What percentage of Democrats are anti Republican because they are LGBT’ers of some kind?

Any person, that came out and supported the nomination for Trump, to the top of the GOP ticket in 2016, did just such a thing.

Endorsing Donald Trump, endorsed everything he was, or everything he ever has been.
Negative….legit Americans always vote for the guy with the best policies for America AND the best shot at winning.
Most of us have fathers, pastors and mentors…..we don’t need a President to fill those voids nor do we need a President to steer social construct.
Mmm... I hear ya. As you say the numbers are small but significant and consistent. I won't address the morality, that's your decision - however politically as a society it seems to me we oughta be careful about punishing people for the way they're born. We get smart ones and dumb ones, ones with six toes, y'know... and unless they're "dangerous" it seems to me society has no business going after them.

For instance, we could have a whole long discussion about psychopathy, which is a legal definition more than a medical one. Society considers it dangerous, and yet there are plenty of high functioning psychopaths in high positions. The real dividing line is whether people can control themselves. If you can be an asshole and still keep yourself from killing anyone, you can probably stay out of jail. :p

But reality is, normies who encounter psychopaths for the first time, when they find out, they want to lock em in a room and beat the shit out of em. And a lot of them do. And even when they're black and blue in the hospital they can't go running to the cops, cause they'd have to tell em what happened.

So like, I don't know what being gay is like, but I imagine that at some point you realize you're different. And, there's a whole spectrum of responses to that, yes?

It's not healthy having to hide who you are all the time. Nor is it necessarily healthy flaunting it all the time lol.

In my view it's all about the kids - but the ones who exist, more than the ones who might exist someday. If you do right by the kids you're good in my book, and I mean, I don't know what motivates grown guys to dress up in fairy outfits but please do try to keep that stuff away from the kids. It's harmful, it confuses them.
Negative….legit Americans always vote for the guy with the best policies for America AND the best shot at winning.
What has prompted this question?
Friends of our family and longtime Republicans recently found out that they have a gay son…they voted Democrat in the last two election cycles, they have decided to set real politics and the future of the nation aside to vote primarily on the social issues / structure of today. What precentage of Democrats do the same? Any data on this?
This really is a big issue. DeSantis should be president in 2028, but I'm worried this very thing could cost him votes.
I am Lesbian! Of course this is a damn good reason to fight you fundie bastards that want to limit my rights and put me into the fucking kitchen. Oh'yess, you also want to put us in the kitchen and treat us like second or third class citzens like the taliban.

I hate the republican party.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I am going to continue being a lesbian and defending individual freedom and liberty. The republicans treat the little guy and gal like slaves and *******. That can't be allowed.
You're why patriotic Americans support conversion therapy.
A whole other thread….but you’re not really confused by what a legit American is are you?
Yes, You have made it abundantly clear, only folks that believe in your fallacious, epistemological world view are legit Americans.

I don't endorse fallacious and illogical thinking though.


sorry. . . .
Yes, You have made it abundantly clear, only folks that believe in your fallacious, epistemological world view are legit Americans.

I don't endorse fallacious and illogical thinking though.


sorry. . . .
Wrong again…it’s simpler than that…only folks whom seek to practice, protect and preserve ALL things America and the American Way are legit Americans….simple shit huh?
Their problem with us is, that we don't really give a shit if they are gay or not.
It is more than that actually. There are folks in the DNC that don't even care about identity politics of any kind.

From some of the stats I have seen, about only 35 to 30 percent of the nation, really, honestly care about identity politics or that sjw/woke crap of any sort. Whether it is LGBT, BLM, or feminism.
Their problem with us is, that we don't really give a shit if they are gay or not.

The liberals seem to feel threatened by the concern about children.

This is a problem. If they don't "get" that part it's a problem.

I'll say it more strongly and more specifically: if they don't "get" that part it becomes dangerous.

All I hear from the leftards is "what about the trans kids" - and you know what? They don't exist. They're 0.02% of 1%. Sorry, you don't get to threaten 99.9998% of children just because of a few hermaphrodites.
All I hear from the leftards is "what about the trans kids" - and you know what? They don't exist. They're 0.02% of 1%. Sorry, you don't get to threaten 99.9998% of children just because of a few hermaphrodites.
Bingo! This is nothing but the Dem's attempting to DEFLECT from the fact that their policies, leaders and leadership is FUBAR.
It is more than that actually. There are folks in the DNC that don't even care about identity politics of any kind.

From some of the stats I have seen, about only 35 to 30 percent of the nation, really, honestly care about identity politics or that sjw/woke crap of any sort. Whether it is LGBT, BLM, or feminism.
The problem is, the populous, the whackos in Loon York, Mexifornia and all the other filthy, packed shitholes only vote on such matters….They order the programming. You know this…right?
I hear that argument. I am sorry. It doesn't fly. Gays can't have kids. They CAN if they adopt or get artificial insemination. That's not how biology works. You CAN reproduce with you mate biologically. Or you can't but you need special rules and legal intervention and a heaping handful of bulshit to get treated the same. And you will never ever have children of that union, regardless.

And? Again, no one is required to have children or be able to have them to be married. Not in any state. Not even Alabama.

Why then would we make up a requirement that doesn't exist.....and then apply it only to gay people?

It makes no sense. And that's why y'all lost on this issue.
Any person, that came out and supported the nomination for Trump, to the top of the GOP ticket in 2016, did just such a thing.

Endorsing Donald Trump, endorsed everything he was, or everything he ever has been.

If the press did a terrible job of informing the public about that. . . meh, that is on the folks that voted for him to be the top of the ticket.

I can think of a few folks that had more integrity, and better policies.

Would they have beaten Hillary? Maybe not. But I am not certain it even matters at this point.

The companies that provide lists of registered voters. . . and. . . The sec. of states that send out ballots. . .
The corporate press and the meta-data manipulators of social media, are the ones that determine who wins elections, IMO.

. . . and apparently now? The ballot harvesters.


Same with most folks of color. You can always find the people of color at a Trump rally. They're on the stage, usually positioned nearly the middle so they can be in frame during the speech.

Where democrats are so effortlessly diverse. I dig it.
Hilarious fuckup
Well, you do love our constitution, our right to sovereignty, our founding values and principles, our history, our tradition and our culture……OH WAIT, you actually HATE all of the aforementioned….hmmmm

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