What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
You missed the first part of that quote, which is:

"I see from you, for example, a LOT of complaints about cops shooting black people. Indeed, the complaints don't seem to be influenced very much by factual findings from investigations."

Put the two together, (the word "however" should have provided a clue. You didn't deliberately ignore it in a lame attempt to skew what I said into something else, did you?) and it's clear that I was saying I see a lot of complaints from you about cops shooting black people, in some cases in the face of established fact, and not so much concern about the violence that is ending so many more young black lives.
You call it complaints. I call it observations. Why would I complain to whites when whites love it when Blacks are killed?

Why would I voice concern to you over Black people shooting other Black people? In what scenario does that make any sense?
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.


That's a black church in Mississippi. Yea, those blacks should vote GOP. Actually, they better or else they might get lynched.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.

What do you think MIGHT happen?

THat the lefties turn up the heat so much that the cities can't find people dumb enough to take cop jobs?

YOu think that will be a good development?


IF black people get what they have been conditioned to think is in their best interest, it will not be a change. It will be more of the same.

That the lefties pour some more money into the inner cities? LOL!! Sure, it's not that what you have been doing for the last 60 years was WRONG, you just didn't do enough of it!!! LOL!!!!

And the ONe Party state is coming. YOu think the dem leadership is a bunch of non-responsive assholes NOW?

Just wait. YOu haven't seen NOTHING yet.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.


That's a black church in Mississippi. Yea, those blacks should vote GOP. Actually, they better or else they might get lynched.

Do you even know how long ago the era of lynching was?

YOu really think that was a Trump supporter that burned that church?

Just as likely it is either a hillary supporter tying to rile up the black vote, or a non-political with mental problems who just wants to provoke a reaction.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

Points of Clarification:

1. Are you including Dead people?
2. Do people who vote multiple times get counted once or for each time they vote?
3. Are you including felons?
4. Are you including illegal aliens?

It's difficult to do the statistics without nailing down the methodology.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.
I'm just letting black people know by not voting they are basically voting for Trump. If black people like USMB conservatives then they're going to love Trump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell running the country. I can't wait.

Like for example, if black people agree with USMB conservatives when it comes to all the blacks who've been shot by the police, by all means don't show up to vote. If black people agree we need to eliminate food stamps for poor single moms, by all means don't show up.

I just wish they'd actually show up and pull the lever for trump rather than hand him a victory by not showing up. Fact is they would NEVER show up and vote for Republicans. They're just too stupid to know not showing up is screwing themselves big time.

What do you think MIGHT happen?

THat the lefties turn up the heat so much that the cities can't find people dumb enough to take cop jobs?

YOu think that will be a good development?


IF black people get what they have been conditioned to think is in their best interest, it will not be a change. It will be more of the same.

That the lefties pour some more money into the inner cities? LOL!! Sure, it's not that what you have been doing for the last 60 years was WRONG, you just didn't do enough of it!!! LOL!!!!

And the ONe Party state is coming. YOu think the dem leadership is a bunch of non-responsive assholes NOW?

Just wait. YOu haven't seen NOTHING yet.
If blacks don't show up then I guess black people either agree with you or deserve whatever tough love you got coming their way.
Black people complain that no one is listening to them. They don't realize the only thing politicians listen to are money and voters. Since blacks don't have any money, they need to get out and vote. Don't protest, don't boycott, don't riot, don't kill cops. VOTE! And not just when a black man is running for president. The rich whites that don't give a shit about you keep control via midterms. So don't show up and vote this November because of the cops, or because Republican governors give you lead poisoning. Show up every election! Then you will have some power in this country.

How many blacks will show up in 2018? More or less than 50%? If the number is less than 50%, they can forget about mattering. If you don't vote you don't matter.

As long as they keep voting like sheep for the dems, no one is going to listen to them.

The dems take them for granted and they will need them less and less as the brown vote leaves the black vote further and further behind.

The republicans CAN'T do anything for them, because everything they want, would involve betraying their base for no good reason.

