What Part Of "Shall Not Be Infringed" Does She Not Understand?

No, its unconstitutional, but such concepts are "beneath you".

Are you a constitutional scholar? Your question is not an answer to my question. Which of the constitutionally enumerated rights is absolutely free of reasonable regulation?

How is a 3-6 month wait and a $1000 fee reasonable?

How about we apply that to abortions?
Who knew that is time sensitive, like abortion?

And where's my answer? Which of the constitutionally enumerated rights is not subject to reasonable regulation?

Again, one of you people needs to point out the "reasonable restrictions" clause in the BOR. That will answer your question.
Or maybe you could point out the clause in the BOR that forbids 'reasonable restriction'.

"... shall not be infringed." Need me to say it again?

Banning felons is a reasonable restriction, I think. Banning juveniles is a reasonable restriction, I think. There are probably lots more that I am not thinking of, and I'll bet you agree with some of the restrictions too.

Apples and screwdrivers. The first is a punishment, the second applies to those who have not yet reached majority. Common sense.

The intent of the Left's "reasonable restrictions" is to ultimately disarm citizens, and that ain't gonna happen.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'

So state laws forbidding felons from owning guns are unconstitutional?

As previously stated, felons lose rights upon conviction. It is part of the penalty for their crimes.

So you agree with Hillary Clinton when she said

"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
Post #170 was responded to by BILLY_KINETTA as funny. When one is lost for words and or lacks the ability and integrity to post a rebuttal is telling.

I can't write when I'm laughing. This was funny -

You've been given the kool-aid produced and purveyed by the idiot fringe, those whose self interest supersedes that agreement which has guided us on a course of freedom and liberty through the rocky waters of the 19th and 20th Centuries. There have been times when we were off course, but men and women of good will avoided the rocks and manmade mines, leading us even today, though still in rough waters to be sure, but well guided by men and women of good will who hold to the vision left them in the Preamble to our Constitution and in the DoI.

We are certainly NOT in this time guided by men and women of good will.
So....according to you guys...

It is a reasonable restriction on the First Amendment to require....

--anyone publishing anything anywhere in print or spoken form must undergo a license process before they can speak...to be sure they know the exact meanings and interpretations of libel and slander laws.....

--all citizens must get a license for each electronic device they have, from I-pads to personal computers.......because the government wants to make sure that they will not use those devices for computer crimes.......

--all computers and electronic devices must be registered with the local police department under the actual name of the user.......so that if that computer is used for a computer crime the police will be able to track down the user...or if the computer is stolen it can be returned to the user....

--no one needs more than one electronic device...since multpiple devices can only be used for the intent of setting up a criminal enterprise, private ownership of electronic devices will be limited to one.......per household....

--any transfer of an electronic device will require a background check...to ensure that the buyer is not a prohibited person.....and if the seller fails to get that background check all priveldges and access to electronic media will be forfeited.....

And the beauty of these rules......there is no fucking way the founders ever knew about computers...so according to you nut jobs they are not protected by the First Amendment.........

We do that for cars

You have no right to own or operate a vehicle off your own property.

I see. So we somehow lost the right to travel. If you are from Maine and want to go to Hawaii well you can only walk there. You are SOL.

"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'

So state laws forbidding felons from owning guns are unconstitutional?

As previously stated, felons lose rights upon conviction. It is part of the penalty for their crimes.

So you agree with Hillary Clinton when she said

"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."

No, I don't. A felon losing a right is not regulation, but a penalty through due process.
So....according to you guys...

It is a reasonable restriction on the First Amendment to require....

--anyone publishing anything anywhere in print or spoken form must undergo a license process before they can speak...to be sure they know the exact meanings and interpretations of libel and slander laws.....

--all citizens must get a license for each electronic device they have, from I-pads to personal computers.......because the government wants to make sure that they will not use those devices for computer crimes.......

--all computers and electronic devices must be registered with the local police department under the actual name of the user.......so that if that computer is used for a computer crime the police will be able to track down the user...or if the computer is stolen it can be returned to the user....

--no one needs more than one electronic device...since multpiple devices can only be used for the intent of setting up a criminal enterprise, private ownership of electronic devices will be limited to one.......per household....

--any transfer of an electronic device will require a background check...to ensure that the buyer is not a prohibited person.....and if the seller fails to get that background check all priveldges and access to electronic media will be forfeited.....

And the beauty of these rules......there is no fucking way the founders ever knew about computers...so according to you nut jobs they are not protected by the First Amendment.........

We do that for cars

You have no right to own or operate a vehicle off your own property.

I see. So we somehow lost the right to travel. If you are from Maine and want to go to Hawaii well you can only walk there. You are SOL.


You are free to get a plane ticket.

I don't think one can drive to Hawaii.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'

What part of reasonable regulation don't YOU understand?

