What policies, specifically, has Trump pushed or promoted that is racist against Blacks?

Because they think it. That is it. Funny how no one called him racist before he ran for president. In fact it was usually just the opposite. He received awards for his help to the black community

And the fines for not renting to those of color. The Lawsuits for exempting those of color. Comon, he's a racist who's been whitewashed. If he thinks he can make a buck by demonizing a race, he's already done it. Without that, he wouldn't be PResident today.
Bunker Boy racist Trump began his obvious racism in the New York real-estate business he inherited from his father when he was forced into a settlement in a discrimination case brought by the Federal Government for racial discrimination.

Bunker Boy entered Presidential politics via promotion of birtherism against America's first President of African American heritage.

His Golden Escalator announcement of his running for President is now famous for its racist anti-Mexican focus.

Having a policy against Mexican illegal immigration is not racist.

It is a valid policy position, and only a race baiting asshole would claim otherwise.
You are distorting his racist rant which was recognized internationally and intellectually as a racist rant. Only tea bagger slurping sucking trumpoholics believe the nonsense rhetoric in your post.

THat being against Mexican illegal immigration, that even saying the word, in correct context, is seen as "Racist"

is proof that you people are fucked in the head, not that Trump or his policy is racist.

You are in the midst of a mass hysteria, similar to a witch hunt. With "Racists" substituted for witches.

Try to wake up.
Bunker Boy racist Trump began his obvious racism in the New York real-estate business he inherited from his father when he was forced into a settlement in a discrimination case brought by the Federal Government for racial discrimination.

Bunker Boy entered Presidential politics via promotion of birtherism against America's first President of African American heritage.

His Golden Escalator announcement of his running for President is now famous for its racist anti-Mexican focus.

Having a policy against Mexican illegal immigration is not racist.

It is a valid policy position, and only a race baiting asshole would claim otherwise.
Funny how the haters only talk about that policy about illegals when it is Trump but remain silent about it when 44 and others took the exact same stance.
These fools always claim that it was his racist policy that led to the fine but they tend to forget that it was actually his father that owned the property and set those policies.
But hey they tend to play stupid for a reason.
Trump has done more to improve the Black condition in 3 1/2 years than Obama and Clinton did in their 16 years. In his second term he will do even better, especially if he gets a majority in both chambers

what specially??
You mean other then the highest black employment numbers? Or perhaps the most historical number of black owned business? Or in general some of the highest pay rate increase in recent memory?
Any of those strike any recognition?
Because they think it. That is it. Funny how no one called him racist before he ran for president. In fact it was usually just the opposite. He received awards for his help to the black community

And the fines for not renting to those of color. The Lawsuits for exempting those of color. Comon, he's a racist who's been whitewashed. If he thinks he can make a buck by demonizing a race, he's already done it. Without that, he wouldn't be PResident today.
Funny how you fail to mention that those properties were actually under his fathers control at the time, that he was the one that set policy.
Trump has done more to improve the Black condition in 3 1/2 years than Obama and Clinton did in their 16 years. In his second term he will do even better, especially if he gets a majority in both chambers

what specially??

I'll hit a few of them in consecutive posts. Here's one: EnVision Centers and EnVision Homes, an idea proposed by Steve Harvey during his meeting with Trump in 2017. I'll let Steve Harvey explain it:


How has Donald Trump been racist against the black community? Specific actions and policies.
He hasn't. You have to realize the democrat's voting base is made up of voters that have no knowledge of proven facts and have not the smarts to find out. We all know for a fact all minorities have advanced more under Trump than any time in history. Democrats have voted against every equal rights bill ever written. democrats even voted against anti-lynching laws. It was when LBJ's great society bill passed they started voting democrat. Maybe that's why Johnson said "we'll have those Ni**ers voting democrat for the next 200 years." The minorities believe he is everything these rabid White democrats say and the media play 24\7. Has anyone met any democrat that has a brain more advanced than a tree stump? There you have it. A Black democrat would be like a NAZI Jew.
Because they think it. That is it. Funny how no one called him racist before he ran for president. In fact it was usually just the opposite. He received awards for his help to the black community

What award??

Hmm, how about these:
  • 1986 Ellis Island Award given to Trump, Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali;
  • 1990 video of the Rev. Jesse Jackson lauding Trump as a friend to minorities and underserved communities. Jackson expressed appreciation for Trump’s support of the Rainbow Push Coalition’s initiative called the Wall Street Project, which aimed to help minority-owned businesses;
  • 1995 President’s Medal by the Freedom Foundation (Washington) for his support of youth programs;
  • 2007 Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award;
  • 2008 Unicorn Children’s Foundation Shining Star Award;
  • 2011 Presidential Hero Award by the Lois Pope Life Foundation;
  • 2019 Bipartisan Justice Award for signing the First Step Act into law
Here's the video of Jackson and Trump at the Rainbow Push meeting. Listen to what Jesse Jackson had to say:

After Freddie Grey was murdered by a police rough ride after he was cuffed & thrown inside a paddy-wagon, Trump told police to not be to nice to suspects & throw them in rough.

Blacks lost the most Jobs under Trump!
After Freddie Grey was murdered by a police rough ride after he was cuffed & thrown inside a paddy-wagon, Trump told police to not be to nice to suspects & throw them in rough.

Blacks lost the most Jobs under Trump!

We all know tramp wants to disband and defund the ACA, HUD, Snap.
Boy, you must work for the CIA, the FBI or CNN with all your factual insider information from anonymous sources.
President Trump has been smeared with the R-word because he believes ALL ethnicities (even the current majority ethnicity!) should be treated equally.

He does not believe that any ethnicity should be given special treatment. Such a policy of fairness sends some people into orbit, for they are accustomed to being given special consideration.
We all know tramp wants to disband and defund the ACA, HUD, Snap.
Link to him saying those things?

And you are a racist for thinking only blacks use those services.
Who cares, if you can't take an insult you can't be an American.

This is something conservatives need to learn and perhaps then one day they will be able to conserve something and use effective tactics against the enemy of America.
Do, you have no reason to call him a racist beyond just insulting him.

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