What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
If Trump wins it will be ok to shoot blacks who run or resist arrest. No way Trump's justice department is going to side with blacks. Hell, even Obama's doesn't.

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined
Its already ok for cops to shoot Blacks that are running away. Havent you been following the news?
It's not ok with us liberals or black people but it is with conservatives and you're putting cons in charge.

And since we won't be controlling the white house, senate or house of representatives or the Supreme Court for the next fucking 5 decades, I guess it doesn't matter what we think.

In fact Detroit and Flint aren't even Republicans fault. Those shit holes are due to liberals running them for decades. Liberals gave Flint lead poisoning not Rick Snyder. It had nothing to do with Rick Snyder being a cheap and not giving a fuck about poor black people.

If black people don't vote after the year they've just gone through then they have to be the dumbest breed of human on the planet. Not mexicans, not arabs, not indians, not white people but BLACKS.

Blacks not showing up to vote should be considered a black on black crime.

Now you see why us whites say you blacks are responsible for the situation you are in. Not even smart enough to vote.

In the past the caption would have read "let me go, you better let me vote"

To today "don't make me vote. I'm a lazy mother fucker and too stupid to realize the difference between the two parties"
Just because they arent voting for Hilary doesnt mean Blacks arent voting. The problem isnt Blacks. The problem is so called liberal whites not actively doing what they claim to support and voting without common sense. If you are confined to voting for only one party then you are part of the issue.
If Trump wins it will be ok to shoot blacks who run or resist arrest. No way Trump's justice department is going to side with blacks. Hell, even Obama's doesn't.

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined
Its already ok for cops to shoot Blacks that are running away. Havent you been following the news?
It's not ok with us liberals or black people but it is with conservatives and you're putting cons in charge.

And since we won't be controlling the white house, senate or house of representatives or the Supreme Court for the next fucking 5 decades, I guess it doesn't matter what we think.

In fact Detroit and Flint aren't even Republicans fault. Those shit holes are due to liberals running them for decades. Liberals gave Flint lead poisoning not Rick Snyder. It had nothing to do with Rick Snyder being a cheap and not giving a fuck about poor black people.

If black people don't vote after the year they've just gone through then they have to be the dumbest breed of human on the planet. Not mexicans, not arabs, not indians, not white people but BLACKS.

Blacks not showing up to vote should be considered a black on black crime.

Now you see why us whites say you blacks are responsible for the situation you are in. Not even smart enough to vote.

In the past the caption would have read "let me go, you better let me vote"

To today "don't make me vote. I'm a lazy mother fucker and too stupid to realize the difference between the two parties"
Just because they arent voting for Hilary doesnt mean Blacks arent voting. The problem isnt Blacks. The problem is so called liberal whites not actively doing what they claim to support and voting without common sense. If you are confined to voting for only one party then you are part of the issue.

Don't say I didn't warn you when the next 4 years suck for black people. And it's not just black people. White liberals are stupid too. Notice how they weren't smart enough to show up in 2010 and 2014 and that gave Republicans more power than they should have? No wonder Obama couldn't get more done. No wonder blacks are worse off than they were 8 years ago. You know it's not Obama's fault, right?

No more reasons/excuses for why black communities suck. As the law and order candidate Trump is going to help you clean up your communities.

And you know from our previous conversations a small part of me agrees with Trump. Blacks who run out and attack the police and defend the criminal being arrested are part of the problem.

If there is very little difference between Hillary and Trump then there is very little difference between Obama and Trump. And there is very little difference between Al Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.

What do you think MIGHT happen?

THat the lefties turn up the heat so much that the cities can't find people dumb enough to take cop jobs?

YOu think that will be a good development?


IF black people get what they have been conditioned to think is in their best interest, it will not be a change. It will be more of the same.

That the lefties pour some more money into the inner cities? LOL!! Sure, it's not that what you have been doing for the last 60 years was WRONG, you just didn't do enough of it!!! LOL!!!!

And the ONe Party state is coming. YOu think the dem leadership is a bunch of non-responsive assholes NOW?

Just wait. YOu haven't seen NOTHING yet.
If blacks don't show up then I guess black people either agree with you or deserve whatever tough love you got coming their way.
So you're going to blame black people for President Trump if Hillary doesn't win?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.

What do you think MIGHT happen?

THat the lefties turn up the heat so much that the cities can't find people dumb enough to take cop jobs?

YOu think that will be a good development?


