What over-used, or wrongly used words and phrases annoy you the most



Instead of "it looks bad" it is "bad optics"...seriously?
Most annoying phrase

"I can't wrap my head around......."

How the f**k are you going to wrap your head around anything. JEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:
Using the word 'only' for emphasis:

Things will only get worse...

Costs will only increase...
"Have a bun in the oven".............. (metaphor for pregnant)

stupid, obnoxious phrase....

why? why? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:laugh:
and this

"Dayum"...........................and all their derivatives

God how I hate that!!! :confused:
"How so?"

Bloody hell....that one really gets to me.
"How so?" "How so?" How so?" o_Oo_Oo_O

Lord above.... only YOU know how much I despise that little phrase
1. Ummm every other word
2. I seen instead of I Saw
3. Ax instead of Ask
4. PoPo for Police
5. Man. "Man, what are you doing, man? Man, stop it, man!"
6. Know What I Mean? Self explanatory.
7. Hang in there. Like, right. Sure. Step in my shoes for just a month and keep telling me that.
8. Like. Like in, like, really? Like, you should know better.
9. Liberals
10. Righties, Lefties
and this

"Dayum"...........................and all their derivatives

God how I hate that!!! :confused:
Well Dayum! Like, I seen that all over this board and man, it doesn't bother me one iota. Ax others what they think, dig what I'm sayin'?
1. Ummm every other word
2. I seen instead of I Saw
3. Ax instead of Ask
4. PoPo for Police
5. Man. "Man, what are you doing, man? Man, stop it, man!"
6. Know What I Mean? Self explanatory.
7. Hang in there. Like, right. Sure. Step in my shoes for just a month and keep telling me that.
8. Like. Like in, like, really? Like, you should know better.
9. Liberals
10. Righties, Lefties

Wish I'd never hear that one again.

Using it makes the speaker sound brain-dead.
  • "Actually" -- "Actually" may be among the most condescending words in English. How stupid must a writer think their audience be that s/he feels obliged to write, for example, "Bill actually said, 'Go to hell,' to Mary?"
    • If the writer didn't include "actually," would readers, of their own accord, think Bill said something other than "go to hell?"
    • Does the writer so distrust his readers' comprehension that s/he includes "actually" to make sure readers refrain from thinking Bill said something other than "go to hell?"
This is just meant to be a fun thread for the linguistic nit pickers among us.

Here’s what I mean: I was listening to an interview on the radio today, and the interviewee used the phrase “you know” about fifteen times in just a couple of minutes (then I nearly ripped the button off the radio when I switched it off).

The interviewee also began many of her sentences with the word “so,” even though there was no previous thought being referenced. From what I’ve read there's no grammatical reason not to use the word ‘so’ at the beginning of a sentence. Still, it sounds wrong (to me) when the word ‘so’ is not tying thoughts together (when used at the beginning of a sentence). And it quickly becomes annoying when overused in this way.

While ‘so’ is a versatile and useful word, some people make it an annoying word by using it at the beginning of nearly every sentence.


Another irritating word is “irregardless”. Again there is no rule against its use. But it’s a double-negative. The word “regardless” already has the suffix, “less”, on the end of the word. Some dictionaries list the word ‘irregardless’ but they note that it is non-standard.

So what are your pet peeves when it comes to word usage, or those over-used phrases that are quickly tossed out in place of doing the work required to express a real thought?
Ohhh... I got one! Drives me nuts! When people use the word familiar; but actually say "framiliar". Where the fuck are they getting the "fra" part? Even after having to correct them, they continue to mispronounce the damn word!

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