What percentage of Democrats are anti Republican because they are LGBT’ers of some kind?

Same with most folks of color. You can always find the people of color at a Trump rally. They're on the stage, usually positioned nearly the middle so they can be in frame during the speech.

Where democrats are so effortlessly diverse. I dig it.
Hahaha…yeah, so diverse….didn’t 95% of blacks vote for Obama? Wasn’t his elections the most racist of all time?
When two gays LOVE each other AND can make babies with each other, then homosexuals can justify marriage to each other. Other than that, pure sophistry.
Hahaha…yeah, so diverse….didn’t 95% of blacks vote for Obama? Wasn’t his elections the most racist of all time?

Its not just black folks. All sorts of people of color. Its fantastic. There's such a vital energy in places where all these cultures come together.

And a comparative monotone where there isn't. Like going to a strip mall.
The conservative animosity against gay folks has always been puzzling. Its mostly because they were told to, raised to believe a certain way. And its so easy for them to see LGBT folks as the 'other'.
Kinda like you see conservatives as the "other", hypocrite?
When two gays LOVE each other AND can make babies with each other, then homosexuals can justify marriage to each other. Other than that, pure sophistry.

Again, who is required to make babies in order to get married? Who is required to be able to?

No one. Not in any State.

Your standard is made up....and then only applied to gay folks.

That's double pointless.
Wrong again…it’s simpler than that…only folks whom seek to practice, protect and preserve ALL things America and the American Way are legit Americans….simple shit huh?

Your losing entertains me. You just make things up to please yourself, and then claim you won. :auiqs.jpg:

Moar please.


Its not just black folks. All sorts of people of color. Its fantastic. There's such a vital energy in places where all these cultures come together.

And a comparative monotone where there isn't. Like going to a strip mall.
Hahaha…yeah, diversity is so awesome…that’s why ALL diverse communities, cities and states are so clean, so safe, so productive and so united. Thats why public education and healthcare is so awesome in diverse communities, cities and states….right?

Your losing entertains me. You just make things up to please yourself, and then claim you won. :auiqs.jpg:

Moar please.

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That’s awesome, you’re awesome…you’re so nuanced that you forgot the word LEGIT….weird huh?
You're still a raging hypocrite and virtue signaler.
And you want to tell people who they can marry and what they can do with their own life. You're the ones that want to ban our choice. It isn't us that needs to defend why such bans and limitations are necessury against American citizens. It is frankly against the civil rights act and the constitution.
Hahaha…yeah, diversity is so awesome…that’s why ALL diverse communities, cities and states are so clean, so safe, so productive and so united. Thats why public education and healthcare is so awesome in diverse communities, cities and states….right?

It genuinely is pretty awesome. I got to go to SF a while back and walked the city before a play. It was beautiful, vital, fun. There were plays, amazing restaurants, live music playing on the streets, hole in the wall bars and pubs, even a pizza/curry joint, and every kind of person you could ever think to meet.

There's an amazing food court off the Powell St. station where you could get Halal Pakistani food, amazing Thai, and a place called 'Curry in a Hurry'. And a dozen others. All within 100' of each other. I had so much fun!

Compare that to say, downtown Fort Worth. Its nice. There are a few burger/brewery places. A decent plaza. A nice cigar bar. Some nice looking high rise buildings. But it had a very 'Bed Bath and Beyond' meets 'Michaels' strip mall vibe.

Branson MI is probably somewhere in between. Great folks, fantastic music, lots of people coming from all over. Austin, especially the south side, is fucking amazing. Tampa, kinda boring. Miami? Holy fucking shit. Jacksonville? Meh. New Orleans? Good goddamn!

Places get interesting when you mix things together. They get a little sterile and inert when its all the same kinda people, all the time.
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Same with most folks of color. You can always find the people of color at a Trump rally. They're on the stage, usually positioned nearly the middle so they can be in frame during the speech.

Where democrats are so effortlessly diverse. I dig it.
That is precisely what I am getting at.

The left & the folks in the DNC? They do as they are told, and are just as brainwashed as the folks in the GOP.

What I was getting at with my post you responded to. . which I have no idea what you are getting at, is the masses don't have any critical thinking, nor to they actually get off their asses and do any research for themselves.

They consume what the interlocking corporate media consortium gives to them, and the rigged political cartels likewise give to them, and think they have a clue what is going on. None of them really do, yet they all still think it matters. . . it doesn't.


The current black caucus is a hollow shell of what it used to be. It used to be concerned with the plight of black Americans, MLK was opposed to imperialist war everywhere, but now? The black caucus it is more concerned with rooting for the industrial war manufacturing companies and the expansion of the Atlanticist alliance. It is a national embarrassment, and a colossal tale of gaslighting.

The DNC and woke culture is a distraction and a joke. GTFO here with your b.s.
You're still a raging hypocrite and virtue signaler.

What would be the point of virtue signalling here? We're all anonymous. There's no cost or benefit to me to hold any view that I do. Or signal it.

And it isn't hypocritical to refuse to hate gay folks because they're gay. Or support them in their right to marry.

Gay folks are just folks. They're us. They're not the 'other'.
What would be the point of virtue signalling here? We're all anonymous. There's no cost or benefit to me to hold any view that I do. Or signal it.

And it isn't hypocritical to refuse to hate gay folks because they're gay. Or support them in their right to marry.

Gay folks are just folks. They're us. They're not the 'other'.
I've got no problem with gay people. I just find it hypocritical of you to accuse conservatives of categorizing them unfavorably when you're doing the exact same thing to conservatives.
I am Lesbian! Of course this is a damn good reason to fight you fundie bastards that want to limit my rights and put me into the fucking kitchen. Oh'yess, you also want to put us in the kitchen and treat us like second or third class citzens like the taliban.

I hate the republican party.
What rights are you being denied? Exactly how are you being persuaded to be relegated to the kitchen?

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