IF black people get what they have been conditioned to think is in their best interest, it will not be a change. It will be more of the same.

That the lefties pour some more money into the inner cities? LOL!! Sure, it's not that what you have been doing for the last 60 years was WRONG, you just didn't do enough of it!!! LOL!!!!

And the ONe Party state is coming. YOu think the dem leadership is a bunch of non-responsive assholes NOW?

Just wait. YOu haven't seen NOTHING yet.
If blacks don't show up then I guess black people either agree with you or deserve whatever tough love you got coming their way.
So you're going to blame black people for President Trump if Hillary doesn't win?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You bet! And pro choice people, Muslims, Mexicans and undecided Americans who've been convinced by the Republicans that there isn't a difference between the two parties.

Republicans are smart enough to show up and vote every 2 years but they convince those people it doesn't matter. Just stay home.

Don't vote don't matter. So do black lives matter? You tell me
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.

What do you think MIGHT happen?

THat the lefties turn up the heat so much that the cities can't find people dumb enough to take cop jobs?

YOu think that will be a good development?


IF black people get what they have been conditioned to think is in their best interest, it will not be a change. It will be more of the same.

That the lefties pour some more money into the inner cities? LOL!! Sure, it's not that what you have been doing for the last 60 years was WRONG, you just didn't do enough of it!!! LOL!!!!

And the ONe Party state is coming. YOu think the dem leadership is a bunch of non-responsive assholes NOW?

Just wait. YOu haven't seen NOTHING yet.
If blacks don't show up then I guess black people either agree with you or deserve whatever tough love you got coming their way.
So you're going to blame black people for President Trump if Hillary doesn't win?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

It infuriates me the GOP has convinced so many that it doesn't matter. Meanwhile they know it matters and evidence they know is that they show up every 2 years and spend a lot of money to get Republicans elected.

Lets see if there is a difference when all those necessary social programs go away and abortion is made illegal so that all those poor black women are forced to have children they don't want. You guys want a conservative daddy government that it tough on crime like Reagan? How did that work out?

We are sorry the entire system is bullshit. That's no excuse not to vote. Organize if you don't like it. If Sarah Palin can do it so can you for god sakes.

A part of me wants to see how Trump is going to help the black community next year. Him and Paul Ryan. Bye bye foodstamps. And they are coming after all the dead beat fathers who aren't paying for their kids. Expect accountability black people. Man, I'm almost starting to like how this sounds.
You call it complaints. I call it observations. Why would I complain to whites when whites love it when Blacks are killed?

Why would I voice concern to you over Black people shooting other Black people? In what scenario does that make any sense?
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?
Let's be honest blacks just don't matter. You can shoot them, starve them, kill their children, give them lead poisoning, descriminate against them and they'll just take it. They won't even vote. Just look at how many that showed up for Obama won't show up for hillary. They'll give you excuses/reasons why but the bottom line is blacks are either really stupid or they agree with Republicans when it comes to the problems of the inner city.

So it turns out by blacks not showing up Republicans will maintain control of both houses and trumps going to win.

I almost want to see what happens. Maybe conservatives are right the poor black communities have grown too comfortable on welfare. Maybe we do need to cut all funding off and maybe law and order are what they need.

If blacks don't show up for hillary they get what they deserve. If Rick Snyder poisoning blacks in flint don't gets blacks to show up, if all the shootings don't get you to show up, then maybe you deserve to be treated like second class citizens.

And when I say you I mean the black community, not you literally.

My point is 80% of blacks should be voting this year. If they don't, that's kind of admitting usmb Republicans opinions should become law. Do blacks get that? Don't protest and riot then not vote.

I don't have any obligation to vote for anyone because I'm black. Where the fuck do you crackers get the audacity that you can tell entire groups what to believe and whom to vote for. Fuck off shaved ape I wouldn't vote for either one of these presidential candidates. Like Hillary you are the typical cracker that pander to us for your own self gratification. Drop the act your concern for black Americans only extend to how much you can use us. These democrat fuckers think all they need to do is go to a black church, eat some soul food, and speak some half ass white people Ebonics and we must do all your bidding.
This is what I tell all my friends and anyone else in my community who will listen.

Why do I say this? First of all because things have never been worse for black Americans living in the inner cities of America. Pick a city: Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans. The poverty, hopelessness, homelessness, unemployment, violence, murder, drugs, inferior education for their kids- all of it has never been worse.