So, in summary, they should shut their pie holes and serve their masters with less whining about stuff that no one cares about.

You too, Seely.

You are going to go in their and pull your master's lever, no matter what, so your concerns are of no interest to them, nor to the republicans who will never get your vote.


That's a black church in Mississippi. Yea, those blacks should vote GOP. Actually, they better or else they might get lynched.

Do you even know how long ago the era of lynching was?

YOu really think that was a Trump supporter that burned that church?

Just as likely it is either a hillary supporter tying to rile up the black vote, or a non-political with mental problems who just wants to provoke a reaction.
This is for black people to decide. Lets see if they basically agree with you and don't show up for Hillary. If they agree with you then hey, who am I to argue.
You call it complaints. I call it observations. Why would I complain to whites when whites love it when Blacks are killed?

Why would I voice concern to you over Black people shooting other Black people? In what scenario does that make any sense?
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?
Neither. Your claim that over half of all white people love to see black people killed is nothing more than a hate filled lie. Sure there are idiots everywhere, and in case you didn't notice, they tend to be attracted to anonymous forums where they can spout their hate from behind their keyboards with no fear of retribution. Don't be one of them or you'll be part of the problem you claim to hate.
Can you prove it is a lie? I didnt think so. Just because you dont spout your hate doesnt mean you dont have it. Conditions are the way they are simply because most whites are racists. They dont have to be the sissy ones that talk a big game on the internet. They can be passively racists like most are.
You call it complaints. I call it observations. Why would I complain to whites when whites love it when Blacks are killed?

Why would I voice concern to you over Black people shooting other Black people? In what scenario does that make any sense?
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%

HOUSE SPEAKER Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) justified his endorsement of Donald Trump this month by arguing that the billionaire would be more likely than Hillary Clinton to sign GOP ideas into law. In 2014, he released an ambitious plan proposing a broad restructuring of the government’s anti-poverty programs with the goal of pressing beneficiaries harder to improve their lives.

Ryan's anti-poverty plan rests on some of his favorite pet causes: furthering the '90s-era welfare reform emphasis on pushing people toward work and block-granting funding for programs while giving states more leeway on how they run the programs. The left-leaning Center for Budget and Policy Priorities noted that it's nice to hear Republicans focused on poverty but blasted Ryan's proposal. "In several areas," CBPP's Robert Greenstein wrote, "the plan repeats standard congressional Republican positions in bashing a series of federal laws and regulations designed to protect low- and middle-income families." Slate's Jordan Weissmann highlighted the absurdity of the fact that Ryan's plan to help poor people includes repealing the Obama administration's fiduciary rule, a regulation that forces financial advisers to offer retirement advice in the best interests of their clients. "The basic consumer protections offered by the fiduciary rule aren't going to deprive anybody of essential financial advice," Weissmann wrote, "and fighting it is an obvious sop to a powerful industry. Trying to cloak it in the language of an anti-poverty effort is as sad as it is hilarious."

Elizabeth Warren just tore Paul Ryan apart
Because you fallaciously believe that white people "love it" when black people are killed. That would be racists, NOT white people.
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
For a middle class or rich black you are correct. For poor blacks, WRONG!
I stand corrected. I should have said "most" white people. My goddaughter hates it and she is really white, blonde hair and green eyes.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
For a middle class or rich black you are correct. For poor blacks, WRONG!
I've heard some Black people arent voting for Hilary because she took their vote for granted. They are either voting third party or not voting at all. I know no one that is voting for Drumpf. Starting to think this may be a good thing if Drumpf does win. Blacks will be more united and understand the power of their vote. I already see more unity and appreciation of the Black dollar staying in Black neighborhoods.
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
For a middle class or rich black you are correct. For poor blacks, WRONG!
I've heard some Black people arent voting for Hilary because she took their vote for granted. They are either voting third party or not voting at all. I know no one that is voting for Drumpf. Starting to think this may be a good thing if Drumpf does win. Blacks will be more united and understand the power of their vote. I already see more unity and appreciation of the Black dollar staying in Black neighborhoods.
I agree. I think welfare should be ripped away from the poor communities because they've grown comfortable living on it. They aren't using it to get back on their feet. They're living on it and they don't want to work. I heard the other day Republicans are going to make welfare people work/volunteer 20 hours in order to get it. I like that idea.

