to vote Democratic because I think it benefits only me. I think it benefits all of us.

I really like the idea of black people doing what the green party and libertarians are doing. Start the Black party. And get more power and influence in government that way. Those two parties are going to clean up the next 4 years with all the votes they get nationally. What are blacks going to get?

What's the difference between the two parties?

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined

Obama Has Commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined

And don't write it off that he's a black man. Remember what party elected that black man. TWICE! So don't give me that shit they are the same party. Two COMPLETELY Different parties my brother.
i can only advise he not vote for the Repubs. A Black man did more for Blacks than any of the proceeding white dems have done combined. Now that there is not a Black candidate I am sure the Dems will go back to empty promises.

You're sure? That's very optimistic. Maybe the Democrats shouldn't have nominated a black man since we didn't even get credit for it with "you people".
Maybe you shouldnt have but would you have won with what you do have?
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
He's still a democrat. And the Democratic party still nominated a black guy. That's got to count for something. You're going to stay home because blacks are getting shot and poisoned with lead? That should work, NOT.
It counts for something. Just not as much as whites like you want it to. You think nominating a Black POTUS makes up for all the inaction on a local level. Basically its the Magic Negro thing where whites think if they put a Black person in a high position all the other Black people languishing in poverty should be grateful. No. You have to bring all the people up.
The country is better off without the vote of a demographic with the median IQ of borderline retards regardless of race, but I suppose that would be racist.
Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.
Because they don't want to be punished if they become successful. But even more than that, they just want to be left alone and not have Big Brother watching.
The problem is that there will always be a segment of poor whites that are not going to be successful. In essence they are voting for a pipe dream. If they were really afraid of being punished they wouldn't vote for conservatives because those are the people that cut their welfare. If they were really intent on becoming successful they wouldnt accept welfare.
True that. Welfare is a trap. Glad we agree on that. Now, why do you think so much of society is intent on not only maintaining the welfare state, but expanding it?
Because most logical thinking people realize the industrial age is over. Jobs that can comfortably support a family are less in number. The capitalistic system requires that there be have nots. Have nots are the ones trying to achieve social status and are easy to market to.
There is an excellent book regarding this subject written by a Black man that owned a marketing company and the book is targeted towards Blacks.


Anyway, If the social safety net is not expanded you are going to have people that drop out of society and thats always dangerous. These people will prey on the haves. Until there is a way to make sure everyone has money to spend and people are educated welfare is the best option until people can be transitioned into the information age. In my field all the people that are being employed are people from overseas like India and China. They cost less for the companies to pay. Its actually sad how much they are paid vs what an american would make.
Same here. That's why I long ago transitioned away from code development into database administration. I have to find ways to justify my higher salary by providing more value to the company.

The BIG problem with not only maintaining, but expanding, the welfare state is that it will NEVER go away because once people become dependent, they demand more, not less. Your prescription is akin to satisfying a heroin addict's demands for more heroin instead of making him go through painful withdrawal so he can be independent of the stuff.

Methadone maintenance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what do you do with the people that cant find a job that supports a family comfortably? So far I havent heard any intelligent answers that dont include welfare and training.
Good question, i c it everday with more n more of my oilfield brothers losing their jobs. Most Oil companies are merging just to stay afloat. To start over would be devastating, I'm not sure what one could do but start over, losing everything in the process.
Politicians dont listen to people whos vote they know will be cast in their favor if they actually do vote. If the Dems see a mass exodus of Black people registered as Independents then the inaction of the Dems to address their part in this racist system will suddenly become action.

Very interesting

The 'Dangerous, Volatile Game' Trump Plays With The White Working Class

It used to be that the working class, broadly speaking - Americans who worked with their hands, who worked in factories, who were not in management - were an interest group, a political interest group. And their main spokespersons were the Democrats. Their platform was the Democratic Party. And that began to change after the 1960s. Not for black or other working class Americans, but for white working class. That particular group drifted toward the Republican Party. And this year we see it more dramatically than ever in the numbers who support Trump. That is his base, working class as to say non-college educated white Americans.

Dangerous how?

The Dems have stopped representing their interests and Trump has made a play for them.
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

The recent WTO airbus ruling proves that wrong. The EU funneled BILLIONS in subsidies to Airbus to make sure those jobs, went from Boeing to Airbus.

It's not because of the "information age", it is because our trade "partners" are cheating, and benefiting at our expense, and the expense of our working citizens, and their families.

And they have and are refusing to stop. Because they want those jobs, and they know that they can't get them, when competing against American workers, unless they cheat.
Politicians dont listen to people whos vote they know will be cast in their favor if they actually do vote. If the Dems see a mass exodus of Black people registered as Independents then the inaction of the Dems to address their part in this racist system will suddenly become action.

Very interesting

The 'Dangerous, Volatile Game' Trump Plays With The White Working Class

It used to be that the working class, broadly speaking - Americans who worked with their hands, who worked in factories, who were not in management - were an interest group, a political interest group. And their main spokespersons were the Democrats. Their platform was the Democratic Party. And that began to change after the 1960s. Not for black or other working class Americans, but for white working class. That particular group drifted toward the Republican Party. And this year we see it more dramatically than ever in the numbers who support Trump. That is his base, working class as to say non-college educated white Americans.

Dangerous how?

The Dems have stopped representing their interests and Trump has made a play for them.
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
If Trump wins we will see if he delivers

If he loses, our leaders will never even try. Ever again.

ONe Party Rule, baby.

You can have anything you want. As long as it is what the DNC tells you you want.

They are convinced that the American worker always loses, because the American worker is a loser.

They won't even try to stand up for US.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled.

Tavis Smiley (you know who he is?) disagrees with that:
“Sadly — and it pains me to say this — over the last decade, black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category.”

The black labor force participation rate is down, a higher percentage of people below the poverty line are black, real median income in black households fell by 1.5%, black food stamp recipients went up 54%, black home ownership fell, etc.

No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.
At least you admit it's only an opinion. Obviously, you are believing a load of garbage democrats are feeding you and thinking they are facts.

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