Trump is taking that case to black America. He is actually the perfect candidate to attempt this feat- because he is so outspoken, controversial and politically incorrect. All the same traits that critics complain about, allow him to "tell it like it is" to black voters. Trump’s willing to say things no other presidential candidate has ever dared say.

This Angry White Male Thinks Key to Trump Victory Is...Black Voters!
Trump helps the black community by addressing an all white crowd. Next he will visit North Dakota to attend a Black Lives Matter protest.
Get real the only motivation behind this thread is fear. Fear that whites have come to the realization they can no longer control us. The young black people that were kids and teens when Obama was elected are now all grown up. Today's technology makes it easier for black youth to research the candidates. The internet allows us to form communities and social movements. White people truly don't want us to think for ourselves. They fear intelligent black people that can't be controlled most of all. Ops only argument as to why we should vote for Hillary is that "Trump will win". Simple fear mongering at its fineness. White liberals always use the threat of " racism " to intimidate us too bad its no longer working. I view white democrats and republicans as the opposite of the same coin.
Get real the only motivation behind this thread is fear. Fear that whites have come to the realization they can no longer control us. The young black people that were kids and teens when Obama was elected are now all grown up. Today's technology makes it easier for black youth to research the candidates. The internet allows us to form communities and social movements. White people truly don't want us to think for ourselves. They fear intelligent black people that can't be controlled most of all. Ops only argument as to why we should vote for Hillary is that "Trump will win". Simple fear mongering at its fineness. White liberals always use the threat of " racism " to intimidate us too bad its no longer working. I view white democrats and republicans as the opposite of the same coin.
You stupid mother fucker! The point of this thread is to get your stupid black asses to the polls. If you want to vote for Trump fine. But don't NOT show up and then cry that your black lives matter. If you don't vote you don't matter. And when you don't vote, your stupid black ass not only hurts yourself you hurt me. Because stupid comes in all colors.

If you want to vote for the black Jill Stein that's fine too. Do you see what the god damn libertarians and green party are doing? They're going to have fucking more influence now stupid! What are blacks going to have. You're going to have Trump telling you that you are all rapists and murderers.

Congrats. You deserve to be second class citizens. Remember, don't vote, don't fucking matter bitch!
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?
What should we do? Now once you answer that question, ask yourself which party is most likely to go along with those ideas.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.
Dumb poor whites have always voted against their best interests. They have always voted for the GOP since the southern strategy. They are the main reason the US has such a problem with racism. They vote for the party that tells them the reason they cant get any jobs is because Black people, Mexicans, immigrants, and women. They arent too bright because the GOP takes their welfare and then sends their jobs overseas.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?
What should we do? Now once you answer that question, ask yourself which party is most likely to go along with those ideas.
More than what you are doing if you want Blacks to vote for you as a voting bloc. Dems say they are more likely to go along with it but actions speak louder than words.
Get real the only motivation behind this thread is fear. Fear that whites have come to the realization they can no longer control us. The young black people that were kids and teens when Obama was elected are now all grown up. Today's technology makes it easier for black youth to research the candidates. The internet allows us to form communities and social movements. White people truly don't want us to think for ourselves. They fear intelligent black people that can't be controlled most of all. Ops only argument as to why we should vote for Hillary is that "Trump will win". Simple fear mongering at its fineness. White liberals always use the threat of " racism " to intimidate us too bad its no longer working. I view white democrats and republicans as the opposite of the same coin.
You stupid mother fucker! The point of this thread is to get your stupid black asses to the polls. If you want to vote for Trump fine. But don't NOT show up and then cry that your black lives matter. If you don't vote you don't matter. And when you don't vote, your stupid black ass not only hurts yourself you hurt me. Because stupid comes in all colors.

If you want to vote for the black Jill Stein that's fine too. Do you see what the god damn libertarians and green party are doing? They're going to have fucking more influence now stupid! What are blacks going to have. You're going to have Trump telling you that you are all rapists and murderers.

Congrats. You deserve to be second class citizens. Remember, don't vote, don't fucking matter bitch!
Bye white boy. Go shill about Hillary to white bitches you dumb cave creature. You are obsessed with black lives matter. Fuck off. What the fuck do you get out of this anyway bye you're not black. I clearly struck a nerve with you. You powerless cave man. You believe in black groupthink and think you can control us. Watch how you thinned lip chimps jump with rage when we don't obey you. Why do you feel so small foolish white. The only thing you know about blacks is what you hear on TV hence your obsession with black lives matter.