It is true we have entirely way too many people on public assistance.

And what we are doing now isn't working. I agree, lets give Republicans another shot. Last time we did was 2000-2006 and things were swell then. Right?
To even say that most white people "love it" when black people are killed is one of the most egregiously hateful things I've heard in a long time. I maintain the "most" people of ALL colors HATE when people of ANY color are killed for no good reason. I know no one who "loves it" when black people are killed.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
For a middle class or rich black you are correct. For poor blacks, WRONG!
I've heard some Black people arent voting for Hilary because she took their vote for granted. They are either voting third party or not voting at all. I know no one that is voting for Drumpf. Starting to think this may be a good thing if Drumpf does win. Blacks will be more united and understand the power of their vote. I already see more unity and appreciation of the Black dollar staying in Black neighborhoods.
I can't wait till Trump sends in the law and order into black communities and cleans them up.

It won't be long till the streets are clean.

GRAPHIC: SC cop fatally shoots man as he's running away | Daily Mail Online

Detroit used to be beautiful. I can't wait to take it back from the black thugs that rule the streets now. Trust me dude, the black community will thank Trump later.
i disagree. On this very forum you see whites that rejoice in Blacks getting killed. Are you blind or feigning ignorance?

Hillary can win an overwhelming 85 percent of the black vote, but if the total number of black voters is down 30 percent or more from 2012, she can’t win the election.
Face it dude. Hilary is just a barely better option than Drumpf. I'm surprised the vote is only down 30%
For a middle class or rich black you are correct. For poor blacks, WRONG!
I've heard some Black people arent voting for Hilary because she took their vote for granted. They are either voting third party or not voting at all. I know no one that is voting for Drumpf. Starting to think this may be a good thing if Drumpf does win. Blacks will be more united and understand the power of their vote. I already see more unity and appreciation of the Black dollar staying in Black neighborhoods.
I can't wait till Trump sends in the law and order into black communities and cleans them up.

It won't be long till the streets are clean.

GRAPHIC: SC cop fatally shoots man as he's running away | Daily Mail Online

Detroit used to be beautiful. I can't wait to take it back from the black thugs that rule the streets now. Trust me dude, the black community will thank Trump later.
That will never happen. The corrupt cops make way too much money over the present conditions. The only way the streets will be cleaned up is through Black people kicking the thugs out.
If Trump wins it will be ok to shoot blacks who run or resist arrest. No way Trump's justice department is going to side with blacks. Hell, even Obama's doesn't.

Obama has commuted more sentences than the last 9 presidents combined
Its already ok for cops to shoot Blacks that are running away. Havent you been following the news?
It's not ok with us liberals or black people but it is with conservatives and you're putting cons in charge.

And since we won't be controlling the white house, senate or house of representatives or the Supreme Court for the next fucking 5 decades, I guess it doesn't matter what we think.

In fact Detroit and Flint aren't even Republicans fault. Those shit holes are due to liberals running them for decades. Liberals gave Flint lead poisoning not Rick Snyder. It had nothing to do with Rick Snyder being a cheap and not giving a fuck about poor black people.

If black people don't vote after the year they've just gone through then they have to be the dumbest breed of human on the planet. Not mexicans, not arabs, not indians, not white people but BLACKS.

Blacks not showing up to vote should be considered a black on black crime.

Now you see why us whites say you blacks are responsible for the situation you are in. Not even smart enough to vote.

In the past the caption would have read "let me go, you better let me vote"

To today "don't make me vote. I'm a lazy mother fucker and too stupid to realize the difference between the two parties"

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