What percentage of Democrats are anti Republican because they are LGBT’ers of some kind?

And you want to tell people who they can marry and what they can do with their own life.
You're the ones that want to ban our choice.
I'm not the "ones", I'm "one", and I'm fine with you making any choice that doesn't injure other people.
It isn't us that needs to defend why such bans and limitations are necessury against American citizens.
There's no such word as "necessury".
I've got no problem with gay people. I just find it hypocritical of you to accuse conservatives of categorizing them unfavorably when you're doing the exact same thing to conservatives.

Then why do y'all keep trying to cast them as 'groomers' or pedophiles for just existing? Why did your ilk try to prevent them from being able to get married? Conservatives fought that tooth and nail.


Again, I judge folks on what they do. Not who they love.

It’s actually sad that folks like you don’t have the courage to see the clear distinction between an ’American’ and a legit American….Sorry bud, but the taxpayer dependent criminal and drug peddling America hater in NYC isn’t the same American as the hard working, tax paying, law abiding, America loving dude in REAL America.
Then why do y'all keep trying to cast them as 'groomers' or pedophiles for just existing?
I'm not "y'all", I'm me, and I don't think the existence of homosexuality grooms anyone. It's the exposing of deviant sexual behavior to children that qualifies as grooming. Do that shit to your own kids... Oh wait, homosexuality produces no children.
Why did your ilk try to prevent them from being able to get married? Conservatives fought that tooth and nail.
Like all the conservatives in California outnumbered the liberals and voted against it?
Again, I judge folks on what they do. Not who they love.
Again with the virtue signaling. Yawn.
I could easily contend that your opponents judge people on their sexual acts, not who they love.
Think better.
I'm not "y'all", I'm me, and I don't think the existence of homosexuality grooms anyone. It's the exposing of deviant sexual behavior to children that qualifies as grooming. Do that shit to your own kids... Oh wait, homosexuality produces no children.

Like all the conservatives in California outnumbered the liberals and voted against it?

Again with the virtue signaling. Yawn.

If you don't want to be judged by the company you keep, get better company.

And acknowledging that gay people *exist* isn't 'grooming'. Nor is it pedophilia. That your ilk keep trying to portray it as such is vile and destructive.
If you don't want to be judged by the company you keep, get better company.
Take your own advice. Maybe then you wouldn't be regarded as unintelligent and overly emotional.
And acknowledging that gay people *exist* isn't 'grooming'. Nor is it pedophilia.
Did I contend otherwise? Try reading my posts instead of raging against your straw men.
I don't think the existence of homosexuality grooms anyone.
Take your own advice. Maybe then you wouldn't be regarded as unintelligent and overly emotional.

Did I contend otherwise? Try reading my posts instead of raging against your straw men.

I'm quite pleased with my people.

Whereas yours are calling for the termination of the constitution, 'patriotism' certification for employment, insisting that to even acknowledge gay people *exist* is 'grooming', and tried to strip gays and lesbians of their right to marry.

No thank you.
I'm quite pleased with my people.

Whereas yours are calling for the termination of the constitution, 'patriotism' certification for employment, insisting that to even acknowledge gay people *exist* is 'grooming', and tried to strip gays and lesbians of their right to marry.

No thank you.
More straw men and virtue signaling. You're as shallow as a puddle.
More straw men and virtue signaling. You're as shallow as a puddle.

You can pretend all you like that Trump didn't call for the termination of the constitution, or demand 'patriotism' certification for jobs.....but just because you close your eyes doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to do the same.

You can pretend that your ilk didn't fight gay marriage tooth and nail, or that they aren't trying to portray people as 'groomers' for merely acknowledging that gay folks exist. But again, your willful blindness only prevents you from seeing. Not anyone else.

If you don't want to be judged as a conservative, don't be one.
If you don't want to be judged by the company you keep, get better company.

And acknowledging that gay people *exist* isn't 'grooming'. Nor is it pedophilia. That your ilk keep trying to portray it as such is vile and destructive.
No CHILD should be forced to think about sexuality before puberty.

And then, at that time, it's still none of YOUR business. You don't get to make the decision, it's not your decision to make. Parents are legally and morally responsible for their children. It's their decision, not yours.

See? You don't seem to "get" why children are OFF LIMITS. That's dangerous stuff, you'll have to deal with concerned and angry parents everywhere you turn.
Being gay is no more inherently sexual than being straight.

And acknowledging that gay people *exist* isn't 'grooming' them. Nor is it pedophilia, or any other batshit crazy nonsense y'all make up.
It's NOT YOUR JOB to acknowledge ANYTHING.

Not your right, and not your privilege.

How hard can it be?

It's NOT YOUR JOB to acknowledge ANYTHING.

Not your right, and not your privilege.

How hard can it be?


Not yours either. Yet your ilk are banning books that include gay characters (or native americans, or are bilingual, or have muslim characters), banning any mention that gay people exist, and stripping rape victims as young as 10 a right to abortion.

All while insisting that merely acknowledging that gay people *exist* is 'grooming' or even more bizarrely, pedophilia.

No thank you.
Not yours either.


As a parent, it is absolutely my right. AND my privilege.

Yet your ilk are banning books that include gay characters (or native americans, or are bilingual, or have muslim characters), banning any mention that gay people exist, and stripping rape victims as young as 10 a right to abortion.

Not my ilk, dumbass.

You seem to have poor reading comprehension.

All while insisting that merely acknowledging that gay people *exist* is 'grooming' or even more bizarrely, pedophilia.

No thank you.

Stay away from my kids.

I don't care if you understand it or not.

Respect the children. They're not your political playground.
Not yours either. Yet your ilk are banning books that include gay characters (or native americans, or are bilingual, or have muslim characters), banning any mention that gay people exist, and stripping rape victims as young as 10 a right to abortion.

All while insisting that merely acknowledging that gay people *exist* is 'grooming' or even more bizarrely, pedophilia.

No thank you.
There's something very wrong with this mindset. ^^^

This borders on the antisocial. Shows a complete lack of understanding of what a CHILD is.

This is exactly what I was talking about.

If people like this don't "get" why they should leave my child alone, they become dangerous.

And parents don't want dangerous people around.

Hey - I'll lay it out for you plain and simple.

If I catch you talking to my kid about sex, I give you an ass whuppin you won't soon forget (or recover from, probably).

If you respect the boundary and respect my kids, I support you in all the other things including gay marriage.

If you don't respect my kids, I'll vote to restrict your rights every chance I get, because you're dangerous and I don't want you around
Not yours either. Yet your ilk are banning books that include gay characters (or native americans, or are bilingual, or have muslim characters), banning any mention that gay people exist, and stripping rape victims as young as 10 a right to abortion.

All while insisting that merely acknowledging that gay people *exist* is 'grooming' or even more bizarrely, pedophilia.

No thank you.
Do you believe a 10 year old has the capacity to make life altering decisions?

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