What percentage of Democrats are anti Republican because they are LGBT’ers of some kind?

When two gays LOVE each other AND can make babies with each other, then homosexuals can justify marriage to each other. Other than that, pure sophistry.
Please clarify. What state statutes require procreation for marriage? Historically the Church permitted annulments for failure to have children, but that doesn't impact marriage status in the US.
It’s actually sad that folks like you don’t have the courage to see the clear distinction between an ’American’ and a legit American….Sorry bud, but the taxpayer dependent criminal and drug peddling America hater in NYC isn’t the same American as the hard working, tax paying, law abiding, America loving dude in REAL America.
No no, its an easy determination. Legit Americans, although appreciating Senora style Mex food, realize the true greatness that is Tex Mex.
I have debated with my Californian family. Gays can't have children, why do they "need" marriage? Despite the slogans and rhetorical hyper pseudo intellectual arguments. I never got a reply I thought wasn't some sophasistic logic trap. If gays can't get married...NOTHING happens.
Why do these individuals need to meet your personal standards to do what everyone is able to do?
I am astounded here. Of the population, Gays are 4% Trans are less than 1%. Neither group can reproduce. Why are these groups given so much gravitas? And, I double dog dare anyone here to PROOVE these groups are being "oppressed". I have a trans person family member. It is basicaly a mental health problem. And I will not indulge anyone in their delusions, and neither should our medical/judicial system.
You tell us olde maryl why republic pols are losing their shit over such a small percentage of the population.
What is this death business?

Hyperbole much?

I get it that LGB's don't like 'cons, but come on...

In my circles I deal with more married gays than unmarried gays. Everyone accepts them, even the Morisses the most conservative couple on the block accept the married ones, have them over for dinner etc - not the unmarried ones, whom they look on as wild and unpredictable.

I'm a right leaning libertarian, so kinda half a 'con, all I ask from the LGB crowd is the same thing I ask of everyone else - just be considerate when you're in public cause there are children around. What else you may do, I truly don't care, just think about the kids and respect them, that's all I ask.
What would LGBTQ's be doing in public that any other people do that would be cause to worry about the kids?
What would LGBTQ's be doing in public that any other people do that would be cause to worry about the kids?
What has prompted this question?
Friends of our family and longtime Republicans recently found out that they have a gay son…they voted Democrat in the last two election cycles, they have decided to set real politics and the future of the nation aside to vote primarily on the social issues / structure of today. What precentage of Democrats do the same? Any data on this?
What I don't understand
is when AROUND ZERO.6 PERSENT of the population is trans,
What the heck is the daily Huge deal about them?
What I don't understand
is when AROUND ZERO.6 PERSENT of the population is trans,
What the heck is the daily Huge deal about them?
It never has anything to do with population numbers…Feminists, faggots, blacks, Mexicans….all Democrat tools. Chicks with dicks are just the latest tool for Democrats, their newest shiny toy….another instrument to use as a wedge. It’s what the filthy bastards do.
They compartmentalize the citizenry and demand that good, moral, core Americans accept and pretend to love all their concocted unconventional filth.

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