What percentage of Democrats are anti Republican because they are LGBT’ers of some kind?

I don’t know any Republicans that are hostile toward gay people but I don’t know a single Republican that likes the idea of glamorizing and instigating homosexuality either.

. . . and really? That is, part of the problem that I see in today's society. The absolute hypocrisy in BOTH parties.

Yes, the GOP might not be for, "glamorizing and instigating homosexuality," the way the DNC is, but the corporate GOP has no problem doing that with heterosexuality. We see it in the movies and in advertising all over the place. Hell, they had no problem giving the nomination to Trump, who actually cheated on several wives, and was a womanizer.

When I was a kid, the GOP & the press, crucified Gary Hart for an extramarital affair, and yet? For Trump, meh. .. everyone knows he had them, and he went on to be the GOP nominee, and president, only a short forty some years later.

The cry for morality? It rings hollow. It really, really does. The glamorization and (sic,) instigation, use of any type of sex in MSM is an abomination. One which mature members of society need to face. But one in which folks in a free maket society, won't. Why? Because sex sells.

How low the nation has fallen. . .
What does being gay or trans have to do with 'exclusion and divisiveness, bitter enemies of freedom'? Wouldn't freedom *include* gay folks? Wouldn't we want them to feel as safe and welcome as any other member of society?

Y'all lost the gay marriage debate because you couldn't come up with rational reason why gay folks should be excluded. And your description of gays and lesbians didn't match the personal experience of so many Americans.

You don't need to make the same mistake twice. They're just folks.
I have debated with my Californian family. Gays can't have children, why do they "need" marriage? Despite the slogans and rhetorical hyper pseudo intellectual arguments. I never got a reply I thought wasn't some sophasistic logic trap. If gays can't get married...NOTHING happens.
What has prompted this question?
Friends of our family and longtime Republicans recently found out that they have a gay son…they voted Democrat in the last two election cycles, they have decided to set real politics and the future of the nation aside to vote primarily on the social issues / structure of today. What precentage of Democrats do the same? Any data on this?
We vote for Freedom, not freedumb like republics do.
I have debated with my Californian family. Gays can't have children, why do they "need" marriage? Despite the slogans and rhetorical hyper pseudo intellectual arguments. I never got a reply I thought wasn't some sophasistic logic trap. If gays can't get married...NOTHING happens.
Like in a rusty limbaugh marriage?
I am going to continue being a lesbian and defending individual freedom and liberty. The republicans treat the little guy and gal like slaves and *******. That can't be allowed.
I am Lesbian! Of course this is a damn good reason to fight you fundie bastards that want to limit my rights and put me into the fucking kitchen. Oh'yess, you also want to put us in the kitchen and treat us like second or third class citzens like the taliban.

I hate the republican party.
So you set the state and future of the nation aside because the Republican Party won’t pretend that homosexuality is so fucking cool and good for a moral society?
Case in point, sophistic arguments snark, sarcasm and splitting hairs do NOT make babies. And all the Heterophobia in the Lib's tools box won't change that.
So, rusty was married three times and produced no children.
. . . and really? That is, part of the problem that I see in today's society. The absolute hypocrisy in BOTH parties.

Yes, the GOP might not be for, "glamorizing and instigating homosexuality," the way the DNC is, but the corporate GOP has no problem doing that with heterosexuality. We see it in the movies and in advertising all over the place. Hell, they had no problem giving the nomination to Trump, who actually cheated on several wives, and was a womanizer.

When I was a kid, the GOP & the press, crucified Gary Hart for an extramarital affair, and yet? For Trump, meh. .. everyone knows he had them, and he went on to be the GOP nominee, and president, only a short forty some years later.

The cry for morality? It rings hollow. It really, really does. The glamorization and (sic,) instigation, use of any type of sex in MSM is an abomination. One which mature members of society need to face. But one in which folks in a free maket society, won't. Why? Because sex sells.

How low the nation has fallen. . .
I’ve never heard a conservative say “homosexuality is awesome” nor have I ever heard one say “infidelity is awesome”……am I missing something?
I wonder how many republicans are gay but keep it a secret. Well except for that one guy who is challenging them as a republican, oh and the log cabin republicans. Are they anti republican also.
I am going to continue being a lesbian and defending individual freedom and liberty. The republicans treat the little guy and gal like slaves and *******. That can't be allowed.
I don't understand.

How is anyone treating you like a slave?

What are they doing, giving you orders and stuff? Forcing you to work?
I am astounded here. Of the population, Gays are 4% Trans are less than 1%. Neither group can reproduce. Why are these groups given so much gravitas? And, I double dog dare anyone here to PROOVE these groups are being "oppressed". I have a trans person family member. It is basicaly a mental health problem. And I will not indulge anyone in their delusions, and neither should our medical/judicial system.

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