Show me the "reasonable regulation" clause in the Constitution.

There doesn't have to be one, since the Constitution and subsequent case law gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review.
Once in possession of that power, the Court had the prerogative to make judgments as to whether or not reasonable regulation could be applied to the exercise of rights.

No, Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave the court the power of judicial review, and granted the SCOTUS greater-than-equal power among the three branches of government. It was the SCOTUS granting power unto itself, not via the amendment process.

Case law is not a viable or legal substitute for that process.

If the court didn't have the power of judicial review, every state could pass as much gun control as it wanted.

Try the 14th Amendment.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'

What part of reasonable regulation don't YOU understand?

Show me the "reasonable regulation" clause in the Constitution.

There doesn't have to be one, since the Constitution and subsequent case law gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review.
Once in possession of that power, the Court had the prerogative to make judgments as to whether or not reasonable regulation could be applied to the exercise of rights.

No, Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave the court the power of judicial review, and granted the SCOTUS greater-than-equal power among the three branches of government. It was the SCOTUS granting power unto itself, not via the amendment process.

Case law is not a viable or legal substitute for that process.

Damn! Even more wisdom from the Keyboard Chief Justice. Just a few strokes on the keyboard and 225 years of legal precedence wiped out!
Constitutionally, the federal government may not create laws of limitation upon the right. Any regulation is a matter for the States.
Umm, no.

The 2nd amendment doesn't mention "which" government shall not infringe the right. Unlike the 1st amendment, which specified The Federal govt ("Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion, nor..."), the 2nd was meant to forbid ALL governments in the U.S. - Federal, state, and local.

Ironically, the 14th amendment changed the scope of the 1st so that state and local govts couldn't regulate the rights it names either. But the 2nd already enjoined all govts from the day it was passed, so the 14th actually had no effect on it.

What's interesting is that, in the several years between the ratification of the original Constitution and the adoption of the Bill of Rights, state governments could make regulations or even bans on guns. But once the 2nd amendment was ratified, state and local govts were cut out of any such role.

Regulation of guns is not "a matter for the states", and hasn't been since the Bill of Rights was ratified. It is forbidden to all govts in the U.S., Federal, State, and Local.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'
What part of "the Second Amendment is not unlimited" do you not understand.

Please indicate where that phrase appears within the amendment.

It doesn't have to. Your problem is you don't understand how the Constitution works.

Yes it does. The Bill of Rights is limiting by its nature. The limitations are clear and cannot be legally altered save by the amendment process..

They can and are legally limited and altered in practice, if one is focused on reality; it has been "infringed" from time to time over the centuries.

Even the NRA acknowledges the right to keep 'arms' out of the hands of some citizens is necessary, as do many of our citizens, including some gun owners.

Only the lunatic fringe believes all forms of arms should be legally owned and traded without restriction or regulation.
So....according to you guys...

It is a reasonable restriction on the First Amendment to require....

--anyone publishing anything anywhere in print or spoken form must undergo a license process before they can speak...to be sure they know the exact meanings and interpretations of libel and slander laws.....

--all citizens must get a license for each electronic device they have, from I-pads to personal computers.......because the government wants to make sure that they will not use those devices for computer crimes.......

--all computers and electronic devices must be registered with the local police department under the actual name of the user.......so that if that computer is used for a computer crime the police will be able to track down the user...or if the computer is stolen it can be returned to the user....

--no one needs more than one electronic device...since multpiple devices can only be used for the intent of setting up a criminal enterprise, private ownership of electronic devices will be limited to one.......per household....

--any transfer of an electronic device will require a background check...to ensure that the buyer is not a prohibited person.....and if the seller fails to get that background check all priveldges and access to electronic media will be forfeited.....

And the beauty of these rules......there is no fucking way the founders ever knew about computers...so according to you nut jobs they are not protected by the First Amendment.........

We do that for cars

You have no right to own or operate a vehicle off your own property.

I see. So we somehow lost the right to travel. If you are from Maine and want to go to Hawaii well you can only walk there. You are SOL.


You are free to get a plane ticket.

I don't think one can drive to Hawaii.

I have a right to travel. Americans had access to private toll roads. The government can not monopolize the roads in order to make it a privilege. Stop being a dumb ass.

"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'
Clinton is correct, consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence:

"Of course the right was not unlimited, just as the First Amendment ’s right of free speech was not, see, e.g., United States v. Williams, 553 U. S. ___ (2008). Thus, we do not read the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to carry arms for any sort of confrontation, just as we do not read the First Amendment to protect the right of citizens to speak for any purpose."