This is the crap whites believe black people only talk about. Black Lives Matter, Obama and Martin Luther King Jr lmao. Nope not everyday stuff like family, friends, work, school, and our day.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.
Get real the only motivation behind this thread is fear. Fear that whites have come to the realization they can no longer control us. The young black people that were kids and teens when Obama was elected are now all grown up. Today's technology makes it easier for black youth to research the candidates. The internet allows us to form communities and social movements. White people truly don't want us to think for ourselves. They fear intelligent black people that can't be controlled most of all. Ops only argument as to why we should vote for Hillary is that "Trump will win". Simple fear mongering at its fineness. White liberals always use the threat of " racism " to intimidate us too bad its no longer working. I view white democrats and republicans as the opposite of the same coin.
You stupid mother fucker! The point of this thread is to get your stupid black asses to the polls. If you want to vote for Trump fine. But don't NOT show up and then cry that your black lives matter. If you don't vote you don't matter. And when you don't vote, your stupid black ass not only hurts yourself you hurt me. Because stupid comes in all colors.

If you want to vote for the black Jill Stein that's fine too. Do you see what the god damn libertarians and green party are doing? They're going to have fucking more influence now stupid! What are blacks going to have. You're going to have Trump telling you that you are all rapists and murderers.

Congrats. You deserve to be second class citizens. Remember, don't vote, don't fucking matter bitch!
Bye white boy. Go shill about Hillary to white bitches you dumb cave creature. You are obsessed with black lives matter. Fuck off. What the fuck do you get out of this anyway bye you're not black. I clearly struck a nerve with you. You powerless cave man. You believe in black groupthink and think you can control us. Watch how you thinned lip chimps jump with rage when we don't obey you. Why do you feel so small foolish white. The only thing you know about blacks is what you hear on TV hence your obsession with black lives matter.

This is the crap whites believe black people only talk about. Black Lives Matter, Obama and Martin Luther King Jr lmao. Nope not everyday stuff like family, friends, work, school, and our day.

Hey, if you are happier with how the Republicans handle you then great. I'll be ok either way. Many of my middle class white male friends ask me all the time why I care about you monkeys. I don't know why. I guess I'm an animal lover.

No but seriously, I just know that like you poor and middle class black bastards, I took am better off if Democrats are in charge. You disagree? Then you should be very happy with Trump. Just like blacks loved Reagan and GW Bush.

Remember you ape, black people loved Bill Clinton and I assume you guys liked Obama, right? Ok, so then why are you cutting off your noses to spite your faces.

P.S. I love how you prove you have a chip on your shoulder. My whole goal is to get you to vote. Do you hate me for trying to get you to vote? Because us whites can't win with you sub humans. You get mad when whites try to stop you from voting and here you are mad at me for trying to get your lazy black asses up to vote. And not just this year you got to vote in 2018 too you stupid coon! So don't cry that the government doesn't work for you. You don't work! You don't fucking matter! And it's not because you are black it's because you are the most unorganized group ever!

indians, mexicans, italians, greeks, germans and even arabs come here and figure it out. They figure out how to be successful in the greatest country on earth. And I can tell you sir it isn't by sitting at home and playing the victim for another 100 fucking years.

You hit a nerve? No sir! I hit the nerve. I can tell I got you so worked up that on election day you are going to do what your ancestors always do, NUTHIN.
I'm going over and over it in my head how extremely ignorant it is to punish the democrats for not doing enough so in turn rewarding the GOP.

You should be going over why the white Dems are not doing enough. If you arent doing enough why should anyone vote for you?

Glad you brought that up my friend. Of all the poor blue collar folks in America only one demographic is showing up to vote and it's white poor blue collar. Only problem is they are voting for Trump.

So understand this. Of all the poor. The poor blacks, arabs, mexicans, gays, whites. The only ones who are showing up to vote are the white ones.

And why do you think these poor whites are breaking away from the broke group and joining the GOP?

Now please tell me there is no difference between the two parties.

Gay isn't a race. My god you are retarded. How the fuck can you even tell a gay person is voting. Lol. A gay person could fall into anyone of the categories of people you mentioned including poor blue collar whites. Ugh white liberals forever stupid.
If you don't vote then you shouldn't even be here talking monkey.

And if you were 1/10th as smart as libertarians or green party folks or tea baggers you'd have a black candidate on ticket and even though they can't win, if they got every black in America to vote for them they would gain a tremendous amount of power and influence. But you baboons aren't smart enough to figure shit out.
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant

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