And you and other conservatives are wrong if you believe that government has no authority to place reasonable restrictions on the Second Amendment right.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
- Hillary Clinton

Clinton on Individual Right to Bear Arms: 'If It Is a Constitutional Right...'
Clinton is correct, consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence:

"Of course the right was not unlimited, just as the First Amendment ’s right of free speech was not, see, e.g., United States v. Williams, 553 U. S. ___ (2008). Thus, we do not read the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to carry arms for any sort of confrontation, just as we do not read the First Amendment to protect the right of citizens to speak for any purpose."


And you and other conservatives are wrong if you believe that government has no authority to place reasonable restrictions on the Second Amendment right.

Clinton is INcorrect, consistent with the current US Constitution (1787)

1- We are free people
2- the right to life and to defend the same is ABSOLUTE, UNALIENABLE
3- Article III does not allow the "justices" to use case law to AMEND the Constitution (1787)

Clinton is correct, consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence
Have you noticed that when liberal fanatics can't find justification for their illegal schemes, they look not to the Constitution, but to the courts? Despite the fact that the Constitution states its regulation in the 2nd amendment clearly and simply?

They do this because the Constitution doesn't say what they want it to say. So they pretend they can't understand it, and that judges somehow have greater wisdom. So they give judges the (imaginary) power to change what the Constitution says from the bench.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."

Our courts agree with her .....even the Heller decision written by Scalia

There is a big big difference to what Scalia thought was reasonable and what the typical Libtard Moon Bat thinks is reasonable.

You can't ever trust the stupid Moon Bats with a definition of reasonable because they are dumbass unreasonable dickheads.

I can give several recent examples of their unreasonableness if you are confused about this point.

Liberals accept Heller/McDonald as settled and accepted case law, and they appropriately abide by current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Liberals and Scalia are in agreement that the Second Amendment right can be regulated by government.

And we’ll never know what specific regulatory policies Scalia would have supported or opposed; that will be determined in the coming years and decades.

However the Court might rule with regard to Second Amendment regulatory policies, liberals will respect and follow that case law, unlike far too many on the right.
So you agree with Hillary Clinton when she said
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."
This statement has been debunked literally dozens of time in this forum alone. Since Hillary probably isn't a reader of this forum, we'll need to re-debunk it yet again.

Eternal vigilance....
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Big Government Authoritarians, both Democrat and Republican, just don't get it. Civil Rights are human rights. They're not only granted and bestowed upon us by Government.

We're all born with inalienable rights. Government isn't merely doing us a 'favor' by 'allowing' us Civil Rights. We possess them regardless. Big Government Authoritarians are very dangerous folks leading us down a very dark path.

LOL, sorry, your ignorance of history is amazing and hysterically funny. Government is us! Our system of governance is a covenant among We The People who currently live in the United States, those who came before us and those who will come after us.

You've been given the kool-aid produced and purveyed by the idiot fringe, those whose self interest supersedes that agreement which has guided us on a course of freedom and liberty through the rocky waters of the 19th and 20th Centuries. There have been times when we were off course, but men and women of good will avoided the rocks and manmade mines, leading us even today, though still in rough waters to be sure, but well guided by men and women of good will who hold to the vision left them in the Preamble to our Constitution and in the DoI.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
The claim that the current administration, or those of the recent past, meet the standard set in the words above is ridiculous. But let's not be too harsh, let the radicals who claim we live in danger of despotic rule and tyranny offer evidence that these are the ends of days for out form of government
"long established"

Your civil rights aren't mere 'favors' bestowed upon you by Government. You're born with inalienable rights. You don't have to grovel at the feet of Big Brother, praising and thanking him for 'allowing' you your rights. You have them regardless.

Big Brother doesn't have the authority to giveth, or taketh them away. Sadly, you just don't understand the Constitution or the nature of civil rights. But hopefully one day you'll get it and reconsider being a Big Government Authoritarian.
"If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulation."

Our courts agree with her .....even the Heller decision written by Scalia

There is a big big difference to what Scalia thought was reasonable and what the typical Libtard Moon Bat thinks is reasonable.

You can't ever trust the stupid Moon Bats with a definition of reasonable because they are dumbass unreasonable dickheads.

I can give several recent examples of their unreasonableness if you are confused about this point.

Liberals accept Heller/McDonald as settled and accepted case law, and they appropriately abide by current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Liberals and Scalia are in agreement that the Second Amendment right can be regulated by government.

And we’ll never know what specific regulatory policies Scalia would have supported or opposed; that will be determined in the coming years and decades.

However the Court might rule with regard to Second Amendment regulatory policies, liberals will respect and follow that case law, unlike far too many on the right.

Clinton is INcorrect, consistent with the current US Constitution (1787)

1- We are free people
2- the right to life and to defend the same is ABSOLUTE, UNALIENABLE
3- Article III does not allow the "justices" to use case law to AMEND the Constitution (1787)

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